Report on Earthquake from Comrades in Mexico

September 26ā€”The movement of tectonic plates as a natural process causes earthquakes. In Mexico, on September 7, there was an earthquake which registered 8.2 on the Richter scale, causing more than 40 thousand families in Chiapas and Oaxaca to lose their homes. Another 2.1 million people will be affected. Again on September 19, a 7.1 magnitude earthquake with its epicenter in Axochiapan, Morelos, caused about 300 deaths.

In the face of these events, the capitalists present themselves as ā€œhelpersā€ and ā€œsaviors.ā€ Through the state and the armed forces they want to take advantage of the misfortune.

But workers were already organized and rescuing their class sisters and brothers. They even stopped trucks with aid that were going to the warehouses of the governor of Morelos and opened up the warehouses of the federal government that were full of food and water, to distribute these supplies to those who needed them.

The real thing is that thousands of workers internationally mobilized to help our class brothers and sisters, because the capitalist governments donā€™t care at all about workersā€™ lives.

A young friend of the party commented on his initiative to collect food. He said that they would ask for support from the municipality so they would give them the credibility they need for the people to support them, as well as the permits to carry out the collections. I told him that they themselves have credibility; they donā€™t need the rulersā€™ authorization to do good deeds. The youth should know that their actions are credible and more if they are done to help our working class.

After this talk, he continued organizing his friends. For my part I made a call to the friends of the Party to ask for their cooperation. Several friends responded well, some others helped in the preparation of this article, providing their criticisms. A soldier friend made a valuable contribution, saying that the first draft was very nationalistic. He told me that you shouldnā€™t do the same thing that you criticize.

The solidarity shown in these events is full of joy, showing that the youth and the working class are ready to take leadership and confront the bosses to support their class brothers and sisters. These events show that communist revolution is possible. However, it is urgent to present the political line of the Party. It is not enough to only support or donate. Itā€™s necessary to develop class consciousness with our friends, in our work places, and with the friends of the Party. It is primary to say that we need a society in which each person receives according to their need and gives according to their commitment and ability, a communist society.

We workers canā€™t believe in the ā€œmoral authorityā€ of the rulers and the bosses. We have to take history in our hands and in this misfortune become conscious and organize ourselves in a single Party against the capitalists and their governments. Letā€™s mobilize for communism!! Letā€™s join ICWP!!

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