Los Angeles here ♦ Seattle here ♦
Learning About Communism in Los Angeles
Comrades distributed hundreds of copies of Red Flag and ICWP pamphlets on Sexism, Palestine, and Mobilize the Masses for Communism (MMC) at the International Women’s Day march here. We had good discussions. One female comrade reported on one with a group of female Spanish-speaking workers. One started the conversation by saying that communists were ill-informed about communism. As our comrade debated the ideas with her, the others listened attentively. Eventually they chimed in. One said, “That’s why we need to learn about this new communist party. She’s telling you they’re different.” Another said, “My daughter is learning about communism in her university. I’m going to give this to her.” They all requested copies of MMC.
Letter: Comrade and Friend Find Great Response to Red Flag at Seattle International Women’s Day March
“I’ll help you distribute Red Flag!” said a friend who reads our paper regularly. When she invited me to attend the International Women’s Day march here, I said I would be glad to. It would be a chance to distribute the current issue. We brought 100 papers, and they were gone in 20 minutes!
People were attracted to the front-page article about women comrades in South African leading the charge to May Day. They liked the graphic with the quote, “Now you have touched the women, you have struck a rock.” We were both thrilled by this response, and by the excitement of the marchers and the fact that there were many, many young people there. Our friend said she will help distribute the paper in the future.
A young woman told the capitalist media, “It’s so emotional, seeing the older women too. It’s like I can’t believe you were protesting about this so long ago and now we’re right back where we started.”
If we had talked, I would have told her that we will always end up “back where we started” — or worse — until we get rid of capitalism and establish communism once and for all.
Having lunch together after the march, my friend and I agreed that it was very exhilarating to be among hundreds of people protesting this blatant fascism.
Getting together with friends to protest is part of doing the work to build ICWP and move forward to communist revolution. This example underscores the necessity of building strong relationships with lots of people.
Next time we will bring more friends and comrades – and more papers!
— Seattle Comrade
CARACAS (Venezuela), March 8— Public hospital nurses march on International Women’s Day for higher wages. They and all workers need to fight to end wage slavery altogether.
Read our pamphlet: The Communist Fight Against Sexism here