El Salvador: Youth and Factory Workers Join ICWP

First Time Participants in ICWP Collectives Discuss the Fight for Communism here ♦ Students Learn about ICWP and Communism here ♦ New Comrades Join ICWP here ♦ Letter from a Garment Worker here ♦

First-Time Participants in ICWP Collectives Discuss the Fight for Communism

EL SALVADOR, March 25— “We are very excited and impressed by the new comrades who have come to this meeting, especially the youth,” said a worker and party leader.

Workers from different factories expressed their concern about how regional conflicts between capitalist powers affect us and impact workers’ daily lives.

“Since the conflict between Russia and Ukraine began, the prices of products made from flour and many other basic necessities have skyrocketed. This is due to the increase in oil prices. The capitalists always take advantage of these crises and wars to increase their profits,” commented a worker.

These conflicts between local and regional capitalist powers set the stage for the formation of capitalist factions according to their economic and political interests. This means the death of thousands of workers in the armed forces and factories. “We will never see a capitalist or leader of a state dying in a war. We’re the only ones who die,” added a young student.

Some workers think that “the war between Russia and Ukraine/NATO, is the scapegoat for increasing the production of weapons by Europe, the United States and Russia.” But the reality is that inter-imperialist rivalry is driving the US/NATO-Russia war in Ukraine and other wars.

Russia recently withdrew from the nuclear weapons treaty with the USA. This is a danger signal for the lives of thousands of workers in the world. The international Communist Workers’ Party mobilizes the workers of the world to turn imperialist conflicts into revolutionary war against the true executioners of the workers: the capitalists.

Another topic of the meeting was the history of the International Communist Workers’ Party. In different workshops, comrades guided the discussion and answered the doubts of the young workers and students who came to the meeting.

A worker asked, “Are there more people in the international party?”

A working-class leader responded, “The ICWP is present in many places around the world. There are a lot of us, and we can’t all be at every meeting. Thanks to the efforts of workers around the world, we can carry out these activities. The party is of the workers, for the workers.”

“The ICWP was born more than a decade ago from the decision to fight directly for communism without intermediate/socialist phases as was advocated by the old communist movement,” a comrade explained.  “We fight directly to abolish money, borders, sexism, etc.

“Communist philosophy allows us to question current reality, to question whether the ways of life and production should be as they are now, and whether they have always been this way in the history of humanity. It allows us to reflect and use essential critical thinking in the fight for communism,” she concluded.

“The examples of how capitalism works and how they steal the fruit of our labor are really interesting to me,” said a young garment worker who had come to our meeting for the first time.  “We earn our daily wage in two hours. The rest is profit for the bosses. I would like to read more about it. I’ve heard that Red Flag has had articles about this.”

We ended the discussion with a history of May Day and our role on International Workers’ Day:  not as a festival, but as an act of commemoration. It’s an opportunity to take to the streets under our red flags and communist slogans—to take our line to the thousands of workers who go out to march that day.

Students Learn About ICWP and Communism

Greetings to everyone!

We were recently invited to a meeting of the International Communist Workers’ Party here in El Salvador. I went with my father (a worker), my brother, and a friend.

It was our first meeting. They explained what the party is and what its objectives are. That they fight for the working class against the exploitation by the bosses and the capitalist system that the workers face every day.

The party fights for students to have a better understanding of ICWP’s effort to replace the capitalist system with communism.

A woman worker explained the history of May Day, as a prelude to inviting us all to the May Day March, an opportunity to publicize the party.

After this discussion, we enjoyed lunch and the outing, together with our family.

—Student in El Salvador

New Comrades Join ICWP in El Salvador

Two young workers from J Clothing Company joined a communist workers’ cell. This is a factory where approximately 900 to 1000 workers work. It is a great opportunity to expand our International Communist Workers’ Party, and hopefully to share our Red Flag newspaper.

It is the second time that we met with them to integrate them into our party and our fight directly for communism. In the factory where they work, they make Jeans Champion and other brands.

The main objective is to share with them the need to do political work in that concentration of workers, which is very extensive.

These young people shared with us their on-the-job experience. We gave them our Red Flag newspaper, our tool for spreading the party line.

One of them asked for the online link to Red Flag: “I need it, I want to read and get to know the party well.”

“I like communist ideas, because that is how we identify ourselves. We are all one class,” said the other.

A woman comrade said that her youngest son wants to participate in these meetings. Even though the repression is very strong, they agree with communist ideas.

We ended up exchanging phone numbers to have more frequent communication. We closed the discussion with plans for May Day, very enthusiastic about continuing the struggle.

—Comrade worker in El Salvador

Greetings from a Garment Worker in El Salvador

I’m José, a garment worker in the Free Trade Zone near the capital of El Salvador.

I had the opportunity to attend a meeting where I met the International Communist Workers’ Party for the first time. It’s the first moment that I’m getting to know their plan of struggle and it motivates me.

After attending a large meeting, I had a second get-together with a group of comrades. There they talked about the situation that workers face and that it’s the same situation that we face in all the factories. I think that the struggle that the party puts forward is just and necessary.

I hope to continue learning a little more about the communist line and to be able to be part of this effort.

Greetings to all the workers of the world!

—Worker in a Maquila (sweatshop)

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