Youth Mobilize Workers for Communism

SOUTH AFRICA — The youth collective of the International Communist Workers’ Party (ICWP) here has been going to factories, to universities to talk to the workers, convincing them to join ICWP, to embrace communism as the only tool that can free the working class from the ravages of capitalism.
We recently visited a steel factory. We managed to meet with the workers for thirty minutes for their lunchtime. We invited them for the May Day. We told them about ICWP, what we do, who we are, and how we can benefit the workers as a whole.
Before our meeting, the workers held their own meeting. As we listened to their grievances, we compared their situation with any workers around the world, also betrayed by their unions.
The guy who is supposed to “represent” the workers was nowhere to be found. The workers are trying to reach him. No one can find him. At the same time, this guy has been hired by management supposedly to negotiate for the workers against management!!
We shared with the workers that this situation has been riddled with corruption from the start. Clearly the workers were not meant to benefit. The people who were meant to benefit are the ones who are now running away from the workers.
The steel industry around the world has been losing jobs because of the crisis of overproduction, which is caused by capitalist competition.
In order for the capitalists to get more profits they are waging a campaign to radically exploit the working class. The workers complained about their difficult living conditions. They have worked there for over eleven years, but they are still not permanent. We hope to see some of these workers coming to May Day.
Workers came in numbers to listen and welcome us. The short message emphasizing our line was quickly picked up. One worker congratulated a comrade on the work done by the young lions. Other workers who heard about this but could not make it wanted to know more as well. This will help in the long run.
“I am cutting steel like hell. I’m cutting the bosses and their lackeys into pieces. The meeting has galvanized the workers,” said a factory worker.
We are struggling against ideological challenges. For example, one guy said, “If I don’t get any benefit, I don’t have any reason to join ICWP.”
People have nothing and they are looking for anything that can bring food to the table. We explained as best we could that the solution should not be narrow or individualistic. Our solution is for the whole working class to the whole problem: capitalism. Some think that if they are getting paid, their problems will go away. But this is not the case. As long as there is exploitation and brutality, their problems will continue.
Another challenge is religion, which is a tool the capitalists use to suppress the working class to keep themselves dominant. Some people have the outlook that it’s ok for me to suffer in this life because religion promises another life where there is no anger, exploitation, suffering, poverty. But if you can get this in this life, which is what ICWP fights for, why not get it now, instead of waiting for something that you don’t know will actually happen?
We face the challenge of waging this ideological struggle to win the masses to communism. They need to know that nothing will change if you are on your own. You need a mass party. You need a collective. If you are in a collective, you are not on your own. You have a way of exploring another idea. It’s not easy, but you have a way to achieve it. You can make the lives of some of our class brothers and sisters a little bit better as we fight for communism.
Another obstacle we are experiencing is our own understanding of communism. We need to constantly struggle with each other to consistently have collective meetings. These meetings have given us confidence to talk to people about communism with the clear understanding that we know what communism is.
When we talk to people, it’s easy because it’s something that you know, that you are living. It’s not just theoretical. It’s something that you practice, so it’s easy for people to relate to you.
We are making slow but steady progress. If we are consistent about our work and meetings, that will help us grow as better communists and also be better representatives of the working class, of ICWP.
The interest of the workers is in top gear, thanks to the young lions. Viva ICWP Viva!!

Published 3/17/2017
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