Communist Revolution Will End Fascist, Sexist Capitalism from Latin America to the US

Masses Need Communist Revolution to End Growing Fascism in El Salvador, Argentina here ♩ What is Fascism? here ♩ Fight US Fascist Attacks by Organizing for Communism here ♩

There’s No Middle Ground: Fascism and World War or Worldwide Communist Revolution

Masses Fight Growing Fascism in El Salvador, Argentina

Masses of workers in Argentina are mobilizing against President Javier Milei’s cutbacks, layoffs, unemployment, inflation and other fascist measures. Mobilizations of up to a million workers defied Milei after he promised a “tough hand” against anyone who would block traffic. He threatened to take away subsidies for the poorest workers if they were seen at the protests. But still the workers marched, even some who voted for the president.

The working class has the potential to smash fascism. But it must fight for communism, not for reforms. The masses in Argentina are up in arms and need communist leadership. Building ICWP collectives is fundamental for communist revolution to end fascism.

Fascism on the March

The annual meeting of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CAPC) featured Trump. The audience loved the speeches by Milei and Bukele. Bukele focused on “national security.” He also emphasized that parents should make sure that their children’s educational curriculum does not include “gender ideology.” He rejects abortion and same-sex marriage.

Days later, El Salvador’s education authorities removed “gender ideology” and sex education from the public- school curriculum. All educational literature on sexuality, including information on HIV prevention, was removed. The Salvadoran Ministry of Education threatens to fire teachers who talk about “gender ideology.”

Bukele won reelection with 85% of the vote (only 52% voted). Many believe he is honest and has made El Salvador “safe and secure.”

Imprisoning thousands of gang members who terrorized the population made him popular, but at the expense of many thousands of innocent people who are also imprisoned. He threatens to jail those who mobilize against his fascist regime.

It is the capitalists and imperialists who created and encourage gangs and drugs.

Many Salvadoran workers cannot buy the basic food basket on the wages they receive. There is no security if the workers go hungry!

In Argentina, Milei also eliminated all “gender ideology” from government ministries. He denies there is a wage gap between men and women, which is officially 25%!  Milei recently fired 24,000 government workers. Fifty thousand more are “temporary.” Their jobs are also threatened. Workers who fight against these attacks can be attacked by the police and by the fascists.

Both presidents manipulate the masses through social media. The fascist base they are building is to be used against workers fighting capitalism’s growing attacks.

Struggle for Reforms or for Communist Revolution?

The working class in Argentina has a long history of struggle. In the early 20th century, workers rebelled against the poor working conditions imposed by British and US imperialist bosses. Communists and others introduced Marxist ideas among the workers. They organized red unions that led strikes to improve their economic conditions. But they never organized for revolution. Argentina was then considered an economic power.

In the 1930s, a series of anti-fascist strikes ended in clashes with the police. Some workers were killed, others wounded. With the ascension of the fascist Juan Domingo PerĂłn to the presidency in 1946, many workers were absorbed into the neo-fascist Peronist movement.

Today the US imperialists want to build fascist movements to elect politicians who ensure control of Latin America against their Chinese imperialist rivals and to control the masses.

The source of fascism, sexism, racism, homophobia, gangs, and wage slavery is capitalism. It needs cruel sexism, racism, and terror to divide our class. Capitalism’s wage system will never allow racial or gender equity or a decent life for workers.

Answer to Fascism: Communism, not “Democracy.”

We need to mobilize the masses for communism to abolish the wage system and its sexism, homophobia, and racism. Only communist revolution, not elections, will end fascism, capitalism and imperialist war. The fight for communism needs the leadership of workers of all genders and “races.”

The German capitalist-imperialists won masses to fight with commitment for German imperialism by winning them to Hitler’s fascism. But they were defeated by the Soviet Red Army. The Soviets’ communist ideas, commitment and organization proved victorious over fascism!

A mass ICWP with its mass Red Army will defeat fascism, this time at its capitalist source, with communist revolution. We will build a communist society without wage slavery or its poisonous creations: sexism, racism, nationalism and homophobia. All workers will be comrades in arms, united in our collective commitment to fight and produce to meet the masses’ needs. Join us!

Buenos Aires, December 20, 2023

What is Fascism?

Fascism arose in reaction to the victory of the Russian revolution during World War I. The Russian revolution horrified the capitalists-imperialists.  Mussolini in Italy invented the word “fascism.” It became a mass movement in the 1920s and 1930s in Germany, Italy, Japan, England, the US, and elsewhere. It was violently anti-communist, racist, nationalist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-worker.

Fascism comes in many forms and guises, but it is fundamentally a violent, vicious attack on the working class. It pushes racism and sexism to divide our class and win a section to fight their class brothers and sisters. While capitalism always has aspects of fascism, it is the form capitalism consistently takes when it is in crisis and preparing for world war. Fascism is used to win workers to extreme nationalism, or xenophobia, to fight “foreigners,” immigrants, and to fight for the imperialists against workers from other countries.

Liberals like social democrats have allowed the resurgence and growth of fascism, and the normalization of the extreme right wing. History has shown that when fascism erupts with force, all the electoral parties move rapidly to the right. The supposed electoral “left” stops being left, and the right becomes the extreme right. No capitalist electoral party will stop fascism.

Fascism will be defeated through mass workers’ violence: communist revolution to put an end to capitalism. It can’t be voted out or reformed away. Today, in a pre-world war period, fascist movements are growing worldwide. The rulers need them to terrorize and win the masses to fight against their own interests or to cower in fear. The communist movement has never cowered and will not cower before the growth of fascism. We will build a mass ICWP to unite the masses to end it along with its capitalist-imperialist creators.

Fight Fascist Attacks by Organizing for Communist Revolution

CALIFORNIA (USA), April 12 — “Once again, on orders of Mayor Karen Goh, Bakersfield Police aggressively and violently shoved protestors out of the City Hall building, assaulting multiple people, prompting injuries and hospitalizations,” announced a blog post from United Front For Liberation, a community organization.

On Wednesday, March 27, more protestors were arrested when, for the fifth time, community members came together to petition the Bakersfield City Council to pass a resolution calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and condemning the US-backed Israeli genocide there. In all, nine protestors have been arrested for this “crime.”

Mayor Karen Goh’s reply has been to unleash the fascist Bakersfield Police on these peaceful demonstrators. This is their “Democracy” in action when we refuse to blindly follow their politicians, like Biden!

Democracy, as described by the capitalist rulers, does not exist. It was invented by Greek enslavers to cover up that their rule was a dictatorship over the people they enslaved and the “free” Greek working masses.

Capitalists adopted it to cover up their dictatorship over the working class.  They implement this dictatorship over us in two ways: Democracy and Fascism. They use democracy when we are ideologically won to support their system, we do not speak out against it, or are not rebelling against it.

They use fascism when we refuse to go along with their program. A case in point is our condemnation of the US rulers’ funding and arming the Israeli genocide in Gaza. Besides passing laws that restrict how we criticize Israel, or the language used to support the Gazan workers, they are using their police and army to violently discipline us.

Thus, worldwide, democracy is the velvet glove that covers the fascist iron fist of the capitalist rulers. Said another way, Democracy and Fascism are both the capitalists’ dictatorship over the rest of us.

Capitalists Desperately Need Fascism to Wage World War and Prevent Revolution

Capitalist rulers worldwide are waging wider and more genocidal wars. These will eventually explode into World War III, to decide which imperialist bloc will rule the world: the US-NATO-Japan bloc or the China-Russia-Iran-North Korea one.

Fascism, under these conditions, is brutal subjugation to force workers to patriotically accept the extreme hardships and super exploitation that their war efforts will demand. Plus, the sacrifice of the millions who will be drafted to fight, kill, and die for the rulers’ profits and world empire.

Not surprisingly, as the world’s capitalists-imperialists prepare for global war, fascist politicians of all stripes are gaining popularity. Some are winning elections, across Europe, Latin America, India, and elsewhere. In the US, the 2024 electoral choice is racist, fascist Trump or  fascist “Genocide Joe” Biden.

Fascism Won’t Stop the Working Class

After the Russian workers’ uprising of 1905, the Tzarist government repressed the workers and killed many revolutionaries. But the Bolsheviks (Russian Communists) didn’t stop organizing. They went into the factories, the military, and workers’ neighborhoods, embedding themselves among the workers most impacted by capitalist war and exploitation.

When World War I started in 1914, their slogan was “turn the imperialist war into a revolution for workers’ power.” At first, they were unpopular because many people were patriotic. Many believed the Tzar’s propaganda that the communists were German agents, organizing against the Russian war efforts to divide and weaken Russia, so the Germans could take over.

But after a year, a million Russian soldiers had been killed at the front. Workers’ wages had been drastically slashed to pay for the war. Masses of workers and soldiers started supporting the Bolsheviks.

By 1917, they had mass support as the only party completely opposed to the imperialist war and organizing for workers to take power in their own hands. That October, they led the masses to take power and defeat the capitalist government. They had successfully put their revolutionary struggle into practice.

Unfortunately, they set up socialism, not communism. Today we know that socialism is state capitalism. We fight directly for communism, to eliminate money, wage slavery, borders, and nations.

But the Russian experience shows us that we can and must turn to the masses to end the rulers’ wars, exploitation, and fascism. Communist revolution will end fascism and imperialist war for good.

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