We Will Have a Communist World Without Borders

Revolution Will End Capitalism and Its Murderous Border Policy

April 17— A fire broke out in the Ciudad Juárez detention center in northern Mexico on March 27, leaving 40 dead and others in critical condition. “It’s all Biden’s fault,” said a worker whose relative was among the victims. As the fire raged and the men inside kicked, struggled, and cried out for help, officials walked away.

Mexican officials, from the head of the immigration Agency to the guards, face charges in these deaths. But the entire capitalist system is guilty. Biden, like Trump, has continued a border policy that has trapped an estimated 40,000 people along the US-Mexico border (according to the UN).

World capitalist crisis makes it impossible for the masses to survive.

Around the world, imperialist super-exploitation, joblessness, fascist war and surveillance, gang violence, and climate change have combined to make it impossible for more and more people to survive at home.

By the end of 2021, there were an estimated total of 27.1 million refugees and 4.6 million asylum seekers fleeing violence or persecution worldwide. Two-thirds of the refugees came from just five countries: South Sudan, Syria, Venezuela, Myanmar, and Afghanistan. Millions more have left Iraq, Ukraine, Yemen, Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. This doesn’t even begin to count those who fled starvation, homelessness, unemployment or natural disasters.

As migration increases, governments unite to repress our class siblings. The US, Panamanian, and Colombian rulers announced a 60-day campaign to stop migration through the Darien jungle. This flow of migrants from South America, Africa, and Asia almost doubled last year and is expected to double again this year.

Mexican rulers are guilty of aiding the US in its murderous policy.

Since 2008, US funds have supported detention centers and encouraged immigration officials to harass migrants and prevent them from reaching the US-Mexico border. In 2020, the Mexican government took $4 million earmarked for economic development and spent it on surveillance and immigration detention.

The results: 520,000 Central American migrants detained in Mexico between 2015 and 2018. Another 70,000 migrants disappeared in Mexico between 2006 and 2016.

We don’t have to live, and die, this way.

The world is increasingly unstable. Some argue that a third world war has already begun. The working masses are not condemned to die as victims of capitalist exploitation and war. We can take our destiny into our own hands and fight to end capitalist misery with communist revolution. We can build a new world without exploitation, racism, nationalism, xenophobia, and war.

Red Flag is the seed of that new world. While ICWP is still a small party, the articles written by garment workers in Sri Lanka, sweatshop workers in El Salvador, education workers in Los Angeles, young workers in South Africa, and high school students in Seattle are the beginning of that new world.

Communist workers and youth organized locally but united through ICWP with their working-class comrades around the world are early steps of the revolution that will transform the world.

Let’s fight for a communist world without borders!

Nations—and nationalism—are capitalist inventions. They are based on the lie that workers have more in common with their “own” bosses than with workers on the other side of an artificial border.

The communist class struggle teaches us something different: that capitalists and the politicians who work for them are our class enemy. Their riches come from our sweat. Their laws and institutions perpetuate that exploitation.

When the conditions are right, and we have organized a large enough base in the bosses’ factories and armies, we will fight to liberate the working class. That won’t happen all at once.

But once we have liberated an area, we will build a communist society there. We will produce the necessities and share what we produce among all of us. Party collectives will organize this work and recruit everyone who shares these goals.

In a communist society, labor will not be a commodity bought and sold by a boss.  Without borders or money, neither workers nor their families will have to move from their place of origin because they cannot find a job.

We will welcome workers everywhere, no matter where they come from. Refugees and immigrants, because of their experiences with the worst capitalist oppression, will give key leadership as they do today in our party. Together we will build the new communist society and we will continue to fight until capitalism is destroyed all over the world.

Capitalist Immigration Policy = Premeditated Murder

Capitalist immigration policy is based on deadly deterrence. If migration is dangerous enough, if enough people die trying, bosses figure that all but the most desperate will stay home. Deliberate policies such as impossibly difficult asylum applications and taller border fences along safer terrain intentionally push people to more desperate and dangerous crossings over mountains, desert, or ocean.

The Mediterranean is the most dangerous route in the world, where 604 people, including 57 children, are known to have died so far this year.

Just two weeks before the Ciudad Juarez deaths, eight migrants died on Black’s Beach in northern San Diego County, thirty miles north of the border, when their small boats capsized on a stormy night. These desperate attempts to cross the border by sea have quadrupled since 2019 as a direct result of US border policy.

March 13—Approximately 2,000 migrants, hearing a rumor that asylum seekers with children would be admitted to the US, stormed the Paso del Norte Bridge border crossing between Ciudad Juárez, Mexico and the US.  People fleeing persecution in their own country and seeking asylum in the US are desperate, due to a new mobile application for making asylum appointments and a Biden administration rule that requires that they first seek protection in a country through which they passed.

Read Our Pamphlet:

“Fight for the Day When No Worker Will be Called Foreigner”


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