Future Communist Workers and Soldiers

Today’s Student Rebels

LOS ANGELES, USA, Jan. 11–Thousands of high school students all over the US walked out of school and took to the streets in protest when Donald Trump was elected. Now, with his inauguration, they promise to do the same. We invite these young people to join the ICWP in mobilizing the masses for communism.
These brave young people show that youth are not passive, but active against everything that Trump represents: racism, sexism and xenophobia among others. These young people are leading the way in the struggle against these capitalist ideas and practices.
Many of these young people are realizing that capitalism doesn’t work. So these protests and student strikes against Trump aren’t just against him, but against the whole capitalist system.
However, many of these young people don’t realize that it will take a communist revolution to overthrow capitalism and replace it with something better. For this revolution to happen we need more communists. Young people must join the ICWP, form study groups around Red Flag newspaper, as well as building Red Flag distribution networks.  All these are parts of mobilizing the masses for communism.
We can create a communist world.  In that world, everyone will be welcome. There will be no racist, sexist or nationalist divisions. Borders will not exist. We will eliminate every form of money and exchange. We will share the same standard of living. Everything that we need to have a full life will be organized, produced and distributed through collective processes on every level. In other words, we will all have a say in what happens.
The young rebels of today are the future workers in the bosses’ factories and the future soldiers in the capitalists’ armies. These two sectors, basic industry and the military, are key to the victory of a communist revolution. The lessons that these young people learn in the mobilization for communism today will be valuable in the future when they continue their struggle as workers and soldiers for the elimination of capitalism and the construction of communism.
We must all dedicate and commit our lives to making communism a reality. This is our present, this is our future.

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