South Africa: Capitalist Crisis Demands Communist Revolution, not Socialist Reform

Fighting for Communist Revolution, not Socialist Reform Among the Masses here ♦ Kenya Masses Have the Cops on the Run here ♦

To End Capitalist Crisis: Fight for Communist Revolution, Not Socialist Reforms

GQEBERHA (South Africa), March 20 – Masses demonstrated today throughout South African cities, against President Ramaphosa and the crisis of capitalism characterised by exploitation, poverty, hunger, crime, blackouts, and corruption. Throughout the continent there were demonstrations too, including in Kenya and Nigeria. All over the world there are similar demonstrations.

Although the strike was led by the socialist reformist EFF (Economic Freedom Fighters) and the South African Federation of Trade Unions, we as ICWP nonetheless participated and distributed our Red Flag to the masses. Our line was that we should fight for communism directly, not for socialism, which inevitably leads us to the same place of capitalism. The history of communists in the past has shown that.

We had interesting conversations with demonstrators, including EFF members. They showed enthusiasm as we distributed all the 120 copies of the paper that we had.

A truck driver asked, “What is this, comrade”?

Comrade N answered, “It’s Red Flag, a communist newspaper. We are ICWP members”.

“I’ve never heard of ICWP, is it a new party”?

“We are not new”, comrade N replied.  “It’s been almost 10 years the party operating in South Africa, especially here in Gqeberha. We call to fight directly for communist revolution. Capitalists have long exploited us, and if we don’t fight to change it, nothing will change”.

The comrade truck driver replied, “Yeah, indeed we are fighting the same thing. That’s why I’m here. Capitalism must fall. We will go forward with socialism”.

Another ICWP comrade replied, “we believe socialism will lead us in the same place we are in now. We agree with the EFF that capitalism must fall. However, we don’t agree with the socialist line because socialism just wants to reform the system and not eradicate it. Hence it is another form of capitalism”.

The comrade then said, “Wow, I hear you, that is an interesting perspective. I never looked at it that way. Take my Facebook and maybe we can chat further, however I am always busy as I am always on the road”.

These are often the kind of conversations we encounter with the masses who are angry and wanting alternatives. More often than not, they want reforms.

We had similar conversation with students at the march. They thought if we get free education in tertiary (academic and technical universities) then things will get better because “we will be employable”.

We continue to explain that we cannot make peace with class enemies as they only seek exploitation, which inevitably will lead to the same issues we are complaining about. Reforms do not change the situation of the working class and are increasingly becoming impossible in the crisis of capitalism as it exists.

Many workers around the world must be won to communist revolution not reform. The capitalist system needs workers to be retrenched (laid off). They need wages to stagnate or fall. They need xenophobia to divide us. Capitalism needs wars to continue the profits and exploitation.

Another example we made to the EFF students is that in 2017 similar strikes were held against Zuma and he resigned. But nothing changed; in fact, some things have gotten worse. Therefore, it doesn’t matter which face governs. It is the capitalist system that must fall and not be replaced by reforms where the bosses still exist to exploit us and make profit.

We must strive and continue to spread our communist ideas and we continue to do so in these marches and strikes. Workers do welcome us, and we can confidently build and lay foundation for a communist revolution. We encourage workers and students here in South Africa and around the world to join ICWP in our fight against capitalism.

Kenya Masses Have the Cops on the Run

March 20—This image captures the moment when security forces in Nairobi, Kenya, found themselves outnumbered by the masses and turned and ran.

“We were having demonstrations about the high cost of living. It’s a tough life, not only in Nairobi.  It was countrywide,” texted a friend in Kenya.

Thousands in Kenya demonstrated nationwide in many cities against prices of food and the cost of living on Monday, 20 March. They were repressed by the Kenyan police, who used tear gas against the masses in the streets and murdered a student protestor with live fire in Kisumu. Kenyan security forces, trained and armed by the US and Israeli capitalists, have suppressed these protests for the moment. But the capitalist crisis is making life impossible for the masses everywhere. We will work harder to bring Red Flag to friends in Kenya and around the world.

Read the ICWP Manifesto:

Mobilize the Masses for Communism


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