How Much More Proof Do You Need? Profit System Has to Go!

SEATTLE, USA — “My daughter had to flee Florida” because of Hurricane Irma, reported a worker who distributes Red Flag at Boeing. “She is really pissed at the Governor. He issued an order saying, ‘Leave or die!’ Soon Trump tweeted, ‘leave, if possible.’” What kind of plan is that! The government issues orders and you’re on your own. Communism will rely on the masses to make and execute plans for every conceivable scenario of disaster —natural or otherwise.

“But what about the people who just can’t get up and go?” the daughter asked. She had made a list of the poor and the homeless who were left to fend for themselves. Even those with cars and a little money were forced onto highways that immediately became parking lots.

She jokingly asked her father, “What about your people?”

“What do you mean, ‘my people’?” the worker replied.

“You know, seniors!” One in five people in Florida are over 65.

You may know that the Rehabilitation Center of Hollywood Hills (Florida) killed 11 elderly occupants instead of evacuating them to the hospital across the street. Even more would have died if emergency room staff hadn’t run across the street after three patients arrived in critical condition during a two-hour span. The emergency workers found three already dead in their sweltering rooms. The back-up generator wasn’t connected to the air conditioner. Eight more died in the ensuing days.

Wall Street’s Pot of Gold = Seniors’ Nightmare

What you might not know is that over 70% of these nursing homes are owned by big corporations. Increasing numbers are being snapped up by Wall Street hedge funds and equity funds.

This trend accelerated with the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). The drive was originally led by Thomas Scully, a member of the Bush Jr. cabinet and general partner of the private equity firm Welsh, Carson, Anderson and Stowe.

Scully used $50 million from his equity firm to quickly set up NaviHealth to run rehabilitation centers and nursing homes. His rationale? “Somebody is going to do this and make a lot of money.”

Scully preached the profit opportunities to his fellow Wall Street speculators. They listened and older workers died.

As relatives of the elderly became alarmed, the Obama administration enacted the usual toothless regulations. They forbade nursing homes receiving federal funds from requiring arbitration of family complaints. If you had enough money to go up against Wall Street equity firms, you could sue. Even that so-called right was revoked last March.

Communism Will Mobilize Masses to Care for One and All

Regulations and laws can’t rein in the capitalists. They own the government and the courts and use that power to ensure that profits remain in command. Even the lives of the elderly must be sacrificed on the altar of profits.

“If you want this to change,” concluded the Boeing worker, as the extent of the nursing home scandal became apparent, “you have to go to war.” What kind of war? He was clear: a revolution that leads directly to communism. If you can’t rein in the profit motive, you must eliminate money from every aspect of society.

Communist healthcare, like everything else in communism, must rely on masses mobilized for our collective good. Taking care of elderly or sick people will no longer be the sole responsibility of their families. All of society will take part in learning from and caring for them.

Nobody will be considered a burden. Nobody will be left “on their own,” especially in emergency situations.

Mobilizing for communism: that’s a plan!

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