For a Communist World Without Borders

Put our future in the hands of the communist working class, not in the bosses’ law

LOS ANGELES (USA)—In a recent meeting of immigrant workers, comrades and friends of ICWP, we discussed the need to fight for communism to be able to destroy borders and stop deportations. The main questions were: How do we present our vision of communism to the masses in times of fascist attacks like the present? How do we organize communist class struggle in the face of these attacks?

Obama deported over 2.5 million people with little publicity. In contrast, the US capitalists are using Trump to unleash a reign of terror among the immigrant community with aggressive publicity about deportations, invasions of homes, and jailing. This reign of terror is designed to present immigrants as victims of Trump’s fascism and to drive them and their supporters into the arms of the liberal bosses for protection.

That’s why liberal politicians have passed laws declaring many cities to be “sanctuary cities.” And church and community organizations are telling immigrants that the law will help us, that everything is a question of taking a couple of steps, like not opening the doors, not giving any information when being arrested, and having the phone numbers of lawyers at all times. This is a dangerous illusion. We must not allow it to take us passively to deportation.

The federal government is carrying out raids, arrests, imprisonment and deportations using laws that have been passed by all previous administrations, Democratic and Republican.

The community organizations, no matter how honest they are, work within the framework of the law. They seek a more benevolent capitalism. The bosses use their State power to create this terror: their courts, immigration police (Migra or ICE), other police and laws. At the same time they try to disarm the working class politically.

Deportations are part of the attack on the working class created by the capitalist crisis and increasing exploitation worldwide.   The entire working class urgently needs to end deportations, destroy the borders and Migra terror. To do this we must build the ICWP to lead a communist revolution. We must destroy the capitalists’ state and build a communist society where workers collectively take charge.

We must not be afraid. We must confront the Migra and its racist laws with the plan of mobilizing for a communist society without borders.

We men and women workers must have our own plan of struggle. We must spread our communist ideas through this newspaper Red Flag. We must build ICWP in the factories, schools and neighborhoods, turning them into centers of communist struggle. We must encourage many workers and students to become communist leaders. We must build multi-racial unity to mobilize the masses for a communist society while confronting the bosses’ racist attacks.

We can create communist consciousness among the youth. When there is a raid in a factory, the students should leave school and go to that factory or shop proposing a communist world without borders, without exploitation. Many of these youths are our own children.

During the 1970s and 1980s there were many confrontations against the Migra in the factories and streets in Los Angeles. These inspired masses of workers to stand up to racist attacks. The bosses retreated from their factory raids. But their deportations continued and increased.

Today a militant, communist, working class response will give confidence to the workers. It will be a step to massive support among black, white, asian, latino/a, immigrant and citizen workers to fight for a communist world without borders and exploitation.

Getting involved in these struggles, and helping organize them, will help us sharpen mass understanding of the need to fight for and end to capitalism’s racist divisions, borders and nations. In actions, meetings and discussions, we must present our communist vision of what a world without borders or nations will be like.

In a communist society without borders all workers will contribute according to their commitment and receive according to their need. No one will have to leave their family to look for a job for survival, much less live with the uncertainty of being deported. Everyone will be welcome everywhere to help produce and distribute everything we workers need

For this we need to build a mass Party of millions. There is no short cut. In street fights and factory struggles, the working class will become steeled. These will be the dress rehearsals and preparations for communist revolution.

This May Day we must go out and demonstrate massively together with the ICWP contingent and raise high the red flags of communism.

Pasadena, Ca., USA Black Students stand in support of undocumented fellow students

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