Mexico: Workers, Students, and Communist Revolution

Plans to Realize the Communist Potential here ♦ Capitalist Schooling Versus Communist Education here ♦

Mexico:  Plans to Realize the Communist Potential

I travel three hours from home one weekend every month to meet up with a couple who are comrades. They always welcome me with lunch before our meeting, to which they invite some of their friends.

Despite ups and downs in our political work, the comrades remain in the party. The youngest daughter, 12 years old, asked at the last meeting: “Since when have I gone to the May 1st march?” She answered herself: “Since I was born?”

Her father said that when violent events occurred in the marches, they stopped taking the children because of the risk. But last May 1, in Mexico City, she and her sister helped distribute communist ideas through Red Flag.

They have always found a way to overcome fear. In Mexico there is no “state of exception,” but the bosses’ policy is “reaction all along the line.” There are constant murders of activists and journalists.

There is a lot of potential with this family of comrades. They have an active social life and many friends. We struggle ideologically so that they talk about the Party with them, and they do with some.

I asked the husband how he had first discussed the Party with the wife. She replied, “Because he was in love and wanted me to know everything about him.”

She continued: “He invited me to the May Day march and his friends were all carrying red flags. I thought that was the thing to do and took one. Then I repeated what they chanted. He had already told me that he was a communist and I didn’t think that was bad, since he was good. He married me and we are still here.”

I said that this was an example showing that we can speak directly about the party with the workers with whom we share our social life. They know that we are trustworthy, and we must trust them.

She read the Red Flag article “Work, why it’s better than a job” and other articles that she liked.

We made plans for a meeting with more comrades and friends at the end of the year to revive and continue Party work in Mexico. We hope to have the presence of comrades from other countries.

The visit ended and they put me on the return bus: three more hours to get home. But with many ideas and plans to continue fighting for a communist world.

—Comrade in Mexico

MEXICO CITY, September 8— Over 5,000 students attend a secondary school here. We distribute Red Flag in classrooms. Many teachers let us speak in their classrooms. So far, we have distributed 650 papers. It’s our best platform. We explain how capitalism causes humanity’s problems. From youth unemployment and the mistreatment of their teachers to criminal violence. Prejudice against working women and LGTBQ+ diversity. From racism to climate change. For now, many just listen. However, youth are always at the forefront of the fight against injustice. Red Flag calls on them to build ICWP and mobilize for communism.

Mexico: Capitalist Schooling Versus Communist Education

MEXICO, September 8— General presidential elections are scheduled for June 2024. Candidates are using the education system to advance their political goals.

The debate revolves around textbooks that some criticize as being sympathetic towards socialist or communist beliefs. As if leftist content will bring about a communist revolution in Mexico!

Nations have always used textbooks to “educate” our children with the knowledge that the capitalists want our children to know. All schools, from elementary schools to universities, are designed to produce workers with capitalist behavior. The capitalists need schools to produce workers who maintain the status quo of capitalism. Schools are an arm of the Capitalist State.

Recently there has been an uproar about inefficient and outright incorrect information in textbooks in Mexico. This shows how the ruling class in Mexico is desperately trying to create anti-socialist and anti-communist propaganda.

When people start complaining about alleged misinformation in textbooks, it has nothing to do with better educating our youth. Rather, it has everything to do with tightening control over students and workers. It also shows how groups of bosses are divided over how to control and rule the working class.

One laughable claim is that the current Mexican administration is trying to spread “the virus of communism” in classrooms.

It’s not surprising that there are strong anti-capitalist tones in Mexico’s textbooks. The fact is that capitalism is to blame for all the problems in our lives. Especially when it comes to “the deterioration of nature and society under capitalist culture,” the title of one chapter in a fourth-grade textbook.

This is true, but it requires more than subliminal messages to organize a communist revolution. And no communist is ever going to care about whether Benito Juarez’s birthday is stated correctly or incorrectly in a textbook.

As politicians and bosses fight over what kind of schooling to give us, we must educate and organize students and teachers with communist ideas. We must prepare to destroy their schools that only perpetuate capitalism.

We don’t need their textbooks to organize a massive international communist movement. What we need is a massive ICWP. Our party educates workers around the world to mobilize the masses for communism. For armed revolution to destroy the Capitalist State, including their capitalist schools and other appendages.

Read Our Pamphlet Communist Education for a Classless Society here

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