Letters From El Salvador

Fighting for Communism is Fighting for Life here ♦ Base Growing for Communist Revolution here ♦ A cordial greeting to all the comrades of our ICWP and Red Flag party! here ♦

Fighting for Communism is Fighting for Life

“Life is worth more than gold” reads a mural made by the residents of the Cabañas department of El Salvador, reflecting the historical resistance against mining.

The thirst for profit of the capitalists, and the desire to win elections on the part of the Bukele government, combine to increase the danger for the residents of the Santa Marta community once again. The International Communist Workers’ Party does not want a transition of power from one capitalist to another. We fight to eliminate everything that capitalism has created.

This historic community is composed of ex-combatants and people who returned from refuges in Honduras in the 1980s and 1990s, when the guerrillas and the government signed agreements to end the civil war. It’s a community with organizing and fighting experience.

They currently face the capture of six community leaders, members of the Association for Economic and Social Development (ADES) who are accused of an alleged crime during the armed conflict.

Their capture coincides with the reopening of exploitative mining there. The government has integrated El Salvador into the group of countries that carry out this exploitation. It is allowing the Australian company Ocean Gold (formerly Pacific Rim) to continue operations that contaminate the water and sicken area inhabitants.

“I think it is an affront to the opposition, leaving key people in these struggles imprisoned and avoiding any movement that tarnishes these businesses and Bukele’s re-election as president. This is the beginning of things to come,” said a worker.

Organized women and ADES were key in the fight against metal mining several years ago. They carried out a large mobilization at the national level, achieving a reform of the mining law to prohibit metal mining in El Salvador.

Clearly, a law is no guarantee to end this environmental crime. Fighting for communism, where the priority is workers’ lives, can change the course of history.

A reform doesn’t end the dangers that capitalism poses to the inhabitants everywhere there are gold, silver, and other metals.  The capitalist system exploits regardless of the damage that it will cause to the workers and to the general communities. To capitalists, gold is worth more than life.

Workers know that capitalism will not stop exploiting these mines, which sicken and kill by contaminating their water. They need to fight for communism, a system that uses resources to improve workers’ lives, not to line the pockets of some exploiter.

There is no safety under capitalism. The fight is to the death. Only the communist system will end everything that means environmental deterioration that directly affects workers’ lives.

Under the communist system there will be no business of any kind. Nothing will be bought or sold. Any metal necessary for the advancement of science will be mined in a way that does not endanger anyone’s life.

—Comrades in El Salvador

Base Growing for Communist Revolution

EL SALVADOR, January 15— “Let’s all raise the Red Flag newspaper high!” said a worker who attended the International Communist Workers’ Party international conference in December. This began her participation in a factory collective meeting.

“It has been my first experience. When I heard the reports given by workers from various countries and learned that the working class lives in situations of exploitation and misery throughout the world, it motivates me to organize myself in this effort,” she concluded.

We started this meeting by distributing our Red Flag newspaper, which was received with great enthusiasm. Time for our meetings is short, but we make the most of the advances in party recruitment.  These have been focused on sharing experiences from the conference.

We have also discussed that, under this system’s regime, the bosses will continue to exploit the working class. They will continue to exploit our labor to enrich the bourgeoisie. But the struggle that we are carrying out, organized in the ICWP, represents the hope of change. We are taking a giant step for the working class throughout the world.

There is a base within which the communist revolution is brewing, and this needs the incorporation into the party of more women and men workers willing to fight. Nothing is eternal, everything changes, and for that it is necessary to organize in the International Communist Workers’ Party.

In the conference workshops, the farmworker comrades shared clear examples of their incorporation into the armed struggle with the fmln as a clear sign that nothing can be achieved peacefully. For this reason a call was made to our class not to give up until reason triumphs.  For this they continue to fight as part of ICWP for the communist system.

A cordial greeting to all the comrades of our ICWP and Red Flag party!

First, I want to share my joy in belonging to the Party. I am proud to be part of the fight for communism.

I would like to share my experience from when I dedicated myself to be part of the party. At the beginning it was a bit difficult since some people are not used to talking about communism. Capitalism has instilled in us since childhood that it is a wonderful system that is the only one that can work today. But we know that this system only favors a small group of people and that most of us are workers who are exploited by the capitalist system. That is why I made the decision to join the party to make the fight to change the system.

When I started, there was a bit of fear.  At first, they shared the Red Flag newspaper with us secretly.  Little by little we grew as a group within the factory and with more confidence we formed a group. We met to share the newspaper and talk about everything we encountered daily.  We realized how the same injustices happen to the working class all over the world.

Little by little more comrades have been incorporated and confidence is growing. I share with you my experience that as a party member I incorporated my son into the Party. He is a newer member, and together we attended our first conference at the end of December.

It was a very nice experience in which we shared topics of great interest to us as members of the Party. Issues that will help us to integrate more people into our party and thus be able to fight together for communism. These gatherings are important because they help us to know the work that goes on in other countries. They also fight against the system. We learn from them.

It’s important to read our newspaper, to know about the world struggle and to be able to recruit more people to join the fight for communism because only communism will save the working class. This is my experience.

Long live communism!

Long Red Flag!

—Factory worker in El Salvador

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