Women’s Marches in the US and Worldwide

Mass Opposition to Trump’s Fascism Opens Door for Communist Mobilization

January 30 –Over four million people marched on January 21 against US President Donald Trump. They marched with home-made signs in cities, small and large, in every US state and 81 other countries. Led by women, the marches also included many men.

When the masses are in motion like this, doors open for communist organizing. In Los Angeles, comrades distributed 2500 copies of Red Flag – all they had brought. Tens of thousands saw communist signs, banners and red flags at our street-corner rally.

In Seattle, thousands took Red Flag, anti-sexism leaflets and anti-racist pamphlets (see page 4). Dozens gave their names to be contacted. In Oakland and San Diego, comrades distributed hundreds of papers – all they had.

We were limited only by the forces we had in action. We need to work harder to mobilize more friends to help do this work.

This is a new situation. It urgently calls for more Red Flag readers to distribute this paper and to join the International Communist Workers’ Party. We are happy to answer any questions you have. Ask any comrade or contact us (see box below).

Fight Fascism with Communist Revolution

“The march was spectacular,” commented a friend. “It helped me see that we are going to keep resisting and fighting until we make a change!”

A Los Angeles MTA bus operator took his regular two copies of Red Flag. “We are in trouble brother,” he told a comrade.

“Over 750,000 people marched in Los Angeles last Saturday,” the comrade replied.

“Well, it will take much more than marching,” declared the operator.

“It will take a communist revolution,” answered our comrade.

“You are right,” said the operator, “but those thousands are not thinking like that.”

“Marching is a beginning. Acting on their aspirations will put them in confrontation with the government. They will see that marches, vigils, electoral campaigns don’t work. They will eventually opt for our communist revolution alternative.”

“Let’s hope so,” he said.

This bus operator and many like him can help get those thousands thinking like communist revolutionaries. Our comrades must be in those marches, vigils, and even electoral campaigns. We must help those activists grasp the possibility and necessity of communism.

ICWP clubs should organize communist rallies. Comrades should take the initiative in bringing our literature and signs to other events. Don’t wait for someone to call you!

Make no mistake: this movement will continue. Protests are already scheduled for the coming weeks and months: Immigrant rights. Health care for all. No Dakota or Keystone pipelines. Even scientists! Trump’s “Muslim ban” has provoked a firestorm of protest.

Democratic Party organizations are working hard to channel this energy into legalism and electoral politics. They promote patriotic “solidarity” in preparation for war. For example, US Rep. Judy Chu’s rally in a mosque featured a man who joined the US army in his native Afghanistan.   Pro-immigrant crowds at the Los Angeles airport chanted “USA, USA.”

Liberal multicultural patriotism is, if anything, even more dangerous than Trump’s racist flag-waving. Masses are beginning to see that Trump’s aggressive fascism goes hand-in-hand with his plans for war (probably with China). Most don’t yet see that capitalist imperialism makes war inevitable. Patriotic all-class unity is a set-up for even more slaughter.

But here too there is an opportunity.   Communists understand the need to organize inside the capitalists’ armies. As the Bolsheviks did a century ago in Russia, we must win rank-and-file soldiers to turn the guns around – this time, for communism.

Similarly, we need to organize inside the bosses’ political “armies.” Our goal is not to win leadership positions in their groups. It’s not to “move them to the left.” It’s not to use them as camouflage, hoping the rulers won’t find us. It’s not to build a “united front” with our class enemies.

Communists need to be in capitalist-led mass organizations to turn them into political battlegrounds and recruit more communists.

Masses in Motion Show Possibility of Communist Society

“Everyone at the Women’s March was so nice and helpful!” Many saw that. But we saw more. We saw the potential for communism, even though these marches were not rooted in the multi-racial industrial working class.

“Imagine what all those people could do if we could organize society instead of just protesting!” a comrade told some students.

Their eyes opened wide. “We could feed everyone, house everyone, clothe everyone….”

In communist society, we will sometimes have to share hardship. In Los Angeles, many marchers encountered long waits in jam-packed streets or train cars. People talked, sang, made the best of it. They were there in a common cause.

Imagine the depth of solidarity and commitment when the mass common cause is a communist world without borders dedicated to meeting everyone’s needs!   We communists do not fear the hard times of fascism and war on the horizon. Even today we can see the bright communist future ahead.   But we need you – every one of you – to make it a reality.

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