US-Russia War Heats Up

Terrorist attack in Moscow and Russian Retaliation Bring World War Closer

March 27— The March 22 terrorist attack on the rock concert at Moscow’s Crocus City Hall, with over 6000 people attending, killed 137 people. At least 60 more were injured, including children.

This massacre took place five days after Putin’s re-election.  It was partly to show Putin’s inability to protect Russia from terrorism. Instead, the Russian masses have rallied behind imperialist Putin.

On March 25, in retaliation, Russian hypersonic cruise missiles destroyed the Ukrainian secret service (GUR) headquarters in Kiev and other targets. The warning period was only six minutes instead of the usual 20.  Along with the GUR building, the attack destroyed two Patriot missile systems and a Patriot air defense control center filled with personnel.

The US government claims that ISIS was behind the Crocus Hall attack.  But Russia and others show clear evidence that it was carried out by the GUR. This was created and trained by the CIA. The US CIA surely knew about, and helped instigate, this attack.

Two weeks ago, US officials warned Russia that “Islamic extremists” were planning an attack on Moscow. They warned US citizens to avoid mass public gatherings, including concerts.

The CIA-trained GUR terrorists made sloppy mistakes. These incriminated Ukraine instead of lending false credence to the ISIS narrative peddled by US imperialism.

GUR’s first mistake was recruiting men who were not willing to fight to the death and die there for their cause. They recruited four men from Tajikistan on the promise of $5000 each. They were chosen from an Islamic terrorists training camp. Also their country has visa-free travel privileges to Russia.  Out of desperation, Ukraine went ahead with their compromised plan.

After their hired terrorists accomplished their terrible crime, GUR tried to get them to flee to a “safe house” to meet a contact who, they said, would take them to the border. That contact would probably have killed them to erase all evidence.

Instead, the terrorists fled by themselves to the Ukrainian border. This made Russia’s claim of Ukrainian involvement clearer to all. Had the terrorists reached Ukraine, however, GUR would probably have killed them there.

Also, GUR used an outdated news template for ISIS-K to claim credit for the attack instead of the newer one that ISIS now uses. This added to the credibility of the Russian version of events.

These sloppy mistakes drew attention to GUR and its trainer: the US CIA.

The captured Tajiks, probably under torture, told the Russian government the location of their terrorist training camp outside Istanbul.  The Turkish government located the camp and captured the high leadership, who revealed their links to GUR.

With this attack, the US and its NATO allies took the Ukrainian war to Moscow. The imperialist Atlantic Council brags that “Berlin and Paris agree on the need to act beyond providing more weapons, for more robust involvement in cyber defense and enhancement of Ukrainian military capabilities, moving logistics and maintenance support inside Ukraine, instead of outside.” They will increase terrorist attacks inside Russia.

US imperialists and their Western imperialist allies are forcing the Russian imperialist rulers to tighten security at all airports and public events, using resources they need for fighting the US-NATO war in Ukraine.

This can be enormous. After 9/11, the US government put 2.8 million people into security forces to guard against terrorist attacks at banks, government buildings, airports, and more.

All this is part of the sharpening struggle for world domination between the US-NATO military block and the China-Russia-Iran imperialist axis. It is accelerating the drive towards World War III.

Communists must prepare the masses of workers, youth, and soldiers everywhere to build ICWP collectives to mobilize for communist revolution. That’s how we’ll end all these imperialists, creators of current and future genocidal wars.

October 1917—Soldiers march in Russia for revolution. Their banner says “Communism.” This is the legacy of workers and soldiers. Now Russian and Ukrainian workers and soldiers need to join and build ICWP and fight directly for communism. To unite to get rid of Putin, Zelinsky and all capitalists and imperialists with communist revolution.

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