Immigrant Workers: Key to Eliminating Wage Slavery

Capitalists Attack the Immigrant Workers They Desperately Need to Exploit

“Are you okay? I heard on the news that they are deporting a lot of people from the US side,” said my sister, from Mexico.

I answered, “They have been doing the same thing for several years now, because they want to kill three birds with one stone. On the one hand, to frighten those of us who have been on this side for many years, so that we don’t fight for better conditions. Because we do the heaviest and most dangerous jobs for low wages. On the other hand, they blame immigrants for the problems of crime and insecurity. At the same time, they are encouraging many to immigrate and come to work in the industries and services of the US bosses.”

New York meat processor Tyson Foods, for example, has been linked to the Tent Partnership for Refugees, which was founded by Chobani Yogurt magnate Hamdi Ulukaya. Their plan is to employ thousands of New York’s newly arrived immigrants.

Tyson’s workforce of 120,000 already includes 42,000 immigrants. According to Bloomberg News, Tyson has a policy of “helping” many immigrants to get jobs in its company. Tyson officials recently met at Chobani’s offices to hire immigrants from Venezuela, Colombia, and Mexico.

“We would like to hire another 42,000 immigrants,” said Garrett Dolan, a Tyson Foods representative.

In the last two years the government has given asylum to 181,400 immigrants in New York. These tycoons plan to take advantage of the gold mine that these workers represent. The workers who are accepted into the political asylum program get their work permits and are ready to become wage slaves.

This contrasts with the anti-immigrant policies of a group of Texas bosses and politicians. Through their new SB4 law, they want to deport immigrants and arrest their supporters, including family members. At the same time, they are proposing local laws that give the green light to shoot immigrants crossing the US-Mexico border on the Texas side.

However, the US bosses have a strong need for immigrant workers in the food and other industries, including in military production.

Recently, six construction workers who were repairing potholes at night on the bridge in Baltimore died when they were thrown into the water as the bridge collapsed. All of them were immigrants from El Salvador, Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras, forced to work in this dangerous job to survive.

Many of these immigrants come with a history of struggle against capitalism. Many can be won to fight in the International Communist Workers’ Party and create a new communist world without exploitation.

Let’s fight for a world where we workers don’t have obstacles in our path to contribute our labor. Where we decide what to produce and how to distribute it for the benefit of all workers.  Let’s prepare and build communist revolution. Let’s distribute Red Flag.

—Comrade in Los Angeles (USA)

Read the ICWP Pamphlet:

“Fight for the Day When No Worker Will be Called Foreigner” here

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