Transit and All Workers: Key to Mobilizing for Communist Revolution in the Face of WWIII

Nuclear World War III ā€“ Or Communist Revolution: Workers and Soldiers Must Decide!

LOS ANGELES (USA), March 4ā€” ā€œCan I have a paper?ā€ asked an MTA bus operator at Division 15.

ā€œSure. Thereā€™s a leaflet here about your last contract. It shows the futility of fighting for reforms and the need for a communist revolution,ā€ said a comrade.

ā€œI agree. We need a revolution. All it will take is 3.5 percent of us to do it,ā€ said the worker.

ā€œWhy donā€™t you join us?ā€

ā€œIā€™m in a hurry. Next time Iā€™ll give you my info.ā€

The leaflet explained that their salaryā€™s purchasing power at the contractā€™s end dateā€“ despite MTAā€™s ā€œwage increaseā€ over five years ā€“will be less than their starting salary in 2022.

It explained that the main reason is the dollarā€™s devaluation. This is due to the drastic reduction of the value produced by US workers, as most manufacturing jobs were exported.

What Made the US Imperialists and Their Dollar Strong?

The petrodollar. In 1973, US imperialists got OPEC to sell its oil only in dollars. All other oil-producing countries followed suit.

Countries needing to purchase oil had to buy dollars and keep them in reserve, making the US dollar the worldā€™s reserve currency and enabling the US to rule the world.

Petrodollar in the US Rivalsā€™ Crosshairs

The BRICS +5 trade group, headed by Chinese and Russian imperialists, is campaigning to de-dollarize the world. They trade in local currencies, plan to create a BRICS currency, and are developing an international payment system to avoid the US-dominated one.

That means that a fifth of the oil traded in 2023 was sold in currencies other than the US dollar. The biggest threats: the United Arab Emirates are selling oil in Chinese yuan, and the Saudi government may soon sell oil in other currencies. This spells the beginning of the petrodollarā€™s end. The US imperial crown is passing to the Chinese imperialists.

This wonā€™t be a peaceful ceremony. It means World War III. Some say its opening shots are the US-NATO proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, and China-Russia-Iran proxy war against US-Israel in Gaza.

Both conflicts are heading into a full-blown confrontation involving all imperialists. When it will happen is unpredictable, inevitable, and likely soon.

Axis of Resistance Fights US-Israel

The Axis of Resistance – funded, trained, and armed by Iran ā€“ consists of some 40 militia groups. They include Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and Shia militias operating in Iraq and Syria.

The China-Russia-Iran imperialist bloc set up the Israel-Hamas war to bog down the US in the Middle East and to eventually drive US forces out of the region. The first diverts the USā€™s attention and resources away from Ukraine and the South China Sea. The second will allow these US rivals to control the region.

US-Israel seems to have no alternative but to fight the Axis to the last Gazan. As this war grows, so does the danger of a direct clash with Iran.

US-NATO-Russia War Escalates:Ā  World War Drums Beat Louder

First, attacking Russian pre-war territory was a ā€œred line.ā€ Then the Crimean bridge was bombed. Now Ukraine claims it damaged or destroyed one third of Russiaā€™s Black Sea Fleet and is striking energy facilities deep inside Russia. All this with NATO personnel participating and with US intelligence support. Still, Russia is winning.

Now French President Macron calls for sending NATO troops to Ukraine to defeat Russia.

NATO ā€œrejectedā€ this plan, but their actions tell a different story. Canada, Italy, UK, Germany, France, and Denmark signed 10-year security agreements with Ukraine. They pledged to safeguard its sovereignty and its intention to join NATO.

Ā ā€œQuite frankly,ā€ said the US Secretary of Defense, ā€œif Ukraine falls, I really believe that NATO will be in a fight with Russia.ā€

Putin warned cynically and cold-bloodedly that ā€œall this truly threatens a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons, and therefore the destruction of civilization.ā€

Russian and Chinese imperialists, like US and all imperialists, will kill us by the hundreds of millions fighting for their profits and empires.

Humanity at a Crossroads: Nuclear War or Communist Revolution

The international working class will be the grave digger of capitalism. Letā€™s organize a massive ICWP internationally to bury capitalism forever with communist revolution.

We produce all social value. We run all industries and everything that brings the world alive. Urban transit workers are crucial to take workers to work. They can paralyze cities from Los Angeles to Sao Paulo, to Tokyo, Chennai, and Beijing. Our class siblings make up the worldā€™s mighty armies.

Workers, soldiers, sailors, and youth everywhere have no interest in supporting any imperialist vultures. They are all our enemies. Our interest and our future lie in fighting for communism.

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