International Meeting of the International Communist Workers Party

Industrial Workers and Soldiers Key to Communist Revolution

March 26— “I’m a garment worker. I’ve been in the International Communist Workers’ Party for two years. This is the first time that I will march on May Day with the ICWP. Before, I marched under other slogans. But with the party, I realize that today I will march for the right reasons, for communism,” said a young woman worker from the maquilas of El Salvador at a recent international meeting.

She concluded, “We are organizing to march and commemorate this working-class day by showing the masses that we need to fight for communism. Also, taking it to the streets shows the spirit of the workers—that we are willing to fight for a better world for the working class.”

Growing global fascism attacks the working class. The response is more communist organization and struggle. We have a lot of work to do, but we are making progress. The ICWP conference held in December in El Salvador represented a step forward with the development of young leadership, including more women. This is a process of learning and struggle that occurs in both directions.  It’s an opportunity for more young people to give leadership, to join different collectives, and to make plans to mobilize the masses for communism.

Industrial workers are key for communist revolution, as shown by the example of the Putilov arms factory in the 1917 Russian revolution.

A comrade asked, “How much do these maquila workers take responsibility for fighting and discussing the genocide in Gaza?”

“We are in the process of discussing widely about the expansion of the war, and what our response should be,” another comrade responded.

 The comrades in South Africa showed how they are advancing and making the most of the marches in which they have participated. They are organizing a Toyi-Toyi protest dance for May Day. They are also organizing immigrant workers from Mozambique, and soldiers who are key in the revolutionary fight for communism.

Fascism and genocide in Gaza have increased as have the struggles and participation of the people in the streets.  But it is necessary to plan the struggle. Only that will guarantee us ending the rotten capitalist system. In India, workers have discussed the effects of the genocide in Gaza. Unemployment, resulting from war and fascism, forces the working class to look for opportunities to survive in other countries.

The comrades in India have also participated in the farmers’ protests and when they faced the government blockade  of Delhi.  If the farmers had managed to reach Delhi, it would have affected the entire country. In response to this fight, the government shut down all social networks. This leads us to think about the new forms of communication we have and making sure that they are effective.

Building a Massive ICWP Through Red Flag

Red Flag is an essential tool to strengthen and build a mass party. It carries our communist line to mobilize the masses for communism. In this way, we become increasingly international with the creation of new communist collectives.

The work of producing the newspaper has been strengthened. It’s important to thank the comrades who contribute by writing.  More young people, comrades and friends, are working collectively.

Our comrade Hamza from Gaza, the comrades in Israel and Egypt, and other comrades from the Middle East have made a qualitative change to Red Flag.

Having a regular newspaper, even more so with the current situation, requires assuming responsibility collectively. If we write, learn, and advance we will reach thousands more workers.

Fighting Contradictions to Strengthen ICWP and Red Flag

Some young people mentioned their multiple occupations, work, studies, but with the willingness to commit to overcoming these obstacles. It was suggested to carry out this fight in the different collectives, to overcome the contradictions of writing for Red Flag. We can strengthen the fight for communism around the world and develop new, younger communist leaders.

The collectives in El Salvador are involving more comrades and friends in the production of articles for the paper. But we can improve in all areas. We discussed the contradictions that impede this process. The Red Flag editorial collective accepted the responsibility of creating a new style of work that focuses on mass participation. This way we can create a process that represents the potential of the working class to mobilize the masses for communism.

We fight so that Red Flag and the ICWP are the revolutionary force that will end the horror of imperialist war. For this we need the effort and unity of all collectives of our working class.

Industrial workers are at the center where exploitation occurs. They are key to destroying wage slavery and building a new communist society.

This May Day we will march and distribute our Red Flag newspaper, showing that we are a revolutionary force fighting for communism and we will encourage the masses to join us.


Front page of this issue