India: Growing Fight Against Capitalist Sexism

Fight Fascist Capitalism’s Sexist Violence. Masses of Communist Women and Men Will Change the World

INDIA, May 28— “The world is watching us,” declared Sakshee Malikkh, a woman wrestler who was brutally assaulted by Delhi police along with others. They have been protesting Brij Bhushan Singh, a powerful member of the fascist BJP. He is accused of sexually harassing and mentally torturing women athletes and underage girls.

A few blocks away, an expensive new Parliament building was being inaugurated. Thousands of heavily armed troops were there to prevent the athletes’ protest. Tens of thousands of supporters came to join the athletes. Many others were turned away on the highways.

The new Parliament building has all the hallmarks of fascism. The inauguration date commemorated a Hindu fanatic who praised Hitler and Mussolini and was key in organizing the fascist RSS (Rashtriya Swamsewak Sangh). RSS, the Nationalist Self-reliant Movement, is a Hindu-supremacist organization formed by Modi’s BJP.

The new building was lavishly built by the Tatas, among India’s richest billionaires. It was blessed by mass murderers and rapists dressed as Hindu priests. These gangsters included the rapist Brij Bhushan Singh, who is charged with forty other violent crimes.

One of Parliament’s first acts was to reject unanimously a proposal to stop irregularities in Adani enterprises.

Tens of millions in India watched the unfolding police action against the women athletes. Masses were disgusted with the Government’s sexism. Powerful newspapers and TV channels censored the protests, but hundreds of millions were talking about a sham parliament that spent over a billion dollars to suppress dissent. The so-called largest democracy in the world proved itself a dictatorship of the rich and powerful capitalists.

In Delhi, Bengaluru, and Chennai, ICWP comrades went to factories and demonstrations to show that only communism will end sexism. In Bengaluru garment districts, we started discussions on the harmful effects of sexism. Women talked about how rapes, dowry debt, and murders happen to people they know.

“We will instantly kill and eliminate sexist murderers like Brij Bhushan Singh,” a comrade said. “Women and men who are victims of such people will swiftly kill them. It will embolden the masses to fight sexism.

“We will have art, culture, and street theatre to celebrate the unity of women and men. We will do away with sexist clothing. We will not make women sex objects,” she concluded.

Another comrade was thinking about why sexism exists today. We don’t all agree about when sexism arose. But everybody agreed that sexism, directly and indirectly, helps capitalism’s profits.

“When even famous wrestlers are treated in a such humiliating way, supported by sexist criminals who spend all their time profiting from capitalism,” someone asked, “how can working-class women defend against such a system?” The Dalit woman of Hathras who was gang-raped and killed, and Bilkis Bano, who was also gang-raped, and her child killed, are among the many women who suffer horribly due to murderous capitalists.

Discussions about sexism have made many women and men think deeply about how it plays a cultural role to support capitalism as it demeans women. An ICWP member said emotionally, “Communism will bring changes that are difficult for us to even imagine. When we kill people like Singh, we will have guns in our hands.

“But how do we combat sexism now,” she asked, “when people like Singh roam around freely, supported by fascism?”

“We must fight sexist ideas and behaviour that comrades have learned from the past,” was the answer. “This will encourage and inspire everyone to recruit more communists.”

As Malikkh said, “The world is watching.” We must show that communism can change the world.

Read Our Pamphlet:

The Communist Fight Against Sexism here

More on the Fight Against Sexism here

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