Immigrants and Native Born, Let’s Unite for Communist Revolution

Immigrants and Native Born Will Abolish Wage Slavery here ♦ European Capitalists Play With Syrian Workers’ Lives here ♦

Bari, Italy, November 2024. Protesting conditions at a migrant detention center where a migrant had recently died after not get appropriate medical care.

Immigrants or Not, All Workers Are Wage Slaves in Capitalism. We Will Abolish Wage Slavery with Communist Revolution

USA, January 6— “I have to send $300 to my mother every month just so she can survive,” said José, a Mexican immigrant. But, he added, “that money is not enough. There are other family members and medical expenses. We need jobs to be able to move forward, like any working-class family. The bosses, eager to make more profits, leave us with the hardest and lowest-paid jobs.”

Immigrants are part of the international working class and therefore are wage slaves like any other worker of any gender. Worldwide, immigrants are forced to leave their birthplace due to poverty, violence, war, or environmental destruction. All caused by capitalist imperialism.

Once settled in another country, they face all kinds of racism, sexism, and exploitation. Some manage to find intermittent work or a more stable job, but always at wages either low or miserably low. And even with these wages, they manage to find something to send to their loved ones back home. This money sent to their countries of origin is called “remittances.”

Ingrid, a Guatemalan immigrant, said that “in order to make a home for my family in Guatemala, I have had to work two jobs. I don’t sleep well, and I try to eat less.” Another worker added, “It’s the only way, because here we also have to pay rent, bills, food, and more. I also send money to my family monthly and only for the basics. I would like to send more but I can’t.”

Remittances are usually the life-or-death support for the recipients.

In Zimbabwe last year, diaspora remittances exceeded $1 billion, or about 16% of total foreign exchange. Although these remittances came from a wide network, the majority come from South Africa. An estimated five million Zimbabweans live in South Africa.

El Salvador received the second-most remittances in Latin America relative to its GDP in 2024. In 2023, these earnings exceeded $8,181 million, reaching over a quarter of Salvadoran households. Over 90% came from the US.

Mexican families received over $65 billion during 2024, also from the US. These remittances will continue to be fundamental to the survival of Mexican working-class families.

In both South Africa and the US, deportations are now on the rise. Thousands of Zimbabweans are threatened with deportation. The Biden administration has become the largest deporter since 2014.  Trump promises mass deportations.

Immigrants in both countries are the source of super-exploitation that generates huge profits for the capitalist-imperialists. This super-exploitation puts downward pressure on all workers’ wages. It benefits only the capitalists.

Deportations create more misery and famine in the deportees’ places of origin, since the remittances stop coming . It also creates an explosive situation there.

Under the capitalist system, every worker, immigrant or not, is a wage slave. We cannot survive without the wages we receive, miserable or not, based on our exploitation. Let’s break these chains of money with communist revolution! Citizen workers and immigrant workers let’s unite as one international working class!

We can create a society in which money does not exist. Where human solidarity, without borders or nations, shares all the fruits of our work. We will apply the principle “From all according to commitment and ability, to all according to need.”  We must realize our historical destiny as the gravediggers of capitalism.

Capitalists Play with Lives of Syrian Refugees in Europe

SPAIN, January 5—Rebel groups launched a surprise offensive against the regime of Bashar Al-Assad in Syria on November 27, 2024. Twelve days later they reached Damascus and forced the president to leave the country. This caused the fall of this regime after thirteen years of civil war.

Exiled Syrians and refugees in Europe have seen how politicians are playing with their lives in exchange for winning votes and sympathizers. “I have been able to make a home. I have friends, a community,” said a Syrian refugee who is a law student in Austria. She sees how what she has built may collapse in the middle of this year when she has to renew her residency.

More than a million Syrian workers fled to Europe. The far right sees an “opportunistic” moment to expel these workers. But there are thousands of Syrian doctors in European health care systems. Deporting Syrian refugees would leave many hospitals with virtually no workforce to care for the sick.

Recent requests for asylum in Europe have been blocked. Those who have already sought asylum also see how their attempt to improve their quality of life may be thwarted.

Mass deportations are already on the table. The contradictions of capitalism are already obvious. Some proposals, such one in Austria that each refugee be given 1000 Euros to return to Syria, are ridiculous. Syria right now is a place totally destroyed by the war that the same imperialists have provoked.

The near future for Syria is chaos and a lot of infighting by opportunists and various militias sponsored by the US, Iran, Türkiye, and other countries that are also interested in controlling Syria.

It is up to us to reach out to Syrian workers in the European cities where we have a presence as well as online to share the communist political line of ICWP. Only by joining a party can we defeat this system and solve all the problems of war, poverty, and exile.

The capitalist system clearly shows that workers are only a bargaining chip. The nature of capitalism is to generate profits. That is at the cost of these wars, forcing an exodus of millions of workers around the world and generating extreme poverty that creates the conditions for low wages and miserable conditions.

We urgently need to destroy capitalism and build a new communist system. The International Communist Workers’ Party struggles against these attacks. We need to win more workers from all parts of the world to build social consciousness. And to organize groups where collectivity helps the overthrow of the present regimes that the bosses impose worldwide.

We must establish a communist world where production is organized collectively based on need rather than profit, and workers do not need to receive money or miserable crumbs to be able to pay for our needs.

Read our Pamphlet: Fight For the Day When No Worker Will be Called Foreigner here

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