Communist Revolution: How Workers Will Win Class War

End the Capitalists’ War on the Working Class: March on May Day for Communist Revolution

The history of capitalism is the history of war against the working class.

Everywhere, bosses use divisive ideologies like racism, casteism, sexism and xenophobia to justify this war. As inter-imperialist conflict sharpens and capitalist crises mount, attacks on the international working class accelerate.

From Ethiopia to Ukraine to Yemen, civil wars are proxy wars among US, Russian and Chinese imperialists. Larger wars, worse famines, and more extreme ecological disasters lie ahead. Truly, capitalism is synonymous with death.

Only communist revolution will give life to the masses. Only communist-inspired masses can build the new world we need.

A world without borders or nations. A world without wage slavery and exploitation. A world where the masses directly make decisions that affect our lives and produce directly for our own needs.

On May Day we focus on developing the forces necessary for communist revolution. We invite you to join the International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP) to mobilize the masses for communism.

Bosses Turn to Fascism, Communists Expand Political Work

Super-exploited workers in the El Salvador maquilas (garment factories) endure the combined weight of imperialist exploitation and sexist and racist oppression.

Today the El Salvador masses live under the martial law. Armed federal troops invade working-class neighborhoods, arresting tens of thousands of youths. Meetings are banned. Publishing revolutionary literature is dangerous.

Yet comrades and friends in the maquilas continue their communist political work. More workers are reading and distributing Red Flag. They collectively debate communist solutions and strategies to recruit more revolutionaries.

From communist work in factories like these will come forces dedicated to fighting for our new communist world.

Capitalist bosses everywhere resort increasingly to fascism as their system falters. ICWP must respond everywhere by nurturing close communist relationships that will develop more communist organizers, under increasingly oppressive conditions.

War And Fascism Go Hand in Hand

The violence and the extreme nationalism, racism, and sexism that we associate with fascism are rooted in capitalism’s essential nature.

How could a tiny super-rich minority continue to steal the masses’ lives and labor without a vast repressive apparatus of cops, courts, jails, and armies? Without poisonous ideologies to divide and weaken our international working class?

Democracy is a mask on the fascist capitalist beast. In times of crisis, the rulers let the mask wear thin or rip it off. Imperialist rulers and colonizing powers have always imposed fascism on those they have colonized and on minoritized groups within their own borders.

Capitalist rulers almost everywhere cultivate violent fascist militias, often directly tied to the government. Billionaires support others under the cover of democracy.

Ukraine incorporated the racist, fascist, ultra-nationalist Azov battalion into its armed forces. The Russian military also absorbed fascist forces. The US has its own. The result is a deadly war against workers as fascist imperialists fight fascist imperialists.

For communists, no worker is “foreign.”

But fascists build their movements through vicious racist attacks on workers born elsewhere. From the U.S. Proud Boys to the South African Dudula, murderous gangs take aim at so-called “foreigners.” From Erdoğan in Turkey to LePen in France and Netanyahu’s Likud in Israel, xenophobic fascist electoral parties are in (or close to) power.

India’s Prime Minister Modi inflames Islamophobic mobs to assassinate Muslims with fascist Hindu nationalism. His party emerged from the paramilitary group responsible for decades of murderous anti-Muslim pogroms.

But fascism is not the property just of specific parties or gangs. There are no “lesser evil” capitalist parties. Bosses use many different variations of capitalist ideology to win the masses to their deadly system. It’s fascist capitalism itself that we must destroy!

Young Workers and Soldiers Will Fill Our Revolutionary Ranks

Hundreds of millions respond to the attacks on our class with courageous fights against racism, casteism, sexism, and xenophobia. Massive demonstrations against racist police murder have involved and motivated tens of millions. The Indian farm revolt was even bigger.

From among these masses we are starting to develop new organizers to fight for and build our communist world.

Youth who are recruited or conscripted into capitalist-imperialist armies will bring with them these broader struggles. US military leaders admit that their army is split between racist and anti-racist soldiers who fight each other. Anti-racist friends have organized some of these fights. Comrades have reported similar struggles within the South African army.

The Indian army intentionally recruits the most super-exploited Dalits. No Muslims are allowed in the armed forces! The fascist government hopes to pit Dalits against Muslims. But its plan will backfire. ICWP members have started to meet with troops. The most oppressed will not fight for their oppressor forever.

We can win masses in the bosses’ armed forces to turn the guns around to become a key force for communist revolution.

For a New Communist World

Hundreds of millions have fought for a century to bury fascism and the divisive capitalist ideologies that support it. Time and time again, capitalist evils reemerged in even more vicious forms because we stopped short of ending wage slavery. The material basis for these lethal horrors lies in capitalism’s wage system. Fascism and war amplify them.

Communism will end the wage system and replace it with collective production for our collective needs. It will unleash the power of the working class to finally eradicate these divisive ideologies and practices.

The revolutionary forces to bring this about will come from the workplaces, the youthful masses in the streets, and from revitalized communist political work in the armed forces. To make revolution possible, we must win the support of the broader masses.

This May Day let’s prepare to take the war to our capitalist oppressors. In the face of their war on our working class, let’s develop the forces necessary for worldwide communist revolution.

March on May Day for Communist Revolution!

Read our pamphlet “Mobilize the Masses for Communism” here

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