Communism Can Reverse Capitalist Climate Crisis

To Reverse the Climate Crisis: Mobilize the Masses for Communism here ♦ They Took Everything From Us, Except Communist Ideas here ♦

To Reverse the Climate Crisis: Mobilize the Masses for Communism

“We are all doomed,” a friend told a comrade. “There’s nothing we can do now because we can’t make the changes we need to make to reverse climate change and restore balance in the world.”

The comrade disagreed but didn’t really explain why ending capitalism with communist revolution will allow us to reverse the damage capitalism has done.

The bosses’ media claim that “human activity” causes this damage. But climate change is caused by capitalism and its driving force, maximizing profits. Capitalists profit from mining coal, exporting petroleum, and creating greenhouse gases. For them, the drive for profit surpasses all other concerns. Therefore, they will not stop the profit-making activities that are causing the climate crisis.

Communist revolution is the only possible solution to this crisis. No more capitalists, no more profit, no more wage slavery which is the source of all profits. We’ll focus on those things that will benefit our class and figure out how to make them happen.

Communism will make reversal of climate change a top priority, along with feeding and housing the masses and providing healthcare. Technologies that already exist for sequestering carbon and desalinating water will no longer be “too expensive.” If we need them, we’ll mobilize the labor to make and deploy them.

Communism will unleash the creative power of the masses to devise and use the technologies we need, rather than leaving that work to a few scientists and engineers constrained by the bosses who benefit from it. Workers’ ingenuity and resourcefulness will no longer be stifled by their “job category” or the need to create profit.

We will integrate science and engineering with production, “mental” with “manual” labor. Everyone will have the opportunity to do both. There will no longer be a stigma about work that gets your hands dirty, nor glorification of intellectual work. Both are essential for human fulfillment. People will be able to explore many avenues of thought and work.

Capitalism tells us that individual actions caused climate change and until each person changes their lifestyle, things will only get worse. But individuals recycling or not eating meat or driving electric cars cannot possibly solve this immense problem. Individualism is a capitalist ideology rooted in capitalist competition.

The working class needs a collective outlook for our survival, for organizing revolution, and for building a communist society. Communism focuses on what is best for our class, including the stewardship of the earth, so essential to our survival and well-being. With no money or profit motive, human needs are front and center. We’ll take care of each other without buying or selling anything.

Changes to ensure the habitability of the planet will come from our focused collective force, not from individual choices. Better public transportation and planning, curbing emissions from animal agriculture and factory farming, decreasing toxic waste, and more. Communist collectivity can achieve this. Capitalism’s unrelenting selfish pursuit of profits can’t.

Every one of us can make a difference now by choosing to become a communist and mobilize the masses for communism.  Join or start a collective of the International Communist Workers’ Party so that, together, we can organize co-workers, classmates, family, friends, and neighbors for the communist world we so urgently need.

They Took Everything From Us, Except Communist Ideas

A few days ago, they brought me the new edition of Red Flag. I talked with the comrades about the situation that I lived through here, and that the fmln no longer represents the interests of the working class. I participated in the civil war in the 1980’s and I continue fighting for a better world. I commented that I am participating in the efforts of the Indigenous communities in my area.

We remember what happened in 1932, the genocide and dispossession of the land, when it was forbidden to wear our traditional clothing and speak our language, Nahuatl. At that time they murdered thousands of peasants, including Feliciano Ama, Francisco Sánchez and Farabundo Martí, leaders of the peasant insurrection.

I believe that cut off our branches, they cut off our trunk, but the roots remained. With these words I emphasize what has happened in El Salvador to the Indigenous communities in the west and center of the country.

That is why I made the title of this note “They took everything from us” on the 90th anniversary of the genocide. I think a lot of time has passed, but our roots are still alive demanding justice, reparation with dignity.

The seeds are being planted and are germinating, the communist ideas are reaching more workers and we must take them to more Indigenous communities.

In this month of April, a tribute will be made to our mother earth since April 22 is International Earth Day, although she has been taken from us. I have invited comrades to attend our Party activities and I think it is a good opportunity to make some contacts there. I am still a fighter for the communist revolution.

–Comrade Ex Guerrillero

Front page of this issue