Communists Fight to Defeat Bosses’ Nationalist and Patriotic Distractions

MEXICO—Three comrades and a close friend of ICWP read the Red Flag editorial “Danger of Fascism and World War Shows the Urgency of Fighting for Communism.” We are happy because we are moving forward. In addition to having a delicious dinner, we were organizing the communist revolution.

This helped a lot to clarify that the Chinese, Russian and US bosses, mainly, are preparing for World War III. But, at the same time, the working class in every corner of the world is questioning their way of life, and is going out to protest in the streets. This is an excellent opportunity to bring them communist ideas.

We said that the bosses can no longer contain the anger of the workers; therefore the only thing left for them is fascism. The bosses have two big problems: to contain this anger and at the same time to win the workers to defend their empires.

We concluded that the building of the wall between Mexico and the US is a need for the US bosses to generate a nationalist and patriotic ideology among US workers. But this is also happening among Latin American workers who are being pushed into the arms of their rulers and nationalist bosses with the illusion that these will save them.

A comrade commented, “A few days ago, thousands of workers in Mexico took to the streets to protest against the government of Peña Nieto for the Gasolinazo. Now, many people on the social networks are thanking the same Mexican government for defending them against the construction of the wall.”

He said it was a strategy to distract the discontent against the government of Peña Nieto and gain popularity by unifying the masses in favor of nationalism.

“In reality,” commented another comrade, “the bosses want to divide the workers in the US from those in Mexico to maximize their profits and prepare for their third world war. And the billionaire nationalist bosses like Carlos Slim are taking advantage of this situation to declare “the best wall that we must build is that of giving more jobs and taking advantage of the unity of the people with their government; that has never been seen until now.”

Another comrade said, “Of course, Slim wants to imprison the Mexican workers with his wall of wage slavery instead of the wage slavery of the US bosses.”

We commented that we workers have no option under capitalism. Every boss wants to suck the last drop of our blood, no matter whether they are domestic or foreign. We analyzed that nationalism is a deadly trap that blinds the workers and prevents them from seeing who their true executioners are.

We also read the article in Red Flag about the confidence that we must have in the working class, so we don’t opt for false paths or become distracted by the bosses’ smoke screens. We discussed that only we workers from the whole world have the need and the potential to put an end to the hell of capitalism.

“But we have to be more determined in spreading our ideas,” commented a comrade.

We discussed how to work in our workplaces, with friends and relatives. At the end of the meeting, our friend took Red Flag and he left more excited. The bosses have their plans. We have ours. They cannot live without us. We don’t need them.

Now is the time! We are learning from the experiences of our brothers and sisters from the past, and this time we will win once and for all. Let’s build the communist revolution. Death to capitalism!

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