El Salvador: Ex-Guerrilla Soldiers Build Communist Unity of Farm and Factory Workers

EL SALVADOR, March 22— “I don’t have money to send to the workers, but from what little I have, I will send them a few pounds of beans and corn,” said a comrade farmworker.

“How good that we’ve come together to support the comrade workers. Solidarity is something that as a Party we must never lose. We always practiced solidarity in the war and here we must continue the struggle,” said comrade M. He was organized in the guerrilla army in the 1960s. And now, despite age-related illnesses, he continues in the revolutionary communist struggle.

A comrade leader of ICWP, together with a teacher and two health workers, proposed a campaign of communist solidarity with the factory comrades.

In the mountains of San Miguel and Morazán, there are collectives of farmworker comrades who were part of the civil war here from the 1960’s to the 1990’s and are now part of the International Communist Workers Party (ICWP). Their struggle inspires us to go forward, as they organize themselves always to participate in the struggles of the working class.

A meeting took place at the home of some ICWP comrades to economically support some women and men comrade workers. These worker comrades are going through a difficult economic situation due to changing factory jobs and the displacement of a family of workers.

The meeting with the comrades who survived the war was very exciting. They said, “We want to make our contribution to the worker comrades. We want to give our communist solidarity to the comrades in the factories.” They continued, “Tell them that we are always waiting for them, that we should meet more often, that we are one class.”

It was very moving to observe and listen to them. “This is the true unity of the working class, city workers, rural workers, and students: always forward,” concluded comrade R, recalling an old slogan.

Another comrade added, “We must include the soldiers too, whom we also had in the guerrilla ranks. They were organized inside and outside the army. Today we must remember those practices for the future revolutionary war.”

That initiated a discussion of the current inter-imperialist wars and how we communists should organize inside the capitalist armies. Comrade P said, “Soldiers are children of the city and rural workers, and we must organize them as we did in the past.”

Although the economic situation of the farmworkers is not good, they are always in the forefront with the class solidarity that they have learned and practiced.

It was a wide-ranging discussion. One night was not enough to finalize communist plans for expansion in these and other areas.

“Why didn’t you invite me? I would have contributed, even if only with some beans,” a new Party comrade called to tell us when he heard later about the collection. He was part of the government army, but he likes the communist ideas of ICWP reflected in the Red Flag newspaper.

An activity is planned to commemorate May Day 2024 with these comrades, since their age and illnesses make it more difficult for them to travel to the capital. Although they have always been part of the Party’s contingent in the march, we are planning with them how they could participate this year.

The meeting ended with a good cup of locally grown black coffee. “Some other Party comrades already know us here, but it would be good to see them again,” concluded the comrade farmworkers.

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