Palestine/Israel: Masses Need Communist Workers’ Power, Not Any Capitalist States

Hundreds eagerly took the new ICWP Gaza pamphlet at the March 2 rallies. In LA and Seattle, we distributed every copy we had, and could have given out many more. 

Fight for Communism:  Not One, Not Two, but Zero Capitalist States.
Hunger Isn’t a Crime – Intentional Starvation Is!

March 4— They’re calling it the “Flour Massacre.”  Israeli troops opened fire on thousands waiting for trucks to deliver flour and canned food near Gaza City. They killed 112 Palestinians and wounded over 750 more. Then Israeli tanks advanced to run over the dead and wounded.

Over half a million Gazans are near starving to death. This is official Israeli policy. Israeli forces patrol Gaza’s Mediterranean coast to prevent Palestinians from fishing or getting supplies by boat. Israel allows only a trickle of food deliveries through the gates of the world’s largest prison. Fascist Israeli mobs block some of those trucks while officials look on.

The US government airdropped 35,000 meals. Thirty-five thousand meals for half a million starving children and adults. This, after enabling the Israeli government to drop over 70,000 tons of bombs.

The credibility of Israel and US imperialism is in shreds. For example, French president Macron’s government banned pro-Palestinian protests last fall and continues to arm Israel. But now it denounces the massacre and calls for a ceasefire. Within the US, increasing numbers reject “Genocide Joe” Biden’s Democratic Party.

Zionist Program:  Fascism From the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea

It’s not just Gaza. The West Bank is supposedly part of a future Palestinian State. But since October 7, the Israeli government and its fascist settlers have tightened their direct control even over areas run (on paper) by the enfeebled Palestinian Authority.

Zionists are about 1/7 of the population of the West Bank. Their settlements are illegal under international law, and many even under Israeli law—but the laws mean nothing. Israeli authorities help expand settlements by providing water, power, and paved roads. They steal much of that water from springs long used by Palestinians.

Israeli soldiers stand by while settlers burn Palestinian cars and houses, block roads, destroy olive trees, seize farmland, and kill people. Soldiers have murdered close to 400 West Bank Palestinians since October 7.

Israeli forces have fenced in Palestinian neighborhoods in Hebron, and even individual houses. Roads are blocked, checkpoints are everywhere. “It’s a prison within a prison,” a resident said.

Last February, Israeli prime minister Netanyahu put his Finance Minister Smotrich in charge of the West Bank settlements. Smotrich had declared, in 2017, his goal of making “the ambition for a Jewish state from the river to the sea an accomplished fact.” How? By “establishing new cities and settlements deep inside [Palestinian] territory” with hundreds of thousands of Jewish settlers.

Some of those settlers have become shepherds because grazing sheep claims far more land than planting orchards. Netanyahu’s government and half a million settlers are openly preparing to fully annex the West Bank. Smotrich said that Palestinians would have to leave or remain without citizenship rights. Violent Zionist mobs are trying to force them to leave.

In Jerusalem, Zionist developers are trying to seize most of the Armenian Christian “quarter” using bribery and lies. They are destroying old working-class neighborhoods and institutions to build new tourist hotels. Young Armenians are camping out on the land to keep bulldozers away while a legal struggle continues.

In Israel, as in India, the fascist rulers have a mass base that doesn’t just vote for them but also does their dirty work. That makes communist work harder and even more necessary. We must struggle sharply against liberal Israeli nationalism as well as against openly racist and fascist ideas among the working class.

Does the Fascist Israeli Regime Have a “Right to Exist”?

No more than the Nazis did. But it’s not just Netanyahu and his cronies. It’s about the Israeli state.

Israeli rulers are finally admitting that they never intended to allow a permanent “partition” of Palestine or a Palestinian state. They supported Hamas to keep the Palestinian Authority from becoming one. But now they are systematically grabbing and occupying all the land that any Palestinian state might ever claim. The “two-state solution” was a cruel con.

All governments (“states”) in the world are capitalist states. They exist to enable capitalists to exploit, oppress, and suppress workers. And to help one group of national capitalists compete with others. Communists do not believe that any capitalist state has a “right to exist.”  The international working class must overthrow all of them with armed revolution.

Only then can we build the communist society, without money or borders or nations, that we all need. From the river to the sea … and around the globe.

The World Is Split into Two Classes

Masses in Gaza die of dehydration and starvation. Millions worldwide demonstrate against the atrocities of the fascist Zionists and their imperialist backers. Meanwhile, as the Flour Massacre unfolded, a grotesque display of wealth took place in India at the three-day pre-nuptial ceremony of the youngest son of multi-billionaire Ambani.

The 1200 attendees included some of the world’s wealthiest and most powerful: the Emir of Qatar, Bill and Melinda Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Ivanka Trump, Bill and Hillary Clinton. They indulged in 250 kinds of food and mingled with media giants and Hollywood and Bollywood stars in a decadent display of wealth. The venue was an orchard of 10 million trees and a refuge for rescued wild animals. Rihanna serenaded the guests.

It was an apt reminder of the horrors of capitalism: misery for the masses and the destruction of the environment in every corner of the earth. These are the media Mughals who want to shape how the working class thinks. Their lies contrast starkly with how the working class really thinks when we see brutal starvation in Gaza.

Our working class can only survive by fighting for communism.

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