South Africa: New Comrades Speak Out

New Comrade Imagines Communist Society here ♦ “Make Communism Live” here ♦ We Are Family here ♦

New Comrade Imagines Communist Society

Communism is all about equality, no matter what race you are, no matter the gender. In communism we are one.

Imagine a society where capitalism does not exist at all. How each and everyone’s life would be. How we would live freely, no crime, no racism, no violence. Where everyone’s voice matters. Where we all are equal. No bosses – no one has power over the other.

Well, it is possible if we would all have the same goal and walk the same path. In that way, we need to be united. We can fight and stop corruption together. We can fight and stop racism together. We can stop crime together, if we would stop allowing ourselves to be manipulated by the bosses.

We are being overworked only for the bosses to become richer, yet they are dividing us as workers. If we could stand together and be united, we can overcome the struggle and be peaceful.

Join ICWP, where we can all stand together in unity, sharing more ideas on how to move forward together. Our blood is red. We are all equal.

I am glad to bring that positive energy amongst all other great comrades. It is an honor. And I am glad to have raised my struggles, so now I also feel 100 percent more like a comrade than before. Thank you for bringing me in, comrades.

Red Salute!

—New comrade in South Africa

New Comrade: “Make Communism Live”

All my adult life, I have been searching for something. Now ICWP has given me a lifestyle to live.

We share a lot in common with Comrade Q. She has shown me great communist heart too. Please do meet with us. Share whatever is in your heart and allow us to share our individual thoughts about it. We are both new and have zeal to learn and to recruit more communist-hearted comrades.

May the spirit of communism be alive. May we continue to make it live and practice it in our daily lives.

I want to make the Party proud next year to see how we have grown. ICWP Comrades and Red Flag readers are growing and will grow more. I want to write about our past struggles and find solutions as we are continuing to grow as communists. If we can’t face the issues now, the issues will catch up with us.

Even if we meet for thirty minutes before we start our meetings, that would be good. So that we share in the group and keep in touch. We have to be able to continue chats with new Red Flag readers. We need a link to join so that they could ask questions like the brother who showed interest and asked questions to Comrade S.

I would love to hear more about living without money. We are highly motivated Party members, and we want to know how to practice communism in our lives.

—A new Female Comrade

“We are family.”

We distributed Red Flag today at Triton Express, one of the largest supply-chain distributors with over 55,000 containers. A comrade said “Very good. The work really does need to be grounded among industrial workers and soldiers.”

One who came, Comrade Q, lost both his girlfriend and his grandmother last week. Yet he still came to distribute Red Flag.

Comrades around the world responded.

“Comrade Q is under so much pain, but he pulled through and came with us.”

“We are one big family. You are not alone. We are with you during this hard time. Your presence is appreciated, Comrade. Not only are we ICWP members but family too.”

“Red salute, comrade.” “What a terrible time for our comrade. We will help however we can.”

—Comrades in South Africa

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