Iran and Everywhere: Defeat Capitalism’s Sexism and Fascism with Communist Revolution

ICWP at Iran Protests in the US here ♦ Iran and Everywhere:  All Capitalists and Imperialists Are mortal Enemies of the Working Class! here ♦

Los Angeles, USA, February 11

ICWP at Iran Protests in the US: Communist Revolution Will End Sexism and Fascism

LOS ANGELES (USA), February 11– “To end sexism and fascism we need to get rid of capitalism—with a revolution for communism,” said a comrade at a large demonstration against the Iranian regime.

“Communism?” a protester asked. After we explained, he gladly took Red Flag and our leaflet about Iran.

The demonstration marked the 44th anniversary of the overthrow of the murderous Shah by masses of Iranian workers on February 11, 1979.

The courageous Iranian masses continue to oppose fascist government repression. Their fight for a society without sexism, oppression of minorities, and exploitation of all workers can only be won through communism, nothing less. That’s why Iranian workers and youth in the US and Iran – and all workers and youth everywhere – need to join and build ICWP to mobilize for communism.

In communism there won’t be money or wage slavery. Nothing will be bought or sold. Instead of money and wages, masses will build new communist social relations. Based on them, we will produce everything and share it only to meet the masses’ needs, not for profit of any capitalist. There won’t be imperialist wars for profit.

Communist production and social relations will allow us to win the struggle against sexism. Work and child rearing will be collective, not left to the individual family or only women. Collectively, all people will work, participate fully in political life, and raise children.

There won’t be “morality” police or any other police to harass women or defend the capitalists’ profits and private property. There won’t be any capitalists or private property. Communist morality means trying to do what’s best for the working masses worldwide.

Communist collectives will guarantee everyone’s safety and participation. Kurds and other minorities will be seen by all as part of the same working class—without separation, racism, or borders. They will help give leadership to all workers.

Bringing Red Flag to Protests in Los Angeles

“All imperialists are the enemy of workers everywhere—US, Russian, Chinese, and European imperialists. We need to get rid of them all, we need real communism,” said a comrade. “Yes! I agree,” a protester responded, enthusiastically taking our literature.

“We were communists too back in the 80’s, but that was a long time ago,” said a second.

“It’s hard to be a communist after what Tudeh did in 1979,” said a third.

“Communism didn’t work,” said another.

We explained that the old communist movement fought for socialism as a stage to get to communism. But socialism was state capitalism—it didn’t, can’t, and won’t lead to communism.

In both the Soviet Union and revolutionary China, socialism kept money, wages, and production for buying and selling.  Today, Chinese and Russian rulers are capitalists and imperialists competing with US imperialism to be the world’s main exploiter.

That’s why ICWP is mobilizing directly for communism—without money, borders or wages. And without special privileges for anyone.

All four protesters took our literature.

When the masses overthrew the fascist Shah, the pro-Soviet Iranian Communist Party (Tudeh) betrayed them by supporting Khomeini. Khomeini attacked, jailed, and killed many communists and others who opposed his brutal regime.

Tudeh had the fatal “united front” line of the old communist movement—to unite with some supposedly lesser evil capitalists against others—which betrayed the masses’ struggle to end all oppression.

There aren’t any “lesser evil” capitalists. They are all enemies of workers everywhere! We build unity among the masses for communism, not unity with any bosses.

We talked to people about sexism, communism and capitalism, racism, democracy, money, imperialist war.  “I want to read this and talk more,” said a young Iranian protester. “The rich are the problem everywhere.”

Another agreed we need to get rid of money. We don’t need rich or poor, but for everyone to get their needs met. She took the paper.

“Yes, the system is the problem. I want to know more,” said another young protester, giving his contact information.

Some demonstrators are pro-monarchy and pro-capitalist. But most, younger and older, are open to communism. We have distributed hundreds of Red Flags at these demonstrations.

“We came here to talk about the struggle, about ICWP and the fight for communism,” said a comrade.

“That’s good!” one said. “I want to keep reading this paper.”

Iran and Everywhere:  All Capitalists and Imperialists Are Mortal Enemies of the Working Class!

LOS ANGELES (USA), February 11—Today’s very large Iranian protest here featured speakers who were pro-US imperialism, including US congresspeople. They praised the fight for a “democratic Iran.”  They want to use and even lead this struggle into one which replaces the Islamic Republic with a pro-US regime.

Rally organizers distributed glossy color posters with the US flag on one side and the Iranian flag on the other, to win the masses in Iran and the US to US-patriotism and war. This is part of the fight to the death for world domination between the US, Russia, and China that is leading to World War III.

The capitalists on both sides are enemies of workers. The Iranian government, backed by imperialist Russia and China, killing, jailing, and torturing protesters. And the politicians promising “reform” and “democracy” and “freedom” backed by US and UK imperialism.

The US, UK, and German imperialists build the illusion that capitalism can be reformed to meet the masses’ needs —a dangerous lie. They paint themselves as the friends of the Iranian masses. Another dangerous lie.

The masses everywhere need communist revolution, not reform, to end the murderous conditions that are intensifying.

The US and British imperialists are using the Iranian mass movement to try to separate Iran from China and Russia. They don’t care about the Iranian masses today any more than when they supported the Shah’s 25-year murderous regime!

By imposing draconian sanctions, they hope to push the angry masses into overthrowing the regime. But Iranian rulers respond with massive terror to stay in power, while driving the masses deeper into poverty.

The US Congressional Committee on Foreign Relations recently passed a resolution to urge Balkan countries to close Iranian diplomatic missions. This is supposedly to support the anti-regime movement in Iran, but it is really an effort to stop the Iran-Russia-China alliance from expanding its influence in this critical region.

Iran is moving closer to Russia and China. China needs and relies on Iran’s vast oil deposits. Russia and Iran are forging a military alliance against the US, NATO, and Ukraine. They are also merging their banking systems as a counter to US/NATO sanctions and the US-led SWIFT banking system. This is part of their drive to replace the dollar with the ruble and the yuan.

Iran joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. It is key to China and Russia’s plans to move oil overland to China and to send goods from China to the Mediterranean, bypassing the US-controlled Strait of Malacca.

Communist Revolution in the Face of World War III

No imperialists or other capitalists are friends of the worlds’ masses. They are all fighting to stay or become the top dog imperialist exploiter. They aim to control the world’s labor, oil and other resources over our dead bodies.

Inter-imperialist contradictions are intensifying and leading to a third world war, where hundreds of millions will be slaughtered for their profits and empire.

It is urgent to build ICWP everywhere to organize communist revolution to prevent this blood bath if possible or, if not, to turn the coming war into a war for communism. This means building ICWP collectives, especially among industrial workers, soldiers, and youth.

We learn from the 1917 Russian Revolution and the 1949 Chinese Revolution that the masses are capable of making revolution by turning imperialist war into a war against capitalism.

The Iranian masses have a rich history of communist struggle. They showed great courage when they participated in overthrowing the Shah in 1979 and they are showing great courage today.

This time, the masses must end capitalism by fighting directly for communism, not socialism, or a “lesser evil” capitalist ruler.

Join us. Help build collectives of ICWP.

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