Letters: Gaza Discussion, Historical Unity of Arab and Jewish Workers

Stop Genocide in Gaza here ♦ Palestine/Israel: Building Working-Class Unity Under Fascism here ♦

Abou Ghosh, Palestine, 1937—Workers vote for a general strike against British rule. This strike developed into the Arab Revolt which shut down the entire country. It was brutally crushed by the British Army, aided by the Haganah and the Irgun, Zionist paramilitaries which later became the basis of the Israeli “Defense” Force.

Stop the Genocide in Gaza! Let’s Fight for a Communist World!

Red Flag is my source of information, since I share the same communist ideology,” R commented. “Most importantly it tells the truth about the genocidal atrocities being carried out by the imperialist powers. And the struggle of the working class to survive in an oppressive capitalist system.”

“I appreciate the commitment of Red Flag, and the constant struggle to keep us informed,” added J. “I got the new pamphlet about Palestine. I feel that it must transcend borders and reach everyone so that they wake up and open their eyes to reality. For how long will the imperialist powers continue to be complicit in the genocide of Palestine?”

The complicity of the imperialist powers with the genocide in Gaza is rooted in their own interests. There is no reason for this systematic and cowardly slaughter. None of the imperialists is less evil or a friend to the working masses. All are fighting to become the most powerful and exploitative imperialist powers. Their goal is to control and to enrich themselves without caring how much blood they spill.

We will only be free when the working-class overthrows capitalism, which profits from our labor. That’s why it is urgent to build and become a mass party.

To create ICWP collectives in all parts of the world, especially among workers, soldiers and youth. To destroy our class enemy, the capitalist class. To organize the communist revolution and prevent this bloodbath. Ending this genocide by means of a revolutionary war for communism by forming a Red Army.

We must be unequivocal and put an end to nationalism, fascism, xenophobia, sexism, and racism by building a mass international party that is capable of making a communist revolution.

Join the International Communist Workers’ Party! We cannot and should not continue to live this way.

Let’s Fight for a Communist Revolution!

Comrade Readers in El Salvador

Palestine/Israel: Building Working Class Unity Under Fascist Conditions

It’s been seventy-five years since the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and the establishment of the Zionist state of Israel. Unsurprisingly, the movement against the genocide in Gaza and the violent occupation of the West Bank often takes the form of Palestinian nationalism.

We’ve learned bitter lessons from too many national liberation struggles worldwide. One example: Cyril Ramaphosa led a miners’ union in apartheid South Africa. He now heads the government that sent the military to murder striking miners in Marikana in 2012.

The South African government has made itself look good on the world stage by bringing charges of genocide against the Israeli government. But capitalism lives on in South Africa with its racism, poverty, and exploitation. In South Africa and in Palestine/Israel, ending racism and exploitation will take a united working class led by a revolutionary communist party.

Today we see the seeds of working-class unity in Palestine/Israel: in the mass organizations and social interactions that bring Jews and Palestinians together, especially the organizations of former soldiers breaking the silence. That’s why Red Flag emphasized the history of working-class unity under the British Mandate (1922-19487) in  an article in Volume 14 Number 16.

As the lead author of that article, it now seems to me that we made it look easy.  And that’s a distortion.  While Arab and Jewish workers marched together in the streets of Tel Aviv, Zionist terrorist militias, organized under the Mandate, were attacking Palestinian villages and Jews they accused of being “too friendly” with Palestinians.  These terrorist militias became the backbone of the Israeli “Defense” Force

Similar fascist attacks take place today. Settlers violently displace Palestinian families from their homes on the West Bank. Mobs block trucks from delivering life-saving aid to starving children in Gaza. Israeli student mobs attack Israeli educators for pro-Palestinian posts on social media.

The historical struggle of the international working class has been the fight for working-class unity for a world without capitalist exploitation, national borders, and imperialist war.  This movement has grown despite, and in opposition to, fascist gangs who threaten our class.  We have suffered casualties.  We continue the fight in memory of our fallen comrades.

We salute the comrades in Palestine/Israel and elsewhere who are planting the seeds of the revolutionary class struggle. United, we will defeat fascist capitalism and build the communist world that we need.

—Internationalist comrade in the US

Read our Pamphlet:

To End Racism, Mobilize the Masses for Communism” here

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