Bringing Communism to Anti-APEC Protests

Mass Anger and the No-to-APEC Actions. End Genocide and Imperialist War with Communist Revolution

Chinese-owned shoe factory in Ethiopia

SEATTLE (USA), October 23— “I can’t stand this propaganda anymore,” shouted a Boeing retiree comrade. “When people demonstrated and pointed out that the residents in the Gaza Strip were trapped and being slaughtered by the Israeli army, they were attacked by the media and the US government,” he raged.  “Our government has helped entrap these people for decades now.”

Masses are furious.  So are we.  Our response must be to build the International Communist Workers’ Party and destroy capitalism.

Masses will protest the APEC trade bloc meeting in San Francisco on November 11-12. The imperialist rulers have organized themselves into competing trade blocs. These alliances only result in greater exploitation of our class.

Demonstrators from up and down the US West Coast care about more than this one issue. Imperialist powers like China and the United States use these trade blocs for organizing allies for global war.

Many thousands have rejected imperialist propaganda. The angry masses at the No-to-APEC rallies need to hear our communist call to action.

The ICWP prepares for the masses to end capitalist exploitation and war everywhere. That means revolution for a true communist society. This is the only way to eliminate super-exploitation and global war.

In communism, comradely relations, not money, will bind us together without nations or borders. We fight directly for communism, not socialism. Socialism kept money, wages, and production for sale.  In communism, the mighty working class will share resources. We’ll produce only to meet human needs.

National Liberation… or Communism?

Some have trouble rejecting nationalism and self-determination. Embracing national liberation makes sense to many working-class people who have not experienced international working-class solidarity. They might not have a deep understanding of capitalism. They might not have had the opportunity to study the history of national liberation movements.

They believe that a national liberation movement will address the oppression of poor and working-class people. But these movements have always kept capitalism. They remained dependent upon imperialist nations.

History shows that even courageous mass fights for national liberation and self-determination have not improved workers’ lives. Brave and committed masses were defeated because their struggles stayed within the limits of capitalism. A new group becomes the capitalist exploiters, reaping profit from workers’ labor.

The South African masses fought long and courageously against apartheid. They “won.” Pass laws were abolished. The African National Congress was elected to power. Now Ramaphosa, a Black billionaire exploiter, is President. Ramaphosa ordered police to shoot striking miners in Marikana in 2012. Some ANC leaders got rich. The masses are still wage slaves—or unemployed.

Ismail Haniyeh, a senior Hamas leader, is said to have ordered the October 7 attack on Israel. Haniyeh is a billionaire. He lives in luxury in Qatar. He collects a 20% tax on all goods going from Egypt to Gaza!

Haniyeh wants to lead a Palestinian state created by Hamas, Fatah, and the Palestinian Authority. They would then, supported by the Qatari and Iranian rulers, reap super profits from exploiting Palestinian workers.

Struggling for a Communist Solution

A Filipino activist in the US isn’t sure that national liberation and self-determination are futile. “Is it really a waste of our time to build these kinds of movements?” he asks.  “What else can the Palestinians do?” But he is open to discussing international working-class consciousness.

Internationally, many workers and students believe that China is a more benevolent imperialist supporter of “liberation.”  But China is now a leading capitalist, imperialist power. It exploits workers from Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) to El Salvador to Myanmar.

Ideological struggles like these require “the development of relationships and trust beforehand,” said a comrade teacher.  We can nurture such communist relations now, and especially in San Francisco in November. That will build an indestructible foundation for worldwide communist revolution.

Only communist revolution will free us!

Amidst widening imperialist wars, the ICWP is reaching out to more workers from South Africa to India, from El Salvador to the US. There are new members and Red Flag readers in Israel, Egypt, and Iran. We build one party worldwide. We fight to turn the rulers’ wars into revolution for communism.

We must understand always that our primary identity is as members of our working class.  We have more in common with other workers— no matter what “race,” ethnicity, nationality, or gender — than we do with any bosses.

The bosses’ nationalism, racism, and fascism will be no match for a united working class fighting for communist workers’ power. Together, we will win!


 Gaza Protest in Seattle, USA

At Gaza Protest in Seattle, USA

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