All Workers Share Class Interest in Defeating Racism with Communist Revolution

Akron (USA): Police murder of Jaylon Walker here ♦ Deadly racist Replacement Theory serves capitalism here ♦

Mass protest of police murder of Jaylon Walker in Akron, Ohio (USA)

Akron (USA), July 11— Protests continue over the police murder of unarmed Jaylon Walker on June 27. Walker, a 25-year-old Black food app delivery driver, was killed in a hail of 90 gunshots, following a car chase.

American police kill an average of three people per day. On the average, one of these people is Black. Almost all are working class.

The police kill us with impunity. They rarely face consequences because they protect ruling-class interests. We can see that, as we can no longer live in the old way, they cannot rule us in the old way.

Worldwide, masses know that capitalism has nothing to offer us but exploitation and misery. Many are seeing, perhaps for the first time, that we cannot reform or vote capitalism away. It is only through armed communist revolution that we will end our suffering and build the world we need and deserve.

Deadly Racist “Replacement Theory” Serves Capitalist Interests

All Workers Have Common Class Interest in Fighting Racism with Communist Revolution

“Replacement Theory” is rooted in white nationalism. It is a product of the mainly white capitalist class. It incites white workers to identify ethnically and nationally with white capitalists, their class enemy who exploits them.

Replacement Theory rests on the lie that white Europeans and their descendants rightfully own and inhabit their “homelands.”

In the Americas, Australia, and New Zealand, colonial settlers claiming “homeland rights” based on race, religion, and culture pushed Indigenous people off their ancestral lands.

In Africa and Asia, European imperialists tried similar strategies in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), South Africa, Timor, Goa, Macau and elsewhere. Those attempts failed because of armed resistance and rebellion. But colonialists still wielded incredible economic, social, cultural, and political power.

Replacement Theory dates back almost 200 years. Manifest Destiny, a white-supremacist political and social ideology, negated the existence of the Indigenous people in the Americas. European rulers waged devastating wars against them that completely remade the vast swathes of territory. They enslaved African workers in newly created tobacco and cotton fields.

“Yellow Peril” lies pushed by US bosses’ newspapers spawned a racist movement against Chinese immigrants. White mobs lynched thousands after bosses told white workers that Chinese workers were “taking their jobs.”

Fascist “Replacement Theory” Ignites Racist Murder

In France, fascist LePen saw parliamentary victories this year after campaigning on replacement ideology. Replacement Theory, along with anti-immigration and white nationalism, has anchored right-wing political movements and ignited deadly attacks in France, Russia, Ukraine, the UK, and more.

Some US evangelical Christians promote fascist lies about a supposed conspiracy to replace white, “native born” Christian Americans. The fact remains that white Americans and Europeans who spread nationalism, homelandism and replacement theories are themselves the perpetrators.

Their fear-based rhetoric is behind many recent mass shootings. The Buffalo (USA) shooter killed only Black Americans. The Christchurch (New Zealand) assassin targeted Muslims. In El Paso, it was Latinos/as. In Utoya (Norway) it was young people attending a leftwing summer camp. Dylan Roof cold-bloodedly murdered Black churchgoers during prayers. Jews were attacked in Pittsburgh, Sikhs in Wisconsin, Asian women in Atlanta.

Replacement Theory blames Jews, socialists, communists, and liberals for supposedly bringing in more immigrants to win elections. At the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, white supremacists chanted, “Jews will not replace us.”

Racism is a Class Issue

Replacement Theory pushes the lie that white workers and workers of color have opposing interests. Many liberals do too. The truth is that our class interests are the same: smashing the rotten capitalist system that has us all bound in wage slavery.

Every form of prejudice and super-exploitation is rooted in class society. Capitalist wage slavery penalizes—not privileges—all workers. The super-exploitation of workers, students, and soldiers of color does not negate the exploitation of white workers, students, and soldiers.

We can only win if we are all in this fight together.

We who organize for a communist revolution are comrades, not merely allies, whatever our “race” or ethnicity. As communists, we mobilize massively against racist ideas and to destroy all racist practices.

We can eradicate racism, sexism, xenophobia, casteism and the rest by building a mass International Communist Workers’ Party to end capitalist wage slavery and create a system that unleashes the true power of the masses.

Smash Replacement Theory with Communist Revolution

The capitalist bosses know they will be in trouble when the working class unites to overthrow them. Replacement Theory is yet another way to divide the working class. Only worldwide communist revolution will permanently end the dominance of capitalist imperialism.

Communists knew over a century ago that internationalism would be the only antidote to nationalism and all of its derivations, like racism, replacement theory and xenophobia. The ICWP advances internationalism by building one worldwide communist party just as a communist world will have no borders.

We cannot be deceived by dishonest, divisive rhetoric, whatever its source. The desperate capitalists need our fear, panic, and cynicism for their survival and super-profits.

We can defeat them by uniting as an international working class to organize and advocate for communist revolution. Only the victory of communism will create the material basis for ending racism forever.

We must know our real history:  that colonial capitalism directed the replacement of Indigenous people and the theft of the land, slavery, and genocide.

We must know that the real interests of all workers are the same.

We must find strength in the international communist movement and the International Communist Workers’ Party.

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