Comrades Step Up and Take Leadership

LOS ANGELES, USA, February 18—A group of comrades, the majority women, participated in distributing 600 Red Flags in the march carried out in downtown Los Angeles in which thousands of workers came to protest against the immigration policies of the US President. The immigrant comrades who joined together for this activity of distributing our literature are from several different countries, showing the internationalism of ICWP.

I have been a member of ICWP for several years and have participated in these types of actions, but this was the first time that I was responsible to lead such an activity. I did so with the conviction that it is necessary to struggle for a communist society free of discrimination because of place of origin, gender, color, or any other reason.

A friend of the party accompanied us for the first time. Her attitude at the beginning of the activity was uncertain, but when we got to the march she was one of the most active, taking pictures for the Red Flag newspaper.

We coordinated in advance all the details to carry out this activity. There were some obstacles due to the rainy weather, so one of the comrades assumed that few would attend this event. But talking with this worker, we convinced him that the workers would respond to the call to march and that this was a great opportunity to distribute Red Flag and make our communist line known to more people. We said we will have to be prepared to face much more difficult situations than this.

We arrived at the march with communist signs and newspapers that were very well received. Some came over to ask for the paper.

One worker to whom we gave the paper asked, “What is this newspaper about?”

I answered, “It’s our international communist newspaper.”

“Ah, that’s what we need,” he responded.

We saw that a contingent of students with their respective teachers joined the march. They were lined up as in a class. We approached them with Red Flag and they all took it.

Another comrade was able to make a contact with a worker. When we gave him Red Flag he started reading it. Then he came to look for us so that we could keep giving him the paper in the future.

Also, a group of ICWP high school students mobilized in the march. They distributed 200 of the 600 newspapers so that more workers would have the opportunity to know communist ideas and organize in the International Communist Workers’ Party. The need to join the fight for a system without borders where no one will be considered illegal and where the workers can go to any place in the world, according to the need.

Participating in this action has allowed me to have more confidence in the comrades to be able to carry out this mission. The participation of more women in the communist struggle is very important. At the same time as this event, another group of comrades from several countries where the party has a presence was meeting to discuss important aspects in the building, organization, and ideology of our International Communist Workers’ Party.

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