Masses Rise Worldwide against Capitalist Imperialist Genocide

Masses Worldwide Rise Up Against Capitalist Imperialist Genocide: Fascism and Warā€”or Communist Revolution here ā™¦ Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS): Asking Capitalism to be Less Murderous here ā™¦

Mexico City, May 2024ā€”Student protest against the war in Gaza

Masses Worldwide Rise Up Against Capitalist Imperialist Genocide: Fascism and Warā€”or Communist Revolution

May 6ā€”The Israeli and US governmentsā€™ genocide continues in Gaza with the invasion of Rafah.Ā  They are deliberately starving the Palestinians who remain alive.Ā  As social media has shown the masses worldwide the graphic horrors of capitalism-imperialism, the marchesĀ Ā  and protests are growing.

In response, the US rulers are attacking protests against genocide everywhere. More teachers have been disciplined, suspended, or fired for speaking out. US Congress lies that those who fight against genocide are ā€œthreatening Jews.ā€

Students at colleges and universities have been attacked for demonstrating against genocide. They are responding with growing solidarity and determination. Encampments are set up, then attacked by the police, then new encampments are built. More see revolution as possible and needed.

A participant at the UCLA encampment said that the solidarity and collectivity in the face of an impending police attack were ā€œthe most beautiful thing I have ever seen!ā€

In a communist world, that collectivity and solidarity will be the glue that binds us all together as we build a world to meet our needs.

Only Revolution Against Capitalism-Imperialism, Not Reform, Will End Genocide and Imperialist War.

Students demand that universities divest from Israel and cut ties to arms producers. That wonā€™t stop genocide or imperialist war. The universities exist to serve the capitalists and imperialists. To push their anti-worker ideology and war research. Not to serve the masses of students and workers!

We have been taught that this is what the US rulers call a democracy, where we all have a sayā€”as long as we donā€™t oppose them! The term has been used by the rulers to cover up their dictatorship. Itā€™s now being exposed for what it really is: Fascism.

The rulers are panicked because so many youths see that itā€™s not just one bad policy or politician. They are questioning the whole capitalist-imperialist system and looking for radical solutions. Many are open to communist revolution.

ICWP is mobilizing to build a mass party of millions worldwide to abolish capitalism along with its creations: fascism, genocide, and imperialist war. In their place, masses of worker, student, and soldier leaders will build a world of sharing. Real communism, where we plan, produce and distribute collectively only to meet the needs of humankind, not for the profit of the capitalists. Where education will only be to meet the needs of the masses.

This period is not the same as the Vietnam war. After rebellions in the US Army and Navy made them unreliable fighting units, and as the Vietnamese won battle after battle, the US withdrew from Vietnam in 1973. Many activists thought they had ā€œwon.ā€ But US imperialism was left intact to continue its murderous wars for empire and control.

World War III: Change Dominant Imperialist Power ā€” or Change the System?

Today, US imperialism is losing ground to its rising Russian and Chinese imperialist rivals. World War III is getting closer. The genocide in Gaza and war in Ukraine are initial murderous phases of this war. All these imperialists are willing to kill masses to control profits, markets, workers, and resources.

The only way Palestinian and all workers will be free is by uniting Palestinians, Jews, Arabs, and all workers to destroy the capitalist profit system and build a communist system committed to meet the needs of everyone.

We applaud studentsā€™ determination, anger, and willingness to stand up against genocide and the universitiesā€™ racist-fascist complicity in it. We invite you to join us. And to help take this message to workers and soldiers here and worldwide. These are two indispensable sectors for successful communist revolution.

Communism ā€“ not socialism or national liberation ā€“ is our future! Letā€™s dedicate our lives to unite with workers and soldiers to fight for a world without racism, sexism, xenophobia, genocide, and imperialist wars.

We encourage you to take Red Flag to the encampments, teach-ins and protests worldwide.Ā  This is a big opportunity to reach many youths, who are furious at the genocide, with communist ideas and to build ICWP. Students have started many movements, but it takes a communist party rooted among workers and soldiers to finish them.

We must dare to struggle, dare to win! At one encampment, a student whose family is from Lebanon gladly took the Gaza pamphlet, Red Flag, and our leaflet. He wants revolution. He said it would win because his generation learns everything quickly from the internet. When a comrade added that both the US-Israel-UK imperialists and the Russia-China-Iran imperialists are enemies of the working class, he disagreed.Ā  Nevertheless, he agreed to show the Gaza pamphlet to his family and discuss it with them.

Paris, France, April 2024ā€”Student protest against genocide in Gaza

Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS): Asking Capitalism to be Less Murderous

Supporters of Palestinian nationalism founded BDS in the early 2000s. It describes itself as ā€œa Palestinian-led movement for freedom, justice, and equality. It opposes Israelā€™s occupying and colonizing Palestinian land, discriminating against Palestinian citizens of Israel, and denying Palestinian refugees the right to return to their homes.ā€

BDS asks universities, corporations, banks, and churches, to sell off investments they have in Israel or in companies doing business there. It asks for boycotts of companies that refuse.

BDS copies a similar campaign against South African apartheid. Apartheid was an extreme form of government-enforced racial hierarchy. It was opposed by a militant mass movement led by Black workers and students from the 1960s through the 1990s. The UN started promoting anti-apartheid divestment campaigns in 1962. They took off in the US and Europe.

In the ā€˜80s, US banks, led by Chase Manhattan (now JPMorgan Chase) stopped lending to the South African government, and cut back private loans. But that wasnā€™t because of the solidarity divestment movement.

The banks feared the anti-apartheid rebellion in South Africa would cost them money. ā€œBecause of the political turmoil in South Africa, lending to businesses there is now considered very risky.ā€ (New York Times 8/1/85) As the big US banks got out, they reduced their risk by transferring loans to other banks. Smaller banks and banks from Japan took up the slack.

Leaders of the anti-apartheid movement compromised with the government to end official apartheid in the 90ā€™s. Some of those leaders became part of another capitalist government of corrupt politicians. They now oversee the oppression of the masses, whose most basic needsā€”even for waterā€”are not met. The white politicians of the apartheid era have merely been replaced by Black politicians. That is how nationalist movements work.

BDS claims is it ā€œhaving a major impact and is effectively challenging international support for Israeli apartheid and settler-colonialism.ā€ This is not true. The anti-genocide movement is exposing the nature of imperialism to millions. The BDS movement promotes the dangerous illusion that only buying from ā€œgoodā€ capitalists can defeat imperialism.

As long as the US government backs fascist Israel, US companies and banks will follow suit. And the US rulers will continue to back Israel, however much they dislike Netanyahu and the Israeli Right. The Israeli army is key to the US empireā€™s attempt to keep its hold on the Mideast in the face of challenges from Russia, Iran, and China.

US imperialists are trying to prop up their declining power by forming an alliance between Israel and Arab states (the ā€œAbraham Accordsā€). The massacres by the two criminal gangs of Hamas and the Israeli government are disrupting this plan. So, the US is touting a two capitalist-state ā€œsolutionā€ and intervention by the Arab states.Ā  Workers need NO capitalist states!

There is no solution to capitalist imperialism and its wars, famines, and mass misery short of destroying capitalism. That means rejecting nationalism and winning an armed revolution to defeat all the fascist butchers and set up communist self-rule of the masses worldwide.

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