May Day Reports: Los Angeles (USA), Spain, Mexico

Los Angeles May Day: We March Because Masses Need to Understand Communism here ♦ May Day in Spain: Make Communist Ideas Mass Ideas here ♦ May Day Greetings from Mexico here ♦

Los Angeles May Day:  We March Because Masses Need to Understand Communism

“Attending the Los Angeles May Day march and rally with ICWP this year was especially memorable for me,” declared a comrade. “I have been away from the party for a time, and it felt great to be back with everyone.

 “I helped to distribute Red Flag,” he continued, “and met so many wonderful people who gladly took the paper, made donations to cover printing costs, and were interested in learning more about our communist ideas. They wanted to know what we had to say about our current situation and what a communist future could be like. I exchanged contact information with a few people and look forward to meeting with them soon!

“Many comrades showed great leadership with thought-provoking chants and revolutionary speeches in English and Spanish,” he concluded. “They informed everyone about our communist vision for the future and about the important actions workers are taking around the world that will help lay the groundwork for it.

“Long live communism! Power to the working class!”

Dozens of comrades and friends in the ICWP contingent included students, teachers, transit workers and industrial workers. We rallied on a corner on the march route, distributing Red Flag and making speeches. Meanwhile, some comrades distributed our literature at the starting point of the march.

As the marchers went by us, everyone saw our signs and banners. We joined the march with red flags flying high. Toward the end, we took to the sidewalk and posted there as the rest of the marchers went by. Our speeches, chants, signs, our red flags, and our big banner made an impact.

We distributed all the literature we had: well over 500 copies of Red Flag and more than 300 communist pamphlets “Fight for the Day When No Worker Will Be Called Foreigner.”

 “The Party is still fighting! I am glad to see you,” said an old friend who was marching with a union group. “Let me see how I can help.” He took five papers and five pamphlets to pass to friends.

“We march in these movements not to ask the bosses for reforms, but to mobilize the masses for communism,” concluded a comrade. “Attacks on migrants, racist wars, police killings of Black and Brown people and homelessness are all issues that can only be fixed after abolishing capitalism all together. We march because we want the masses to understand this.”

May Day in Spain:  Make Communist Ideas Mass Ideas

SPAIN—Once again we went out to the streets to celebrate May 1, the workers’ day, to distribute the Red Flag. We shared 500 copies of the newspaper, which marchers received well.

We spoke with several workers. One asked if we support Maduro or the policies of Cuba. We replied that we are a Communist Party and do not support state capitalism. We explained that in Cuba and Venezuela there is no Communism. By keeping money, they remain societies maintained by wage slavery.

They told us that they would read the paper and write us their concerns.

The March was marked by the demands of the trade union sellouts who asked for a fair salary, for freedom and for reformist struggles. We workers need more than crumbs, we need to defeat capitalism and build a communist society in which the main thing is to meet the needs of the workers and improve our quality of life.

The far-right fascists of the VOX party also held a march and the workers shouted “Assassins” at them, “Zaragoza Antifascista!”

The International Communist Workers’ Party is at the forefront in the struggle to defeat capitalism and we will continue to make communist ideas mass ideas to achieve a communist revolution.

Let’s unite and build that society we long for, A COMMUNIST SOCIETY! LONG LIVE THE FIRST OF MAY! LONG LIVE THE WORKING CLASS!

–Comrade in Spain

May Day Greetings from Mexico

On May 1st, five ICWP members distributed 550 copies of our Red Flag newspaper among the workers who marched in two different contingents for the International Day of the Working Class.

We openly presented our idea of Mobilizing the Masses for Communism as the only way to fight the war between the imperialist powers in Ukraine. Through Red Flag we urged the workers to join us.

It was not easy to strike up conversations with many workers during the marches. However, the help of a comrade’s daughter caught the attention of some who heeded her invitation to take the newspaper.

We had two meetings to prepare for our participation in the march, in one of which we read an article from the previous edition of Red Flag. After that, we were all excited to attend.

We have resumed our meetings and with renewed effort we hope to contribute to the organization of our working class in ICWP. We have these meetings to do our bit to turn imperialist wars into wars to emancipate ourselves from the wage labor system, capitalism-imperialism.

Greetings to the comrades and friends who join ICWP around the world!

—Comrades in Mexico

Front page of this issue