Workers Who Fight for Health Care Need a Communist Vision

LOS ANGELES March 10— Three hundred workers, patients and doctors rallied today at LA County-USC Medical Center. They protested Trump’s proposal to gut healthcare for the masses while giving the rich big tax breaks.

Many gladly took Red Flag. They were interested to talk about a communist system without money where everyone will get the health care they need. In communism the health and health care of the masses will be one of the main goals of society, not something to be thrown away for the profits of the rich.

AFSCME is the union that organized the rally and press conference. It calls for defending “Obamacare.” But Obamacare left over 28.5 million people in the US without health insurance in 2015. It doesn’t cover undocumented immigrants.

Co-payments and health insurance costs are rising. Many plans have already cut out services. This will only get worse with “Trumpcare.” More workers will die.

AFSCME, Bernie Sanders and others say “single payer” is the solution. The government, not insurance companies, would pay for a minimal level of health care for all.

England and other countries already have “single payer.” There, the masses of workers, unemployed and the elderly effectively have rationed care. The rich get much more complete health care by buying private insurance or paying cash.

Capitalist health care is racist and sexist and generally anti-worker. Black, latino/a, immigrant and women workers in the US generally get worse healthcare while that of all workers is under attack.

The capitalist profit system cannot and will not provide the healthcare that workers need. Workers’ deteriorating health and health care are part of capitalism’s attack on workers’ lives.

This is due to their drive for profits amidst a crisis of overproduction and their need to prepare for more wars, including world war. For US imperialism, a declining world power, workers and our health are always expendable – and even more so now.

To guarantee the masses’ health and health care we need communist revolution and a communist society. Masses will be mobilized to produce for workers’ needs without money or profits.

We’ll get rid of the dangerous chemicals that pollute our air, food and water. We’ll end the stress of capitalist wage slavery. No resource will be spared to care for the sick and injured and to prevent disease.

Communist society will combine “mental” and “manual” labor. In China during the Cultural Revolution, doctors, nurses, janitors, patients and their families all participated in health teams to understand, diagnose and treat patients.

A fully communist society will go further. Even the most skilled and knowledgeable (like today’s doctors) will clean bed pans. Everyone involved in patient care will learn the theory and practice of caring for the sick.

Health and the science of health care will become mass questions, not the property of a few. Collectivity and communist social relations will guarantee this.

Does this prospect inspire you? Then join us!

Posted 3/17/2017

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