USA: Aerospace and Hotel Workers on Strike

LOS ANGELES (USA), July 5— Comrades from the International Communist Workers’ Party took our political line to hotel workers’ picket lines. Strikers demanded a wage increase. Although the ICWP does not fight for reforms, the strikers received us well.  Our political line of “a communist world without money” generated discussions with those who were interested. These strikes give us as a party an opportunity to be close to other workers and do political organizing work.

US Aerospace Mechanics Strike “Gains Nothing” – Workers Need Communism

July 10 — Last month’s strike of 6,000 mechanics of Spirit AeroSystems shows the need for the world’s working class to end capitalist exploitation through a real communist revolution!

The weeklong strike started on June 23. It ended with union ratification of a new contract.  A 13-year employee who voted “No!” said, “We haven’t gained anything.”

 Spirit AeroSystems, based in Wichita, Kansas (USA) is the world’s largest independent supplier of airplane structures. Its 11,000 employees manufacture fuselages and other components for Boeing’s 737 Max, the Dreamliner, and the Airbus A220 series.

 The strike surged as Boeing continues its struggle for global dominance. It’s desperately trying to sell more aircraft than its rival, Europe-based Airbus.

Spirit has a long-term relationship with Boeing, which acquired this production sector in 2005. When the strike started, Boeing unconditionally supported Spirit exploiters.

Machinists have a history of defying their bosses. When they were on the same contract as Boeing’s Seattle-area plants, both IAM locals held strikes that lasted almost 60 days in 2008 and 69 days in 1995.

The Boeing rulers and the US imperialists are setting up a scenario for World War III with their rival China and its allies.

Their aim to increase production in both commercial and military relies on these workers. They will eventually recruit children of the working-class to fight wars to protect the rulers’ interests.

China is eager to increase manufacturing and sale of airplanes through the state-owned Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (Comac). It hopes to compete with the West. Comac exploits Chinese workers just like their brothers and sisters experience in the US and Europe.

After a week, CEO Tom Gentile claimed (with union officials’ support) that Spirit had listened to their employees and offered a fair and competitive contract.

Not all Spirit workers agreed. A mechanic with 43 years on the job noted that the new contract doesn’t cover inflation. Another worker said he couldn’t support it because Spirit denied extra pay on the defense side.

Workers across the world struggle for better living conditions. They fight for temporary reforms that don’t satisfy their need to survive in a savage system. These only prolong the suffering.

Industrial workers are crucial in a communist revolution. Their skills will be shared among other workers to continue producing airplanes and all essentials according to the needs of everyone!

The working class must break free from the bosses’ chains and build a collective world. ICWP encourages Spirit workers to keep their fighting stance and join our party to destroy capitalism!

Wichita Spirit workers throw contract back at union officials

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