“Communism Will End Sexism”

Call for Help with New Pamphlet:

Communism, a society without money or exchange, will fundamentally change the way we produce and distribute goods and services. It will allow us to end borders and hierarchies. Workers worldwide, unified by our communist party, will take control of our collective lives.

But communism will do much more than that. It will also transform our social relationships at every level, in ways that we can only begin to imagine today. It will change the way we see ourselves and others. It will enable us to end sexism along with racism and every other poisonous aspect of class society.

Mobilizing masses of women and men for communism today is the key to ending sexism. That requires ongoing struggle against sexist ideas and practices that stand in our way.

We are developing a new pamphlet that will discuss:

*How communism will create the material basis for ending sexism

*The struggle against sexist ideas, practices and culture now and as we build communism.

*History of the communist struggle against sexism, especially in the early Soviet Union and revolutionary China

*Women as communist leaders and women workers’ leadership in class and anti-racist struggles

*Communism versus feminism

*The origins of sexism in class society: private property, the family, religion and the state

*How capitalism uses sexism to divide the working class, and the relationships between racism and sexism

*Biology is not destiny: class society created the ideas about gender and sexuality that we accept as “natural” but there is nothing “natural” about capitalism!

How you can help:

*Write letters or articles for Red Flag about struggles against sexism on the job, in the schools or elsewhere.

*Write letters with questions you have or points that you think we should include in the pamphlet

*Volunteer to create a collective that will produce a draft of an article for the pamphlet

*Organize a study group to discuss drafts or other articles and write up your discussion

*Contribute photos and other graphics

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