These articles and letters do not appear in the current print issue of Red Flag

Trade Wars Lead to Shooting Wars here ♦ Red Salute from South Africa here ♦

Trade Wars Lead to Shooting Wars. Communist Revolution is the Only Way Forward

“We’re prepared,” US Defense Secretary Hegseth said on TV. “Those who long for peace should prepare for war That’s why we’re rebuilding our military. We live in a dangerous world with powerful, ascendant countries with a different ideology.” He spoke soon after Trump imposed an additional 10% tariff on Chinese goods.

“If war is what the US wants, be it a tariff war, a trade war, or any other type of war, we’re ready to fight until the end,” answered a Chinese Embassy spokesperson in the US. China retaliated quickly with its own tariffs. It placed 25 US firms under export and investment restrictions, citing national security threats.

The inter-imperialist rivalry between China and the US is intensifying with no end in sight. The rulers’ bellicose rhetoric aims to win the masses to war.

China’s capitalist-imperialist rulers have the world’s biggest, most modern navy. They are building “the mother of all aircraft carriers,” with more firepower than the whole UK military. They have conducted unannounced live-fire exercises off Taiwan’s southwest coast.

Seizing Taiwan would allow them to deploy their submarines worldwide by accessing the deep waters of the Pacific. They would avoid US underwater sensors in the straits of the First Island Chain (Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, and Taiwan).

US imperialists disagree over whether to defend the Taiwanese government during a Chinese invasion. Some US rulers arrogantly think they can successfully confront China in Taiwan. Others fear this is not true. They would rather confront Chinese imperialists elsewhere. But they favor encouraging Taiwanese nationalists to confront Chinese imperialism anyway.

Meanwhile, the US government has quietly unfrozen $870 million in security assistance programs for Taiwanese capitalists. Chinese imperialist rulers criticized the resumed funding for violating their interests in Taiwan. The Chinese Defense Military spokesperson threatened Taiwan, “We will come get you sooner or later.”

A “reunification” war will bring disastrous consequences to the working class. Thousands of workers in both Mainland China and Taiwan, and potentially the US, will die fighting each other for the interests of the ruling elite. The most impoverished sectors of the working class will become even poorer.

We are already feeling the effects of the Russia-NATO proxy war and genocides in Ukraine and Palestine. These fascist regional wars have massacred hundreds of thousands of workers. They have already worsened the global energy crisis, leading to higher energy prices. In turn, rising energy prices and supply chain disruptions have contributed to inflation, eroding workers’ purchasing power.

The escalating US-China trade war will make life even more unbearable for tens of millions of workers in the US and worldwide.

The goal of capitalism-imperialism is profits for the capitalists at the expense of the world’s workers. Capitalism means endless competition, profit accumulation, and terror. While billionaires live in luxury, impoverished workers in war-torn regions have been uprooted from their homes. They are forced to live without adequate food and water. Many refugees seek a better life elsewhere, only to get deported.

Only a humane egalitarian social system, communism, will end all profit-motivated wars and meet the masses’ needs everywhere. The new system will do away with nations, borders, money, and the wage system.

Communist masses will collectively re-distribute food, water, and other resources to impoverished regions. We will eliminate the wealth gap and social classes. All workers will live freely without fear of imperialist invasions.

Communism will be achieved only through armed communist revolution to wipe out all capitalist imperialists everywhere. To do this, we should recruit more youth, workers, and soldiers to the International Communist Workers’ Party.

Anti-fascist workers who recognize that their interests are with the workers of the world, and not with the capitalist governments, will join forces with the international communist masses in overthrowing the capitalist imperialist system. We invite them to join ICWP.

Letter: Red Salute, Fighters!

Today I would like to give a short motivation to comrades that feel like giving up and feel that their work or struggle to fight for communism isn’t going anywhere. It’s okay to feel like that. Even sometimes you feel overwhelmed. That, too, is okay because we all live under capitalism, breathe capitalism, eat capitalism, even work for the capitalists. So sometimes it feels what we do is not enough.

Here is a thing:  Rome was not built in one day and look at Rome now. The vision, dedication, and commitment put towards building Rome: that’s all it took, and consistency.

We as the communists are more like a drop in the Ocean, and you can’t  differentiate  between the capitalists and communists because they overpower us by power, money ,and quantity of people that are poisoned by this system, thinking that they can’t  do anything without the bosses. We can change  that. And we as the Communists become the Ocean and the Capitalists will automatically become the drop in the Ocean. And they won’t  have any value.

We need to continue the struggle, build the masses. And nothing beats CONSISTENCY, COMMITMENT, DEDICATION, AND MOSTLY LOYALTY.

Spread the word to the community, family and friends, colleagues, strangers. Motivate each other as collectives. Read Red Flag. Debate about new issues. That way, we will all grow together, be motivated and UNITED all the time.

Red Salute, soldiers! Aluta continua.

—Comrade in South Africa

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