Immigrants and Native-Born Workers, Unite for Communism!

“To Migrate is not a Crime! A Government that Represses Migrants is Criminal!”

Welcome Our Working-Class Brothers and Sisters: Let’s Unite to Build a Communist World Without Borders

LOS ANGELES (USA), October 3 — “The bosses and their governments make us look like criminals, but we only come to work and enrich some boss.” These are the angry words of a worker who has been “undocumented” in the US for almost thirty years.

Thousands of people, especially youth and children, from South America and the Caribbean have recently crossed the border between Mexico and the US. Half a million Venezuelans are receiving temporary permission to work in the United States.

Many organizations and individuals are welcoming immigrants and helping them start a new stage of their lives.

At the same time, racist and homophobic attacks against immigrants are on the rise. Governors Greg Abbott (Texas), Doug Ducey (Arizona), and Ron DeSantis (Florida) have sent thousands of migrants to Washington, DC, New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles on buses and planes.  Abbott has transported more than 38,000 migrants to various cities since 2022.

Right-wing politicians use immigrants as a platform for their racism and fascist politics. Liberal politicians say they “care” about immigrants. They care to exploit them in low-paying jobs and the military if they make it to the US! The capitalists’ racist terror is meant to keep immigrant workers working for low wages, to lower all workers’ wages, and to divide our class.

Democratic US President Bill Clinton initiated the border wall in 1994 under the anti-immigrant program known as Operation Gatekeeper. It took on greater significance as a major campaign promise of Republican ex-President Trump.

Capitalism created borders and nations from its inception to divide “natives” and “foreigners.” By the end of 2022, there were 108million forcibly displaced people worldwide: 35 million refugees, 63 million internally displaced persons, 5 million asylum seekers, and 5 million others needing international protection.

This mass migration is caused by capitalism’s hunger, poverty, and the wars unleashed mainly by big imperialists like China, Russia, and the US fighting for world domination.

To destroy capitalism and establish communism, we need working-class international unity to overcome all the divisions the rulers impose.

The US ruling class needs our labor power to guarantee its commodity production. It also needs to spill our blood on the battlefields to guarantee its domination.

There are currently 10 million open jobs in the US: 377,000 in construction, 1.6 million in hospitality, and many more in manufacturing. US Labor Secretary Martin Walsh declared that the US needs immigrants to make up for the shortage of workers. He says the long-term threat to the US economy is not inflation, but insufficient immigration.

Analyst Manjari Chatterjee Miller says that immigrants from India are the second-largest immigrant group in the US after Mexicans. He wants the government to simplify the immigration process for skilled Indian workers to enable the US to increase its own internal capacity and more effectively counter China. Indian information technology (IT) workers are the backbone of Silicon Valley.

But even more important is the military. An estimated 45,000 immigrants actively serve in the US military. The US military is experiencing its worst recruiting crisis in 25 years. It has therefore redoubled its efforts to recruit among immigrant communities.

Immigrant workers and soldiers have played key roles in the fight for communism in the past. They will do so now and in the future! Uniting immigrant and native-born workers and soldiers, our class can get rid of exploitation, racist terror, and imperialist war with communist revolution.

“My 29 years in the US have not been in vain. I have raised a family and fought in the streets and garment factories for a communist world,” said the comrade.

In communism there will be no borders or production for profit. We’ll produce to meet the needs of the international working class. We will no longer have to cross the deadly Darien Gap in Panama, nor deserts, mountains, or turbulent seas where thousands of our siblings die every year.

Welcome, class sisters and brothers! Let us unite as one class, to fight for a communist world, with one banner, in one party, the International Communist Workers’ Party.

Read our Pamphlet :

“Fight for the Day When No Worker Will be Called Foreigner”


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