El Salvador: Unity of Industrial and Farm Workers

Building Communist Relations here ♦ Communist Farmworkers Discuss Security here ♦

May Day, San Salvador, 2023 “Communist Revolution Will Free the Working Class from Wage Slavery”

How Can We Be Sure of ICWP? Building Communist Relations among Industrial Workers and Farmworkers

EL SALVADOR, May 27— “I am a very thorough person. I like to listen and watch people to see if what they say goes with what they do. Not like the fmln who, when they came to power, forgot everything they had promised the people,” said a new farmworker comrade during a recent meeting.

“I participated in the march on May 1st,” he continued, “and I found that in the group that we were going to march there were other friends, from the eastern part of the country, whom I already knew from national farmworkers’ meetings.”

A worker from the western maquilas and the new comrade, an agricultural leader from the center of the country, participated in this meeting.  Three comrades came to represent the International Communist Workers’ Party.

“The masses are mobilizing worldwide,” began a comrade. “The Party’s idea is that we give leadership to the working class. Our pillars for organizing are the workers and the army,” she continued.

An ICWP worker leader pointed out that “In the factory where I work, the Party is the guarantor of the communist line. It is known there, and in other factories in various places, the Red Flag newspaper is already read.”

The western worker asked, “How many workers are there in the factory where you work? To how many workers can you pass the newspaper?”

The comrade replied, “The factory is not very big. There are only about 150 workers, but I already have contacts and I pass the Red Flag to some co-workers and friends on WhatsApp.

Then he said, “Where we were going to have this meeting, it is a rural area. Several friends were invited to introduce them to the Party, but the conditions weren’t right, so we are going to hold it next month. There is a lot of enthusiasm to learn about the ideas of ICWP.”

It was a good exchange of views among new and old comrades of the International Communist Workers’ Party.

“I need to know more about you,” the farmworker pointed out. “I already told you, I’m very thorough and I want to know what I’m getting myself into. I’m president of this and that and I don’t want them to talk to me about communism again and it’s not true. Which is what happened with the front.”

“I think that it is a very good aspect, to be thorough, because we need to be critical and self-critical in order to advance in the construction of the ICWP,” replied a comrade.

Another comrade ended by pointing out that the front had wrong ideas from the beginning. Their ideology was never directed towards communism. They never talked about ending wage slavery. That was to establish the difference between them and the ICWP, which says that the workers generally need to know, with some examples of political economy, about the abolition of money and the organization of production based on the needs of humanity and not for profit.

At the end of the enjoyable meeting, possible dates for upcoming meetings in other areas were discussed to get ICWP’s ideas out to industrial workers and farm workers.

Communist Farm Workers Discuss: What is Security?

“Here in El Salvador, there is a lot of talk about security. Everyone says they feel safe with the current regime, but I wonder what security? Security as to known problems? What about food security, health security? We can hardly buy anything, everything is very expensive,” said a comrade at a meeting in the countryside with communist farmworkers.

“I see and hear interviews, and everyone says they feel safe, and nobody says anything about what I’m mentioning. Yes, they complain about how expensive things are, but they don’t think about that when they are asked how they feel.  Many say that ‘today we feel more secure,’ but secure about what?”

“It is true that there are some changes in the country,” responded a comrade. “But what the comrade mentioned is a very important issue and we must continue talking about it. Only in Communism will security be built collectively in all aspects of life.”

In this very interesting early-morning meeting, we discussed how to increase the distribution of our Red Flag newspaper in the area. The farmworkers stated that when they are with friends or in meetings to talk about the need to organize, they share Red Flag with some of them.

“We find that most people are talking about the issue of security, and then we tell them that this is not enough, people are poorly fed, they do not have comprehensive health care,” said M.

After we said goodbye, we walked a few meters and saw a comrade coming toward us whom we hadn’t seen for a while, and we had asked about him. When he saw us, we were all happy.

The first thing he said was: “And my newspaper? You think that because we don’t see each other so often I don’t do work. I always talk about our project wherever I am.” Another comrade immediately handed him the newspaper.

It was a very gratifying morning. Talking with this group of comrades always encourages us to continue our fight for communism with greater strength.

—Communist teacher

FMLN fighters during the civil war in El Salvador

Front page of this issue