For a Communist World without Nations or Borders

Migrant workersā€™ deaths are part of capitalismsā€™ plans here ā™¦ ICWP Pamphlet:Fight For the Day When No Worker Will be Called Foreigner” here ā™¦

Deaths of Migrants Are Part of the Bossesā€™ Plan. Our Plan: Smash All Borders with Communist Revolution

LOS ANGELES (USA), July 9ā€” ā€œWhat do you think about what happened to the migrants in Texas?ā€ I asked several friends.

ā€œItā€™s as if they had put plastic bags over their heads,ā€ replied one.

ā€œItā€™s the fault of the rich,ā€ said the second.

More than fifty immigrants, siblings of our working class, were cruelly murdered in June in Houston, Texas. Their illusions of a better life were suffocated, struggling for a little oxygen inside the box of a truck-trailer.

Who do the authorities blame? Human traffickers, called coyotes?

But who are the real culprits? The capitalist class that is in constant war against the working class. The local capitalists in the countries where the workers come from, and the capitalists where they want to go. All capitalists, in their quest for profits, create misery, unemployment, insecurity, and wars.

Thirty-seven members of our working class in Africa confronted a similar deadly situation in the Spanish enclave of Melilla, between Morocco and Spain. Desperately hungry, a crowd of 2,000 tried to jump the metal fence. Moroccan and Spanish security forces attacked them. The authorities blamed the stampede for the deaths caused by the violence and arrogance of the police forces themselves.

Once again, the bossesā€™ plan to stop these migrations created by their system of exploitation and wage slavery has become increasingly violent.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott, President Obrador in Mexico, and the police in Morocco are examples of those who do the bossesā€™ dirty work. They create terror with the millions of dollars they have invested in the national security services, national guard, and border police.

Wars and famines are the result of the fight among imperialists, mainly the US, Russia, and China.

The deaths at the borders are part of the bossesā€™ plan. They try to make us believe that they are accidents. But they are really massacres intended to frighten the millions of prospective migrants so that they endure a slow death from hunger or the agony of war.

Borders result from the bossesā€™ wars. Their destruction will take a violent communist revolution led by a Party like ICWP with the participation of masses of workers. Otherwise, unnecessary deaths will continue to occur as long as corporate profits come before human lives.

In a communist world, borders and nations will not exist. There will be no exploitation. No worker will be called a foreigner anywhere. Workers will be able to move wherever they want and where their help is needed: whether to produce food or build a bridge or build comfortable housing for everyone. In short, the massesā€™ needs will dictate the measures we will take.

Join our party and letā€™s build that communist world we so need and yearn for. The best way to honor our murdered migrant siblings is to fight for a world without borders.

Read ICWP’s Pamphlet:

“Fight for the Day When no Worker Will be Called Foreigner”

Available here


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