El Salvador: Communists Fight Fascism, From 1975 to Today

Students and Workers Commemorate 1975 Anti-Fascist Struggle here ♩ El Salvador Government Attacks Health and Education Workers here ♩

Students and Workers Commemorate 1975 Anti-Fascist Struggle

EL SALVADOR, July 30— “I think that a communist education for a classless society is possible, but we have to start with the youngest,” said Andrea, a university student, when asked her opinion about communist education.

“Current education is deficient. We are not going to leave as good professionals. Few of us have access to education. It also destroys the creativity that exists in the students.”

As we marched, I told her that ICWP fights for an education that is not separated from the workers. We will all learn from each other in practice. The students will not be different from the rest of the workers. We will all be able to carry out any task.

We fight for a world without money, without exploitation, without social classes that divide us. For this we are organizing to mobilize students, workers, and soldiers to fight for communism.

“Communist education will respond to the needs of humanity, not to a handful of exploitative thieves.

“You have in your hands the pamphlet Communist Education for a Classless Society,” I told her, “You can read it and share it with friends.”

“I will,” Andrea responded. She carried a sign denouncing the militarization of the University of El Salvador. We will follow up to continue gaining new comrades.

Maquila Workers Bring Communist Ideas to Students

A group of comrades (maquila workers, teachers, and others) from the International Communist Workers’ Party joined the call and the march to commemorate the anti-fascist struggle of July 30, 1975.

We distributed our Red Flag newspaper and our Communist Education pamphlet. We gave them to students and all who were there, inviting them to read it and show solidarity with our class.

The march commemorated a massacre in which thousands of students from the National University went out to demonstrate against the fascist government of Colonel Arturo Armando Molina. He deployed the army to stop the march. Soldiers massacred hundreds of students.

The capitalist rulers tried to legitimize the massacre as a response to a “communist plot.” That generation of young people who got involved in the struggle were inspired by revolutionary movements around the world.

May our commemoration safeguard the legacy of their genuine intentions for revolution!

Workers and Students March United in the Struggle for Communism.

From the massacre to the present day, the commemoration is a sign of the state of the struggle in El Salvador. This year has been an opportunity for young university students to shout “Present!” for the communist struggle against the government of Nayib Bukele.

Despite living through the oppression of the government of Nayib Bukele, workers and students took to the streets to struggle. They exposed the injustice, repression, and exploitation of the working class. The rulers are subjecting us to a “regime of exception” with the use of the army, a fascist practice.

In the face of this, we are building, and unifying, our communist collectives.

Increasing the political struggle for communism among the masses is possible in the vacuum left by the fall in the masses’ expectations of Bukele’s fascist capitalist project.

We must make a radical change to the system. The struggle is in our hands. And our ICWP fights directly for communism.

Communism is the only answer to the horrors that capitalism imposes on the masses of workers, students, and everyone. That’s especially true now that the global economic crisis is rapidly leading to increasing destruction.

Our Party educates through Red Flag. Wherever we are, it teaches us to put an end to the distinction between mental and manual labor, to fight and work collectively.

The mass mobilization for communist production requires breaking down the barrier between students and workers. We all need to unite for communism and thus end the marginalization of children, youth, and the elderly. We will all learn and work for our whole lives.

The communist struggle is the main driving force to win a revolution with an armed uprising.

Join ICWP, become part of our communist collectives. Let’s overcome fear and oppression to organize a communist system and defeat our worst enemy: all the imperialists and all the capitalists.

Students of the National University of El Salvador July 30

Read our pamphlet 


El Salvador Government Attacks Health and Education Workers

Greater Repression Means Greater Organization for Communism

EL SALVADOR, July 29— The government of “New Ideas,” led by the Bukele brothers, is causing anxiety among health workers.

A stampede during a soccer game on May 20 left nine people dead and many injured. Two health workers were fired for commenting on their concerns about how the government of El Salvador and the country’s soccer federation FESFUT handled this situation.

Forty medical students (interns) who protested the dismissals were also fired. The government didn’t care about their seven years of study or their families’ years of struggle and effort.

“What the Minister is doing is to generate fear, so that no doctor complains about the things that the government is doing,” said one doctor.

“If doctors, nurses and all health workers came together, we would turn this government upside down,” said another.

In addition, the government launched a campaign to divide workers and have them attack healthcare workers.

They falsely accused another doctor of malpractice for the death of a pregnant woman from complications in childbirth. The capitalist system always works to divide the working class.

The International Communist Workers’ Party denounces these attacks against the workers. They are part of capitalist trickery to divide us and attack us all. We are all workers. Our enemies are the bourgeoisie who profit from the workers’ sicknesses, and the capitalist government and the dictatorship of New Ideas in the country.

At the same time, the government will force thousands of teachers to retire without paying them the last two months of the year’s salary while stealing their Christmas bonus and vacation pay.

“They are paying union leaders so that teachers don’t complain or organize,” commented an education worker. “They get salaries and bonuses equal to about $1,000 or $2,000.”

Only the working class will save itself. The lack of medicine, the long waiting lists, wage slavery, and work overload are the fault of the government. The government does NOT want to solve these problems since they make money from private hospitals, insurers, and selling medical supplies to the state from health care companies owned by Bukele’s family and friends.

We will break the information barrier to the working class by discussing and bringing Red Flag to other workers. We will form a large and strong movement of urban workers, farmworkers, and soldiers. We will struggle for Red Flag readers in the health area (mainly doctors and medical students) to help reach more workers, including nurses, service assistants, and cleaning workers.

Our Communist Line Must Spread Worldwide

We want a comprehensive, longitudinal, and universal health system worthy of the working class. An educational system that empowers and encourages the full realization of each human being’s potential.

We must all unite in one workers’ movement under the leadership of the ICWP and fight directly for communism. We will abolish wage slavery and the infighting between workers manipulated by the capitalist system.

In a communist system there will be continuous mass production of medical supplies, medicines, and treatments. Workers will be trained to make necessary medical supplies. We will mobilize the masses to prepare for any health crisis.

The healthcare system will be free. We will share the responsibility of caring for each other. We will be a united working class. And this, at the same time, will eliminate the stress of capitalist wage slavery that produces many diseases.

We will work to have health care from a completely new perspective: one in which the health of every member of the working class, of our communist society, is primary.

Oaxaca (Mexico), July 3, 2023- Medical students at the University of the Southeast, with parents and recent graduates, protest at the Government Palace. They demanded hospital internships for all medical graduates and equal conditions for these internships.

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