Letters Talking With Workers About Ukraine Crisis

Let’s Defeat racism (Spain) here ♦ War and Racism Go Hand in Hand here ♦ Don’t Die Defending Capitalism! here ♦

Madrid, Spain, March 24—Truckers strike against rising fuel prices

Let’s Defeat Racism and Unite for a Communist World

The talks we’ve been having with co-workers here in Spain recently have been about the war in Ukraine.

A friend from Equatorial Guinea mentioned that it is very hypocritical of some media outlets that say, “this is something incredible, they are blondes with blue eyes, not from Syria,” referring to a journalist’s post on social networks. That the “normal” war was in “third world” countries.

A Colombian co-worker said that economic interests were always going to lead to wars between rich countries, and that poor and working people were always going to pay the piper in the wars of the rich.

In these discussions, we talked about why this type of situation happened and we mentioned that the nature of capitalism is to exploit workers to get profits. As a result of their drive for profit, they wage wars to control resources, factories, and workers’ labor power. Wars in which only workers die.

Trying to better understand the reason for these wars, we asked why, if there are also wars in Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, or Ethiopia, are Ukrainians receiving asylum in Europe with automatic residencies by simply filling out an online form and the “others” are not.

We argue that the racism generated in these situations paints it that “whites” are always good. It lies that those who are not “whites” always turn out to be criminals, or that they are influenced by cruel wars and therefore affected by living in situations of violence on a daily basis in any country.

We say that this capitalist system does not resolve the contradictions that could lead us to have a better quality of life in society. This system is broken. We must change it. We need a communist revolution in which there is no racism or nationalism among the working class. Instead of destroying each other, we need to unite for a communist world without borders or wages.

We agreed that we would continue talking about this. We hope that we will meet again soon. In social networks we share Red Flag articles so that friends can read about what is happening in Ukraine. Friends from Germany, Ireland and even from Peru have gotten these articles.

We hope that they continue reading Red Flag and contribute their comments to continue building a new society, a communist society in which the workers really are the ones who sustain society. LONG LIVE COMMUNISM!

—Comrade in Spain

War and Racism Go Hand in Hand

“It is the open policy of the bosses to give priority to the Ukrainian refugees,” said an immigrant in the US. “The war is not only in Ukraine; the war is all over the world with its racist attacks. Some of us have to emigrate because of poverty. We all need help, regardless of whether we are black or white, we are all human beings,” he continued.

Hundreds of Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians have recently become part of the overcrowded poverty tents in Tijuana, Mexico. They have become part of the thousands of migrants from Latin America who have spent months and years waiting for a visa in search of refuge in the US.

But why are Ukrainians given automatic passes and admitted quickly to begin their refugee application processes?

Of the more than three million who have left Ukraine as refugees, most do not want to leave Europe. They have been accepted in Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Moldova. The bosses use the idea of “Europe for Europeans” to create warmongering loyalty. At the same time, they promote racism against African migrants and Islamophobia against those from the Middle East.

Ukrainian refugees are white. For the bosses this is enough to classify them as deserving a better life and humanitarian treatment, different from the treatment received by the thousands of Syrian, Iraqi and Afghan refugees.

Something similar happens in the Americas. The bosses’ governments promote their supposed humanitarianism towards the workers but what stands out is their racism and disdain towards the working class. That deep down they fear that they will organize revolts against their oppressors.

A few days ago, ten countries of the Americas held a conference to, according to them, resolve the problems of “irregular” migration. They focused on the jungles of Darien, a natural border between Colombia and Panama. In 2021, some 130,000 people passed through the Darien Gap. Several drowned, some were robbed, and others suffered sexual violence.  Those at the conference knew in advance that they will not be able to solve these problems due to the limitations imposed by racist capitalism.

More crises and more wars will come. The working class must have a goal and a political line that no worker is inferior to another worker because of their skin color or birthplace. What unites us is our need to end this exploitative and divisive capitalist system.

Only a united working class that fights for a communist world without borders and without bosses will be able to live in full peace and harmony between human beings and nature.

—Comrade in Los Angeles (USA)

Do Not Die Defending Capitalism!

“Who should be held responsible for the atrocities that are been committed in Ukraine?” asked a friend.

The answer is that Russia and Ukraine are no different from each other. Ukraine’s close ties with the US and its interest in being a member of the fascist NATO organization represented a major threat to Russia’s profits.

The spark ignited in Ukraine has already impacted the lives of the working class worldwide. Gas prices are at historic all-time highs, food prices keep rising and will only keep worsening for millions of workers and their families.

On the other side, every capitalist country has their hands filled with working class blood. Throughout early colonization and modern history, invasions have taken place to seize other nations’ resources.

Germany’s collaboration with Russia’s Nordstream2 project that would have transported natural gas through the Baltic Sea has now been dismantled by US imperialists, whose hegemony continues its deep decline.

Russia’s oligarchs are after a bigger global stake of profits at the expense of the working-class blood as well.

Their attack on Ukraine is strictly to take control of Ukrainian territory, prevent Ukraine from joining NATO, stop paying Ukraine royalties, and to keep the US bosses from meddling in their affairs.

Capitalism utilizes its servants of the news media to spread their poisonous venom to keep the working class divided and not making a rational judgement against capitalism!

US imperialism is slowly orchestrating a confrontation against other imperialists but will not be able to do it alone. Therefore it will utilize its current influence over European Union nations to keep flexing their military muscles to get ready to face their rivals China and Russia.

Our International Communist Workers’ Party has for a long time been writing about the impending World War III that the bosses will need to engage for global dominance.

The working class should not take sides for either of these bosses. We need to emphasize the need for communist revolution.

We should encourage all soldiers of the world not to kill their brothers and sisters, not to fall prey to the ruling class that sends them as cannon fodder to fight and die to defend their economic interests.

The trigger needs to be pulled against the real murderers of the working class. Fight for communism!

—Comrade in Los Angeles, USA

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