Expanding Imperialist Wars Make Communist Revolution Necessary and Possible

Communist Revolution will End Imperialist Bloodbaths

April 17— War in Syria is intensifying. US imperialism has stepped up shelling Iranian forces there. Iranian and Syrian forces answered by shelling US bases, killing a US contractor and injuring soldiers.  They aim to force the US to withdraw.

In Sudan, western-backed forces are fighting the Russian-backed ruler. Russian warships regularly dock there, and Russia plans to build a naval base.

We live in dangerous times. Capitalism is in a severe worldwide crisis. The capitalists-imperialists are rapidly moving to war on a worldwide scale over profits and empires.

Russian, Ukrainian, and Syrian workers pay with their lives with bullets. Workers in Africa and elsewhere pay with their lives through starvation.  Others pay for the rulers’ weapons with high oil prices, inflation, cutbacks, mass unemployment, and crushing poverty. The fascist rulers try to drown in blood our ever-growing rebellions against these vicious attacks.

Our class has shown unity, determination, and heroism in massive rebellions against these attacks: France, Ecuador, China, India, Sri Lanka, South Africa, and more. This shows our revolutionary potential and opportunity.

In this period, communist revolution is necessary and possible—if we win these masses to fight for communism. That requires a massive International Communist Workers’ Party worldwide. The growing ICWP collectives in India, El Salvador, and South Africa show the way forward.

As the crisis intensifies, millions more will rebel. Millions more will be drafted to fight for the imperialists. This is the opportunity to turn the imperialists’ crisis and war into a revolution for communism.

Capitalism’s competition for maximum profit makes imperialist wars inevitable. Peace marches or peace coalitions –no matter how big—can’t stop war. Only communist revolution will end capitalism’s deadly competition and wars for profit. Only worldwide communism can bring us peace.

Starting in liberated areas, together we’ll build a society based on communist relations of cooperation and collectivity. We’ll share all resources to meet the needs of all workers. As revolution spreads, we’ll build a communist world without borders, nations, wage slavery or money. Without racism, sexism, or xenophobia.

No Good Imperialists

Two imperialist blocs compete for world domination: US and its western allies versus China-Russia-Iran, which have banded closer amidst the crisis.

Many who justifiably hate US/western imperialism think Russia and China are better. But they, too, are capitalist-imperialist.  All capitalists and imperialists are mortal enemies of workers everywhere. None are “lesser evils.” Each is out for profit at the cost of workers’ lives. Our task is to bury them all.

Shifting Imperialist World Order Intensifies Dangers and Opportunities

US imperialists hoped to weaken their rivals’ bloc by dismantling Russia. They pushed NATO to Russia’s doorstep. Russian imperialists invaded Ukraine to stop NATO’s advance and restore Russia’s former empire.

Drastic western economic sanctions failed to isolate Russia politically or economically. Instead, they have isolated and weakened the US.  The petrodollar, cornerstone of US world economic domination since 1973, is under attack.

Russia’s influence has grown dramatically in Africa and the strategic Persian Gulf region. For example, many rulers there, including the Saudis, are aligning with Syria’s Russia-supported Assad.

The UAE recently sold gas owned by France’s Totalfina to China in yuan – the first Persian Gulf energy sold in something other than dollars. This, while France’s Macron visited President Xi in Beijing.

This will expand as China’s influence in Saudi Arabia increases. The Saudis already sell most of their oil to China. Thus, Xi could convince Saudi Arabia to end its dispute with Iran.

Saudi Arabia has applied for membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, led by China and Russia. This is the world’s biggest regional political, economic and defense organization.  When Saudi oil is sold in Chinese yuan, it will signal the end of the petrodollar era.

US Imperialism:  Only Resort is War

The US rulers’ isolation makes the world more dangerous. War becomes their only option to defend their empire and the dollar dominance. Likewise, only by war can the Chinese and Russian imperialists replace the US at the top.

The US Director of National Intelligence reported in March that the US faces a “critical few years” for decisive action to contain China.

China openly plans to take over Taiwan. Biden says the US is ready for war to stop this. Xi recently repeated his call for the Chinese military to “prepare for active combat.” China just passed a law to draft veterans and students.

All the imperialists are willing to murder millions for their profits in World War III. Only communist revolution, not voting or reform, can end this.

We must spread Red Flag and build ICWP collectives worldwide. Especially key is sending communist youth into the factories and armies to win industrial workers and soldiers to embrace and fight for communism.

Soldiers have rebelled and mutinied before, from the Indian Sepoys to US troops in Vietnam. During the first world war, Russian soldiers and sailors joined workers for revolution. But they built socialism, not communism, and an imperialist Russia rose again.

This time we must fight directly for communism to end wage slavery, money, and markets for good! Building communist relations worldwide, we have a communist world to win!

Bolshevik sailors led a mutiny on the Battleship Potemkin during the 1905 Revolution against the czar

Petrodollars:  Key to U.S. Empire

At the end of World War II, all the imperialist economies (except the US) were devastated.  US goods flooded markets worldwide, capturing over half of the market share.

The US had planned a new global financial system earlier in the war, but its allies didn’t agree to it. Only in 1946, after the US had dropped two atom bombs on Japan, did they fall in line. With the Bretton Woods agreement, US imperialists imposed the dollar as the main currency of the world on weakened England and other Western imperialist powers. The dollar, pegged to the gold standard, reigned supreme.

In 1973, after spending huge sums on the Vietnam war, the US no longer had enough gold reserves to back up the dollar.

But US imperialists controlled the most valuable and plentiful oil in the world, in Saudi Arabia. In 1973, they convinced the Saudis to sell oil only in dollars in exchange for security guarantees. Other oil-producing countries followed suit. This marked the birth of the petro dollar.

This gave the US imperialists a huge advantage. They could buy goods and attract investments from all over the world, and just print dollars in return. Other capitalists were forced to invest in the US economy and to buy dollars with which to purchase oil. The oil-producing capitalists were forced to invest their surplus dollars in the US economy, buying weapons, other goods, and the US debt.

This advantage is now evaporating.

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