Turn Imperialist World War III into Communist Revolution Everywhere

From the Middle East to Europe to Asia-Pacific: Turn Imperialist Genocide and World War III into Communist Revolution here ā™¦ The Iranian Regime Is Not a True Friend of the Palestinians here ā™¦

From the Middle East to Europe to Asia-Pacific: Turn Imperialist Genocide and World War III into Communist Revolution

May 7, 2024ā€” The fascist Israeli governmentā€™s Gaza genocide continues unabated, despite worldwide massive demonstrations. Now it has begun its murderous assault on Rafah to terrorize 1.5 million Palestinians taking refuge there. US imperialists tried but failed to force Netanyahu to accept the Qatar-sponsored ceasefire plan accepted by Hamas.

This genocide shows the futility of trying to reform capitalism-imperialism. Only a worldwide revolution for communism will end this system which, for profits and empire, murders untold millions of our working-class family and cold-bloodedly prepares a nuclear World War III (WWIII).

Russia-China-Iran Bog Down US in the Middle East

US imperialists had planned to forge an Israeli-Saudi rulersā€™ alliance, excluding Iran, Russia and China. Foreign Affairs magazine, their main mouthpiece, wrote that the US urgently needs to leave the Middle East to concentrate its weapons, military, and dwindling financial resources on the Black Sea (Ukraine) and the South China Sea (Taiwan).

Hamasā€™ fascist October 7 attack, and Israelā€™s fascist genocide in Gaza ever since, upended this plan. Iran and its ā€œAxis of Resistanceā€ are surrounding Israel and controlling the Red Sea. Saudi Arabia

has joined the China-Russia-led BRICS. It is negotiating selling its oil to China in yuans. This heralds the death of the petrodollar, which made the US dollar the worldā€™s reserve currency, enabling it to control the world.

Leaving the Middle East now would further accelerate US decline, benefiting its imperialist rivals Russia, China, and Iran. Thus, US imperialism is fighting for its survival. European imperialists are siding with the US, holding onto centuries of Western imperialismā€™s world domination. Israelā€™s role is crucial to both.

This is leading to WWIII. To fight it, European imperialists need more oil and gas. Israeli control of the vast Palestinian and eastern Mediterranean deposits is critical. Itā€™s also critical to control the whole Mediterranean Sea to deliver that fuel safely to Europe during war time.

Northern Africa also has huge deposits of these important resources, making control of the Mediterranean even more crucial. Especially since Russian imperialism is replacing the US military in Niger and Burkina Faso, and is actively fighting in Mali, Chad, and Sudan. If Russia controls this swath of Africa, stretching from the Atlantic to the Red Sea, no pipelines will carry Nigerian or sub-Saharan oil or gas to Europe for war.

War in Ukraine at a Critical Point

Russia is winning the war. This forces US imperialists to openly call for European troops on Ukrainian ground. France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Canada have hundreds of military ā€œadvisers and trainersā€ stationed there. France recently sent 500 troops from its Foreign Legion to Ukraine to fight Russia.

But Macron and Biden want more boots on the ground. The European imperialists are also demanding more US military personnel involvement. The Russians are racing to defeat Ukraine before the US-Europe get their ducks in a row. Whether they succeed or not, one thing is clear: the imperialists are heading for WWIII.

US Imperialists Desperate to Stop Chinese Imperialists

US rulers criticize Biden for not stepping up confrontation with China in ā€œNo Substitute for Victory: Americaā€™s Competition with China Must be Won, Not Managedā€ (Foreign Affairs).

The US has already placed special forces on Taiwanā€™s farthest island, six miles from mainland China. They will now be permanently stationed there on a ā€œrotating basis.ā€ China recently attacked Philippine ships in the South China Sea with water cannons, while the US, Australia, Japan, and the Philippines were conducting a huge maritime exercise nearby.

Build ICWP!

In Asia Pacific a declining US imperialism and its NATO allies also face the rising China-Russia-Iran axis. A military clash is inevitable. None of these imperialists care how many workers are killed for their profits and empire. Soldiers and sailors in all imperialistsā€™ armies, including those of Russia, China, and Iran, can and must side with the international working class to fight for communism, not for any imperialist murderers.

ICWP is mobilizing to turn the imperialistsā€™ bloodbath for profit into a revolution to destroy capitalism and imperialism once and for all. We need to grow internationally.Ā  We call on Red Flag readers to build collectives of friends, co-workers, classmates, and fellow soldiers to read Red Flag and act with the masses against the imperialistsā€™ slaughter while bringing them the only solution: communist revolution.

Party collectives should organize, where possible, workers in meetings, work stoppages and strikes against the genocide in Gaza andĀ forĀ communism.

Only communism will put an end to wage slavery, profits, and competition for market share that inevitably lead to wars and world war. We will collectively produce and share everything without competition, nations, borders, nationalism, xenophobia, sexism, or racism. Join us! Help build ICWP!

Read our pamphlet: Soldiers, Sailors, Marines: Key to a Communist Workersā€™ Revolution,” availableĀ here.

The Iranian Regime Is Not a True Friend of the Palestinians

The class struggle in Iran has pulled many workers, retirees, and students into the city streets to protest their current situations.

In its propaganda, the Islamic Republic authorities call the USA a Great Satan and make their men walk on the US flag. But the real and immediate enemy of the Iranian people is theĀ Islamist government itself. Inflation is skyrocketing and unemployment is higher than it has ever been in the 46-year history of the Islamist regime.

At the same time, the minority elites of the state enjoy the luxurious lifestyle in their mansions while driving luxury cars in front of the people who are challenged to have a very simple basic life. The hypocritical behavior of the government is so obvious that the supporters of the government are becoming fewer and fewer.

On top of the class struggle, the forcing of Islamic Hijab law on women has caused another wave of protests all over the country, this time from women of different social classes.

Students, nurses, doctors, teachers, social workers, actors, and artists have shown actively their unhappiness with this new law and decided to take their hijab off. Some well-known actresses, like Taraneh Alidoosti,Ā have been arrested.

Those who follow Iranā€™s politics ask why, when inflation is sky high, when President Ebrahim Raisiā€™s government is unable to show any remedy for these problems, and when there is a military crisis with Israel, does the Islamist regime create a new crisis to create even more dissatisfaction?

This week, the Islamic Republic went even further by sentencing the well-known popular rapper Toomaj Salehi to death for the supposedly provocative content of his songs. They said his songs undermine the stability and security of the regime. Some of his songs include lyrics against the Hijab law.

According to regime strategists, the womenā€™s movement against the Hijab law is an action intending to overthrow the regime and should be faced with the same reaction as military engagements.

Is the Islamist regime able to fight against workers, retirees, women, and foreign enemies at the same time? Sooner or later, the people on top will make an arrangement to deal with foreign enemies in order to focus on their suppression of working people, women and minorities.

If we really feel for the Palestinian people under brutal Israeli occupation and genocide, we should join the worldwide movement for a ceasefire and an end to genocide. But at the same time, we should not ignore the atrocities of the Islamist regime against the Iranian people.

Down with Islamist regime!

Down with Israeli occupation!

For a ceasefire in Gaza for an end to Genocide!

Long live the solidarity of the working people of the world!

ā€”A friend

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