US Capitalism: Racist to the Core

Fight for a Communist World to Crush Fascism

August 16ā€” The fight against fascism in the US escalated sharply last weekend with a massive confrontation in Charlottesville, Virginia. This is a pivotal movement.

In the US, as in India and around the world, itā€™s not enough to denounce or ā€œresistā€ fascism. We must mobilize the angry anti-racist masses to crush fascism with communist revolution.

Hundreds of open Nazis, KKK and their fellow-travelers, many carrying arms, descended on Charlottesville from across the US.Ā Ā  Thousands of anti-racists showed up to stop them. Many physically attacked the first Nazis who showed up for their scheduled rally.

Even the cops and the National Guard couldnā€™t save the fascists from the masses. They declared the rally an unlawful assembly. As the fascists retreated, one Nazi rammed his car into the anti-fascist crowd, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer and injuring 19 others.

Masses have marched in solidarity with the Charlottesville anti-fascists across the US and as far away as London.Ā Ā  This movement has grown in numbers and in fury as US President Trump has openly supported the Nazis.

Trump outrageously blamed ā€œmany sidesā€ for the racist violence in Charlottesville.Ā Ā  Liberal politicians, preachers, media and organizers echo this same theme when they call for ā€œnonviolenceā€ in the face of fascism. They want to maintain the capitalist governmentā€™s monopoly on the use of force to suppress the masses. They hope to prevent revolutionary anti-racist action against fascist capitalism.

Amid mass anti-racist fury, Trump was forced to read a speech that said, ā€œThose who spread violence in the name of bigotry strike at the very core of America.ā€ No, they donā€™t! They act on the very values that US capitalism was built on: racist genocide. The White House itself was built by slave labor on land stolen from indigenous people whoā€™d been massacred.

The anti-fascist masses have shown determination, valor and willingness to confront the fascists violently.Ā Ā  But too many are rallying around slogans that call fascism ā€œun-American.ā€Ā Ā  Their demands and direct actions to tear down Confederate statues are misdirected into patriotic attacks on ā€œtraitors.ā€ And the liberal rulers are determined to twist their commitment to multi-racial unity into a willingness to fight in a multi-racial US army (see box at left).

These cynical bosses find it useful to criticize Nazis in order to cover the systemā€™s institutional racism. Letā€™s remember that liberal Obamaā€™s administration deported a record 2.5 million people. Meanwhile, police murdered black and latino workers with impunity. Obama supervised US imperialismā€™s military massacres in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Somalia.

Communism: Workersā€™ Dream, Bossesā€™ Nightmare

The capitalistsā€™ worst nightmare is that workers, soldiers and youth of all ā€œracesā€ will see the need for working-class unity to destroy their racist system and its Nazi shock-troops. They try to divert angry anti-racists from mobilizing for communism. But that is exactly what the masses must do to crush racism and build a system that meets our needs.

Some anti-fascists already understand that ā€“ as a sign in Los Angeles (US) said ā€“ ā€œTrump is the symptom. Capitalism is the disease.ā€ They need to spread the understanding that racism is the life-blood of the capitalist wage system everywhere. Capitalism, in all its forms, needs racism and sexism to terrorize and super-exploit some sectors of the working class, while dividing us so that a handful of exploiters can continue to rule.

Communism will abolish the wage system.Ā Ā  We have to be able to work collectively to produce and share what we need, without bosses or borders. That demands a fight to the end to destroy racism, sexism and xenophobia. It requires an armed revolution to build communist workersā€™ power and a communist society.

Today we must spread Red Flag and build the ICWP in the factories, schools, and the military. We must prepare ourselves and our friends to take on the racists wherever they show up, as the brave anti-fascists did in Virginia. Our aim in every action and conversation must be to mobilize for communism. We must prepare to take power and start to build communist society.

Once communist-led masses take power anywhere, weā€™ll organize workplaces, housing and all of society to break down the walls that divide us. Weā€™ll mobilize masses from the production centers, barracks and neighborhoods as necessary to crush any attempt to organize racism. Weā€™ll use all the cultural and educational means at our disposal to defeat capitalismā€™s ideologies.

Join us!

Build the International Communist Workersā€™ Party!

Only communism can defeat fascism.


Capitalist Crisis and War Create Disarray among Imperialist US Rulers

The dominant wing of US imperialism is having a field day attacking Trump. They see him as an unreliable defender of US imperialismā€™s main interests. But the anti-Trump chorus canā€™t entirely drown out critical disagreements among US ruler s. These include the best place and time to confront an increasingly more powerful Russia and China, and how to rebuild their army.

The material basis of the disarray in Washington is the economic, political and military decline of US imperialism. The US rulers are losing their world empire to their most feared rivals: the Chinese and Russian imperialists. They know they must fight sooner rather than later. The logic of capitalismā€™s competition to the death for maximum profit means that imperialist wars, including world war, are inevitable.

Some capitalists, like Trump, embrace open Nazis. They want to use the racist fascist ā€œwhite powerā€ movement to try to prevent us from rebelling and to terrorize us into conforming to their plans. They hope to win white workers to act against their class interests and attack their black, Latin and immigrant sisters and brothers.

Others capitalists and their politicians pretend to be anti-racist in order to win us to willingly sacrifice, fight and die for their empire.

Wall Streetā€™s mouthpiece Tom Friedman, embedded with US troops in Qatar, declared that ā€œI am a pluralism supremacist.ā€ He continued, ā€œThe very reason America is the supreme power in this region is that the US military can take all of these different [ethnically diverse men and women] and make them into a fist.ā€

Both groups face enormous obstacles. Capitalism worldwide is mired in a deepening economic crisis of over production. This is drastically reducing the standards of living of US workers. The money for waging wars must come from taxing workers and cutting back on services they receive.

This risks working-class rebellion. It intensifies the rulersā€™ need to push racism. It makes them worry about their ability to field a reliable multi-racial army large enough to fight another world war for their profits and empire.

The capitalists had better worry! Young communists organizing inside the bossesā€™ military can and will win soldiers and sailors to fight on the side of the working classā€”for communist revolution.

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