Letters: Migrant Deaths in Mexico, Imperialist Conflict in Honduras

Ciudad Juarez: Communism will demolish capitalism’s deadly borders here ♦ Inter-imperialist fight in Central America calls for communist revolution here ♦

Communism Will Demolish Capitalism’s Deadly Borders

“My heart breaks for my working-class siblings who have died in imprisonment seeking a better life,” said a young Black comrade in the US.  He had just learned about the terrible tragedy that resulted in the death of 39 migrants from Central and South America, including at least 28 of Guatemalan origin.

 “The United States has destabilized countries in Latin America like Guatemala,” he continued. “Now it is working with the Mexican government to imprison migrant workers for chasing promises the USA had no plans on keeping.

“We must demolish borders, which separate and imprison the working class,” he admonished. “We cannot continue to watch our brothers and sisters become martyrs for a cause we all have a stake in, our right to live equitable lives. That, unfortunately, can’t be done in a capitalist world no matter where you live.”

As the comrade says, this life-and-death issue is a class conflict between the worldwide working masses and the capitalists.  Both the US capitalist state and the Mexican capitalist state are responsible for the murder of these migrants.  They have workers’ blood on their hands.

The deadly blaze broke out on the night of March 27th at the National Institute of Migration in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico.  Some reports say that it was the result of a protest near the immigration station that got out of control.

Others, like the wife of a migrant who was injured in the fire, blamed Mexican authorities.  “The doors of the immigration facility in the men’s section were never opened to allow the detainees to get out to take shelter from the flames,” she added.

One survivor reported that the guard refused to open the gate to the area where they were confined.  Most of the fatalities caused by suffocation from the smoke.

Yes, we do have to demolish the borders that separate and imprison workers – and then murder them. To do this we need to start mobilizing the working-class masses for communism.  To fight for and create a different world in which every single human being will be cherished and provided with a decent and fulfilling life. One of our communist principles is “From each according to ability and commitment, to each according to need.”

— Comrade in Los Angeles, USA

Inter-imperialist Fight in Central America Calls for Communist Revolution

“If Honduras’ Castro Gets Her Way, the US Will Pay,” headlined an opinion piece in Newsweek. It referred to Honduran president Xiomara Castro’s March 14 decision to break diplomatic and economic relations with Taiwan and start them with China.

The article urges the US to act immediately on the Economic Development and Employment Zone program to recover the Honduran economy before it falls into China’s hands. “This concern must fall on the shoulders of human rights champions Senator Marco Rubio (Florida) and Ted Cruz (Texas).” These two fascists are known in the United States for their right-wing, anti-communist politics.

“It’s too late, buddy,” a friend responded. “China has already invested in construction projects such as the Patuca III Hydroelectric Plant and huge condominium constructions.”

The Honduran foreign minister said, “Honduras is grateful to Taiwan, but economic ties with China pushed us to cut those relations… These are political decisions. The world has been moving in this direction. We believe that this step will benefit the country.”

That step is like a bucket of cold water for US imperialism.  Honduras joins El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama, and the Dominican Republic, which have recently abandoned the US ally Taiwan and sought shelter under the Chinese empire.

Central America is once again a point of confrontation between the US imperialists and Russian-Chinese imperialists. In the 1980s, during the civil war in El Salvador, the US government had several hundred soldiers in Honduras ready to fight the FMLN. They supported the (pro-US) Contra mercenaries who were fighting against the (pro-Russian) Sandinistas.

Central American bosses are like rats abandoning the sinking US ship. In this fight between imperialists, the workers have nothing to gain and much to continue to lose. The Chinese bosses will not be that different from the exploitation, repression and death caused by local governments and US imperialists.

Central American workers have a history of fighting against the bosses. Many have fought and others continue to fight for a vision of a communist world. Our alternative is to continue building our Red Flag networks and collectives to fight for our society without exploitation, a communist world.

— Comrade in Los Angeles, USA

Read the ICWP Pamphlet:

“Fight For the Day When no Worker is Called Foreigner”


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