Maquila Workers Under Attack Need Communism, Not Reformism

EL SALVADOR—In the first weeks of the year, between the increase in the minimum wage from $0.89 to $1.23 an hour, and the reaction of the bosses, the situation in the factories in the central zone of the country was unstable. Layoffs, stricter schedules, suspension of overtime, and pressure from the supervisors were the ways the bosses responded to this reform. This environment clearly shows the urgency of mobilizing the workers for communism.

We responded to this situation by distributing our newspaper Red Flag and a leaflet about wage slavery and in support of the ICWP club of women and men workers inside the factories. This is part of the work of organizing more workers in struggle for a communist system. Hundreds of workers enthusiastically received our communist leaflet and Red Flag newspaper.

The club inside the factory was awaiting the reactions and comments of the workers about this activity. Members were glad that more men and women workers would receive Red Flag.

“How do the people from Red Flag know so much about our problems?” a woman worker asked a Party comrade.

“They are the communists, the only ones who can help us,” he answered.

The reformist struggle does not defend the working class. It prolongs the agony of living under capitalism. Maquila workers, in the face of all these attacks by the bosses, have shown great interest in our communist line because they can see the difference between fighting for reforms and fighting for communist revolution.

We don’t fight for reforms. We understand that there is no easy way out of the problems that confront the workers and we act accordingly. This is the main difference that the International Communist Workers’ Party has with the reformist movements.

The ICWP organizes the working class worldwide for a society without money, where we will work to produce based on the needs of the people. Our effort must be directed at politically training these workers to organize and share communist ideas in the factories.

We are self-critical that the leaflet that was distributed should have been more specific and made a call for communist organization. It needed to raise the abolition of the wage system, since money is the material base of wage slavery.

This May Day 2017, thousands of men and women workers will march worldwide waving red flags and shouting slogans in favor of the communist system. We invite you to organize in clubs of ICWP and participate in the struggle to establish a system based on the needs of all humanity.

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