South Africa Letters: Learning About Communism, Becoming a Team

These six letters were written by Comrades in South Africa after participating together in the ICWP International Leadership meeting and also their own study groups during the same weekend.

Move Forward by Reflecting on Contradictions and Putting Communism First

We went away for a weekend as a collective in Gqeberha. We participated in the International Meeting on Zoom. It was a way of building communist relationships between comrades. It was the first time some comrades met each other.

It was old and new comrades, female and male. They learnt about the party. Almost unanimously the comrades are eager to learn more and understand the party and communism better. They are calling for classes and Red Flag collective reading.

We learn alike, both experienced and new comrades. It was encouraging to witness that new comrades participated in the international meeting and shared their thoughts about communism according to their understanding. What is clear is that they are all interested in ending capitalism. They learn from us; we learn from them. As communists we never stop learning through the process of criticism and self-criticism.

In the meeting the question of Palestinian genocide was raised. A comrade asked what we thought about the government of South Africa positioning itself in the forefront of ā€œfightingā€ for Palestinian rights against Israel. I answered, ā€œWe welcome the ending of genocide, and we think itā€™s better when they are not dying every day. But that is not enough. We fear that the so-called Palestinian liberation will slide back to look like South Africa post-apartheidā€. Later we had a meeting to review our participation and what lessons were learnt.

Comrades pointed out critically, ā€œThat line is liberal as it does not put the communist line primary. It is dangerous. It is the same as calling for a ceasefire, without calling for communism. We should be direct that the solution is for communism, the solution is to turn those guns against the bosses and fight for a communist revolutionā€.

It dawned on me that comrades were correct. We should not be timid. We should not follow the majority voice calling for a ceasefire as the solution when we know that only communism is the solution. I accept the criticism and agree that we should put primacy in our communist line even when we are few in number and even if we might offend some other people we are trying to win.

We agreed that the only way to move forward and learn is to always reflect on our contradictions and criticise each other when necessary. We want to end any form of liberalism and build our collectives and strengthen the communist line and be confident in it.

The international meeting was very fruitful for us and has strengthened our confidence. The only thing we are thinking about is building the party, our collectives, and forging long-term communist relationships. Aluta Continua.

ā€”Experienced comrade in South Africa

ā€œNow Iā€™m So Bold that I Can Open Many Closed Eyes about Communism.ā€

Comrades, I had a great weekend. The experience I had with other comrades was so impressive and superb. Getting to know one another was good because I learned more about being a communist.

And Iā€™ve learned something I didnā€™t know about socialism.

In this system, only workers produce everything. Only the bosses get profit from this production. We need to produce what the workers need. Not what the bosses need.

I wish everyone could know everything about being a communist. Today helped me a lot. Thanks, to comrade N. I saw her at a Zoom meeting. Her comments helped us.

Thanks to comrades who made it possible for us to be in the group and have the experience of the weekend.

Iā€™ve become so bold about being a communist now. I can share, I can talk about it. Iā€™m not scared to open up and debate about capitalism and communism. I can clear and clean the minds of many who have been brainwashed about capitalism. Now today Iā€™m so bold that I can open many closed eyes about communism.

What we discussed helped us a lot. Thank you, guys, for making sure that we had that weekend. Now today, if there is something that I donā€™t know, itā€™s so easy to contact one of my comrades because now we have become one united, strong team. I got to meet comrades that I didnā€™t know. Now I know them as well as they know me. I wish we could go there again. We have a lot more to do.

As a communist Iā€™m saying A Luta Continua. Red Salute!

I will make it a point that I recruit more members now. I did bring in another comrade who is now in our collective. Iā€™m happy about that and willing to bring more comrades to open more closed eyes. Thanks a lot, to all my comrades. Thanks to ICWP.

ā€”Comrade S, South Africa

Communist Learning and Practice

I think communism is gonna make it, because of what we have learnt and what we will practise to the field, as we go out to distribute the Red Flag. The classes have made me understand what communism is and what it is to be a communist, and whatā€™s happening around the world.

It was a good experience for me to speak out and share my views in the international meeting even though I was a bit nervous, and I was out of words. I didnā€™t know where to start. But Iā€™m in the right place and the party has taught me a lot of things I didnā€™t know. Such as what is happening around the whole world.

In that way, Iā€™ve learnt that I should read and practise what we have learned. I like the idea of the party that we have classes because that is the most important thing that is helping us to build our confidence when going out for distribution.

It makes it easy for us as communist to know what we are talking about when recruiting the other masses. In that way the party will grow as we share this news with other people. We must fight and continue pushing the struggle.

Thank you for opening my eyes because weā€™ve been dealing with challenges in our workplaces, not knowing who to talk to in order to fight for our rights. Even these unions have not made a difference at the workplace. I believe that communism is going to make a difference and we will grow as a party.

ā€”Communist worker in South Africa

ā€œWe Can Conquer the World If We Work Togetherā€

My experience was in getting closer with my fellow comrades and learning more about the Party and its values. Iā€™ve gotten the understanding that we need each other, and need to work as a team so that we talk in one voice and make the world change. To live and experience life as communists.

We can win through being patient and consistent. We can conquer the world if we work together. We will recruit more people through struggle together. Itā€™s not a job of one day or even one year. Our hope for change and our struggle will continue to win over more and more people so that we win governance together.

We made a strong point about reading and distributing Red Flag and having classes to learn and understand more about false promises, and to be able to get rid of our day-in and day-out struggles and the leadership that we are currently under.

Distribution of Red Flag and reading it will enlighten us more. And hunger will make us work more so that we make a change. We will struggle to win our people to ICWP collectives.

Ā Red Salute, Comrades!

ā€”Comrade A in South Africa

Proud Young Comrade Finds Her Voice

On the 7th of June, I was with my comrades. We attended a meeting late on Friday about communism. Then on Saturday morning we had a meeting before the international meeting. We were reading the article, ā€œWhat it means to be a communist.ā€ In that article comrades shared their experience about being in ICWP. Then one of my comrades asked me to share my experience with them and how I feel about the party.

I didnā€™t answer because I had no experience, and it was my second meeting with them. I had no idea what ICWP was about. Then later in the meeting, comrades in other countries shared their experiences. Comrade S explained what ICWP was about. Comrade Q told everyone that I was the youngest in the party and I am in grade 12, I am doing Economics, and I am the future of the party. Then they wanted to hear my voice and tell them how I feel being in ICWP. I told comrade Q that I was scared, and I donā€™t have much experience in the party.

Ā It was very fun to be with them the whole weekend. And now if someone asked me to explain about ICWP, I feel confident that I can. I learned a lot that weekend. And guess what? I AM A PROUD COMRADE.

ā€”Comrade O

NOTE: Since the international meeting, comrade O has been talking to her friends about ICWP and she is confidently distributing Red Flag at industrial locations

Learning About Our Communist Future

I am writing with a heart full of gratitude and happiness, as I was in an trip with nine other Comrades inĀ  what I call a togetherness or unwinding weekend, I call it a togetherness because of how close we were and that is how we form unity It was very good to have ten people talking about the same cause and enjoying learning more about the party/ movement that gave us an opportunity to be one as communists.

It also taught me that communism is the future for the next generations: to live where there are no capitalists, and everyone is equal in a very peaceful community.

I have learnt a lot during this weekend. I know with the classes that we are starting we will learn more about it. And for us to gain more comrades, we must spread more about the ICWP so that more people can be more informed about the movement. As we distribute and mobilize, we must look out so people can be interested in us. And having unity and patience will also benefit the movement.

I had never been on a Zoom meeting before. Being present at that meeting was a great experience for me. It didn’t feel like others were in other parts of the world. It felt like we were all in one room with a goal to fight for what we believe in and what is right for us and the next generation.

ā€”Comrade in South Africa

Read our manifesto:

Mobilize the Masses for Communism

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