Striking College Teachers and Students Welcome Communist Ideas

Strikers Welcome Communist Ideas here ♩ Conversation with Striker here ♩ Amid Tsunami of Capitaist Crisis, fight for Cooperation, not Competition here ♩

Striking Teachers, Students and Workers Welcome Communist Signs, Red Flag, Leaflets

LOS ANGELES (USA), December 6 – Teachers and workers in the California State University system held a series of one-day strikes over pay and working conditions. The strikers and supporters enthusiastically welcomed ICWP members on the picket line with signs denouncing genocide in Gaza, the attacks on workers and students, and calling for communism.

Among about a thousand participants, over 350 took Red Flag and 500 took our communist leaflets. Some asked for extra copies of the paper. Some stopped to talk. About ten gave us their contact information. Two teachers we had known before, but hadn’t seen recently, welcomed us. They promised to get together after the holidays to “catch up.”

Our leaflet anticipated this openness to communist ideas. It said that the 2023 strike wave showed that the US is entering a pre-revolutionary period. It described three preconditions for revolution listed by VI Lenin, a leader of the Russian Revolution.

First, the masses can’t live in the old way. As capitalism’s crisis intensifies, dragging down workers’ living standards even more, workers will question capitalism and become more rebellious. Untold numbers of youth already identify themselves as socialists, anarchists, or communists.

Second, the rulers can’t rule in the old way. In their drive to WWIII against the rising China-Russia-Iran imperialist bloc, they will intensify the exploitation of the masses, creating tremendous anger, rebellions, and revolutionary potential. They will need fascism to ruthlessly put down these rebellious masses. This is already starting: see the article “The Empire Strikes Back.”

Third, there must be a revolutionary communist party with a base in the working class, especially among industrial workers and soldiers, capable of leading the revolution. This one is in our hands. It requires us to mobilize the masses for communism, and nothing less. To explain what communism is, take on anti-communism, and discuss the need for a mass party worldwide.

Capitalism-imperialism in this historic period can only go in one direction – as Gaza and Ukraine show – towards greater, more destructive and genocidal wars. No matter what the US imperialists do to those who dare teach the truth, the masses will not switch from repudiating the genocide to supporting it.

Capitalism will never bring about peace. Collectively we can abolish the capitalists’ competition and resulting inevitable wars for profit by fighting for a communist world. That’s the only way forward for humanity.

Moving Forward: Building Communist Relationships

A week before the teachers’ strike, students there demonstrated against a 36% tuition hike and against the genocide in Gaza. We distributed over 110 RF and made contacts. We have met separately with two students and a teacher for longer conversations. We talked about why we fight directly for communism, and the need for a communist party and that ICWP is that party. They are reading our literature. We plan to meet again after the holidays.

We asked the teacher if she had heard about Epifanio Camacho, a member of ICWP who had worked with Cesar Chavez organizing the Farm Workers Union. She said she hadn’t but would like students to hear Camacho’s story and about Cesar Chavez’ anti-immigrant racism.

Several other teachers we met at the strike live and teach outside LA. They are excited that we plan to visit them to talk about ICWP. They are active in the teachers’ struggle and against the genocide in Gaza.

One showed the paper to a neighbor and said he liked it. She also offered it to another teacher who said he already had it and was in touch with us. They liked our article “The Empire Strikes Back” and showed it to other teachers.

We have talked with others who are enthusiastic about our literature. We are inviting them to meet with us,  to learn about communism and spread the fight for it by joining or building an ICWP collective.

Another series of one day strikes will start on January 22, on all 23 CSU campuses. We plan a communist presence with a leaflet, signs, and more comrades and friends, to build ICWP and the fight for communism. Join us!

Conversation at the CSU teachers’ strike between a comrade and a striker

“We are from Mississippi but moved to Detroit. Our parents and grandparents were industrial workers. Some worked in the auto plants.”

“What a coincidence! I also worked at an auto plant.”

“How did you like it?”

“Working on the assembly line producing one car a minute was brutal on one’s body. But I liked factory work because the company only owned my body. My mind was free to roam. I wrote leaflets, prepared speeches, and meetings, elaborated on discussions I had with people. Then de-industrialization set in.”

“Yes. It also happened in Detroit. These higher paid industrial jobs disappeared. They moved out of the country or to Southern states where wages were lower.”

“I always looked at it as a vicious, premeditated mass racist attack on the US Black community. Somewhat of a collective punishment for Black workers having led the mass anti-racist urban rebellions that shook the racist US rulers to their boots during the 1960s. And for having led antiracist, multi-racial, and anti-imperialist rebellions in the US Armed Forces against the fascist US rulers’ genocide in Vietnam. These rendered the US Army in Vietnam unreliable. It was, after the relentless, indomitable fighting spirit of the Vietnamese masses, the most important reason for the US leaving Vietnam.”

“I never thought of it that way.”

“It continued with the flooding of the ghettos with Crack cocaine and the mass incarceration that followed. The destructive effects on Black workers’ lives have been generational. Only a communist revolution can put an end to all this pain and misery for the profits of the few.”

We agreed to meet again to keep talking. We hope to see him after the holidays.

Amid Tsunami of Capitalist Crisis, Fight for Cooperation, Not Competition

The party leaflet regarding the strike at Cal State claimed that this is a pre-revolutionary period, that we cannot live in the “old way”. I agree we are definitely headed that way.

But I think the other side of Lenin’s construction – “the rulers cannot rule in the old way” – is the primary driver today. That is, inter-imperialist rivalry, war, proxy or otherwise, Russia/China versus US, is changing all our lives dramatically.

The US-provoked Russian invasion of Ukraine is a turning point. This war, along with BRICS+ and significant de-dollarization/debt are creating desperation in disintegrating capitalism – in the “West”. The rulers are counterattacking relentlessly with inflation, unemployment, austerity, debasing culture and alienating ethos. Their system does not work. It cannot work. No longer. Not at this time in history. Gaza is an extension, a double exclamation point!!

We are living a tsunami of world capitalism in dire crisis. The masses must be convinced that there is only one way out – communist revolution. Nothing less, nothing else offers hope for the future.

We must hammer away at the prison that is competition – to smash it with the burning desire for cooperation.

Capitalism is based on hierarchy, competition to be the “best”, the “smartest”, the richest. This ultimately and absolutely inevitably leads to imperialism and war.

We fight for unity and equality. We fight for the masses, not the few “winners” – who only succeed at the door of others’ misery. Down with the parasites! No masters! No experts!

How to make our flyers and agitation more communist? The key is the difficult question of competition/cooperation. Capitalism praises, “I’m better than you” thinking. We know the opposite is the story of human history and the future of humanity.

A strike for reforms, wages, less parking fees or tuition won’t get us there. But the act of striking, of uniting as one, fighting as one, learning as one, puts our class on the road to communist revolution.

I am excited to follow our young comrades in this struggle. Many others are also watching.

Older Comrade

Read Our Pamphlet:

Communist Education for a Classless Society here

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