Industrial Workers Bring Communist Ideas to Marchers

Build Strong ICWP Collectives

LOS ANGELES, USA, September 17—ICWP comrades bring communist ideas to march defending young immigrants

LOS ANGELES, USA—Recently ICWP participated with a contingent of 20 people, comrades and friends from our base, in a protest against the attacks on the young beneficiaries of an immigration program (DACA).

Our mission was not to go to support the reformist demands, but to bring communist ideas to the demonstrators through our newspaper Red Flag and to try to make contacts, as well as giving communist speeches and carrying communist signs, denouncing the current state of crisis as a product of capitalism and calling for communism.

We emphasized, perhaps not enough, the need for communist revolution as the only solution to all the social problems like lack of housing, health care and scarce water and basic services for human beings.

But in order to organize a revolution of the magnitude and characteristics as described in our Mobilize the Masses for Communism it is necessary to have a Party that is disciplined, convinced, and committed to carry out the tasks of agitation, organization and politicization.

This is why each member is responsible to be involved in the struggle to participate actively in recruiting new members and always having a broad communist political base in the factory, the neighborhood, and with the family, friends and their friends. We must not isolate ourselves. We must not be a solitary Bolshevik. Everyone, with a little effort and with the conviction that we are doing the right thing, can and should attract more workers and students to our activities.

For the above mentioned activity, the garment club mobilized five people.

Two comrades who work in MTA (public transportation in LA) participated along with a machinist friend, another industrial worker, and a group of four youth, probably future workers, were part of our contingent. All of these people are from our base at MTA, who have participated in one or another activity of ICWP and have remained observers. But we have kept them informed through Red Flag, and participating in social activities with them and their families, with the goal of recruiting them to the Party.

The four youth returned from the march more motivated politically. They are willing to participate in a study group to learn more about communism and how to spread the ideas. They have already invited two other youth, who also want to join the study group. We plan to involve them in activities to distribute our communist literature, whether in an industrial college, where one of them studies, or to distribute the newspaper at a factory so they become steeled in the struggle for communism in the streets.

The two MTA workers went the next Monday to meet with another MTA worker who had promised to go to the march but did not participate. When he saw us he was self-critical and said he felt bad for breaking the club’s collective decision and not marching together with the party. He promised to be more disciplined in the future. He is a black worker, the other two are white and latino. We thought it would have a positive impact to show that workers of different “races” would march united under the red flag of communism and as members of ICWP.

We have to have confidence in our ideas, especially today when people ask themselves, “What on earth is happening?” If we do not give them answers, surely someone will convince them to follow the wrong paths.

Forward, Comrades, the future is ours, if we are bold and we take it in our hands.

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