Second Letter from Gaza: Talking About Communism Amid the Rubble of a Refugee Camp

December 3— It is becoming increasingly difficult to communicate with you.

After a pause in the genocidal war, the Israeli Defense Forces launched carpet-bombing in the area where we are taking refuge. We are in Khan Younis with at least 200,000 people. We are all homeless and overcrowded. Hepatitis and viral flu are spreading like wildfire.

You would like to know how I am spending my days and nights since you started sending Red Flag regularly. Red Flag has been my source of joy, excitement, and hope. I read every word of it. As we sat around at night, I started talking to many friends. I share my Arabic translation of Red Flag with them. I don’t have the same friends every night, but we quickly talk about communist ideas and how things could be so different.

One friend said that his grandfather was a communist in the 1930s. He clearly remembers his grandfather talking very affectionately about a Jewish communist who remained his lifetime comrade in struggle. When I showed him Red Flag and said that ICWP is building an international working-class party for communism, he raised his fist. I said that we could organize a small group to talk about Red Flag. He agreed but also said that we are on the move every day.

Rich Israeli Rulers Responsible for Brutal Attacks

I have also seen that ordinary people who are displaced, many of their relatives are killed, and their houses bulldozed don’t carry a grudge against Israelis. They think there is a powerful system in Israel and a handful of super-rich people order the army, police, and politicians to carry out this brutal attack.

Many people are very carefully reading about the few Israeli ex-soldiers who have denounced the war. It gives them hope that not every Israeli soldier is willing to fight.

I thought of the friend whose communist grandfather had a Jewish comrade. We can do it again. The Israeli workers are showing signs of distrust with Netanyahu. If ICWP can organize workers and soldiers there, people in Gaza will erupt in solidarity.

Many of the top Hamas leaders grew up in the refugee camps in Khan Younis and other areas. I don’t want the future of our children to get wasted by Hamas or other nationalist groups. I want a red flag, not the green flag of treacherous and opportunistic Hamas. Hamas and Israeli rulers have sold out the working class in Palestine and Israel. They are using genocide to advance their sick system.

Children Learn Collectivity, Ingenuity, and Communism

How can we build a network of Red Flag among children? They have seen every horror of this capitalism. I see hope in these children. Amid starvation, they feed younger children. There is no rioting or looting. This is because as a collective society, the adult workers have pledged that they would feed children first even if they are starving.

Children are the future. As you know, we are not able to charge cell phones. Some children found a badly damaged bike in the rubble. They converted it into a stationary bike and connected it to a discarded led rod, and acid jar. They took turns peddling the bike. Pretty soon I had a fully charged cellphone. And they are doing it for anybody who needs a charge. No money was exchanged. We can build a long-term relationship with them.

Children who can turn scraps into a charge station, can hold the guns to destroy our class enemy. I am talking to these children about war, revolution, and communism. Remarkably, war has taught them that change is possible. We want to bring about and fight for a communist change.

So, in these chaotic, desperately difficult conditions, thanks to your efforts and encouragement, we will continue to grow with communist ideas. They cannot kill us all. The workers around the world must support us with communism. It took me 46 years to see communism as the only solution. But these children of Gaza are ready to fight for us and improve our line if we learn from them.

Still alive and fighting for communism.


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